Monday, 20 January 2014

What a fantastic contribution Muslims make to our country!

On 1 December 2009, David Cameron said this at the Conservative Muslim Forum Eid Party:
"It's not enough, as I've said many times, for a party like the Conservatives to open the door, and say 'come on in,' if all you see is a sea of white Christian faces. 
You need to see people from your own communities getting to the top of the army, getting to the top of the legal profession, getting to the top of business and, yes, getting to the top of the Conservative party and politics too.

So the truth is that, if we are going to build that strong, vibrant and inclusive society, we need... many more Muslim men and women at the top of British businesses. Many more Muslim soldiers in the highest level of command. And, of course, more Muslims in our parliament. So there's not just one Muslim in the cabinet, and one in the shadow cabinet, but British Muslims all across government in positions of leadership and authority."

On 22 October 2013, Cameron invited various Islamic worthies to celebrate the festival of Eid with him at Downing Street.

During this event, he said this:
“We want to say what a fantastic contribution Muslims make to our country. Of course we want to celebrate everything that the Muslim community here in Britain is and does…

An event like this helps us… to make sure we’re doing everything we can as a country to be as welcoming as possible to people of different faiths and different religions. And obviously, we have still great challenges in Britain to make sure we are as open and welcoming and as friendly as we can be. We still have a huge battle fighting prejudice in our country, and I think perhaps particularly Islamophobia, people telling lies about your religion, is one that we have to face up to particularly strongly in our country… Welcoming people to our country of all faiths is something that has to go across every single part of life…

One of the things I’m very keen that we do, with the World Islamic Economic Forum coming up in just a few days’ time, is I want Britain to be one of the world centres of Islamic finance…

After we’ve celebrated the immense contribution of the Muslim community to Britain… after we’ve celebrated what faith brings to our country, after we’ve thought about what more we can do to make people welcome in our own country, is also think, as a country, what we do to help others overseas. And in that context, I’m proud of the fact that, even in spite of difficult economic times, this country is one of the few countries in the world that has kept its promises on aid and development, meeting that 0.7% target of our gross national income.

Now, a lot of that money goes to some of the most challenged Islamic countries in our world, countries like Afghanistan… countries like Pakistan… Countries like Somalia…

So, a very warm welcome to Number 10. Tonight is about celebrating the contribution that British Muslims make to our country. It is a huge contribution. It’s one I’m happy to celebrate here… I have huge respect for everything you do.”
Everything they do, Dave?

Everything, as in Lee Rigby, the 2005 tube and bus bombings, hate preaching, waving placards suggesting that those who insult Islam be beheaded, the practice of Sharia law, filling our country with unwanted mosques, genital mutilation, honour killing and playing the paedo with our little girls?

Everything, Dave?

Treason. It's not difficult to spot these days, is it?


  1. Treason is still a crime. Many of our Prime Ministers seem to have committed it, so how are they still free.

  2. In modern "democracies," as long as the sheeple keep on voting for those who despise them, I seriously doubt that anything will remove the bad guys outside of full on civil war. Our traitorous PMs will remain at liberty as long as they and their sponsors rule the Global Village that they, themselves, created.
