Monday, 20 January 2014

Two and a half centuries making slaves of us all

The former Canadian Minister of Defence, Paul Hellyer, said this in an interview with Apollo Star Network at the ‘Open Minds’ International UFO Congress in February 2012:
"We're wrecking the planet, we're doing it at a very fast pace and we're going to have to stop wrecking it and that means huge changes… (It’s) too late for more off shore drilling, too late for more projects in the oil sands, too late late for more huge, noisy windmill farms, all of this stuff…

It was told to me that they had developed both zero point energy and cold fusion and either one of these or both could be used to change the world by getting off fossil fuels, in as, in my opinion, as short a period as ten years…

We have to mobilise as if there it was a mobililisation for our own survival, which, in fact, in many ways, it is…

The other big thing is that we have to change the world banking system… and the time has come for us to say, 'hey, enough is enough after two and a half centuries or whatever of putting us in debt this way and making slaves of us all...

Balance our budgets and get our economies back up to scratch, employ the unemployed people and then do this tremendous job that has to be done of converting from an oil economy into a clean energy economy.”

What follows was said at the previous UFO Congress on 26 February 2011:
“The world financial system is a total fraud. It is one gargantuan Ponzi scheme, no better than the one Bernie Madoff used to swindle his friends and neighbours, and thousands of times worse if you add up the total number of victims it has ripped off over countless generations. The principal difference between the two schemes is that Madoff was acting outside the law while the international banking cartel has persuaded generation after generation of monarchs, presidents and prime ministers to provide legislative protection for their larceny.”

“In the early days of the 20th century, federal chartered U.S. banks were required to keep gold reserves of 25 percent. That means they were allowed to lend the same money four times… Today, thanks to Milton Friedman’s irrational flip-flop from being a proponent of 100% cash reserves to the opposite extreme of zero reserves, and the adoption of his ideas by the major central banks of the world in 1974, multiples have increased dramatically, in some cases to as much as 20-to-1 or more…
Governments… own the right to print money but have irresponsibly handed the right over to an elite group of private bankers… A government that is in danger of defaulting, will be forced to borrow from the International Monetary Fund, which will then tell that government howto run its affairs including cutting back on services and selling off public assets to the international vulture capitalists. In reality, then, the banks have turned the world into one humongous pawn shop…

 Not surprisingly, there have been 25 recessions and depressions in the United States since 1890. In several cases, including the Great Depression of the 1930s and the current Great Recession, the evidence indicates that the meltdown was anticipated by a few insiders who helped trigger the catastrophe.
In the wake of the Great Depression, the U.S. Senate Banking and Currency Committee Report that became widely known as the Pecora Report on the Practices of Stock Exchanges, indicated that there were insiders who benefited from the crash. ‘Legal chicanery and pitch darkness were the banker’s stoutest allies,’ Pecora wrote in his memoir.

Similar allegations were evident in Charles Ferguson damning documentary ‘Inside Job,’ relating to the 2007-2008 meltdown. These reports, and other historical evidence prove beyond any doubt that much of Wall Street is rotten to the core. It has become one gigantic millstone around the neck of both the American and world economies.

The collateral damage from the recent meltdown has been staggering. The U.S. Bureau of Labor estimated that 8.4 million jobs were lost in the U.S. alone. Most countries experienced similar dramatic losses. The reduction in asset values worldwide has been estimated at $20 trillion U.S. dollars, yet not a single one of the culprits is in jail…

It boggles the mind that a system so vulnerable to manipulation would ever have come into existence in the first place. The evolution did not happen by accident. It was not guided by the mythical invisible hand of Adam Smith. On the contrary, for more than a century-and-a-half, it was engineered by the barely visible hand of the Rothschild family and its allies, and since World War II by the Rockefeller family. The two dynasties combined forces to exercise influence on many fronts sheltered by the cloak of secrecy established by the Bilderberg Group... The long term influence of the banking cartel is incalculable.

Their biggest coup was the establishment of the Federal Reserve System in the United States. The big New York banks really didn’t like the idea of genuine competition, so a small group held a secret meeting at the private resort of J.P. Morgan on Jekyll Island, off the coast of Georgia. Their scheme, devised by Paul M. Warburg, and subsequently adopted by Congress, is a legal private monopoly of the U.S. money supply operated for the benefit of the few under the guise of protecting and promoting the public interest…

Congress transferred its sovereign constitutional right to create money to the sole custody of a group of private bankers. The magnitude of the hoist is unprecedented in the history of the world…

President Woodrow Wilson, just three years after passage of the Act, wrote: ‘A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit… The growth of the nation, therefore,and all our activities are in the hands of a few men... We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world.’

But the bill was not repealed; almost 100 years later the sell-out is still the law…

In the latest meltdown of 2007-2008, the Fed acted quickly to prevent the Ponzi pyramid from collapsing completely. It printed trillions of dollars to bail out the banks and a few industries that were highly indebted to banks.

But what did the Fed do for the taxpayers whose money was so wildly diluted to save the banks? Nothing! They were left to fend for themselves. Millions of people lost their jobs, their farms, their houses, their hopes, and their dignity as a result of circumstances beyond their control. The taxpayers bailed out the banks, but got nothing in return…

A just and peaceful world is not possible when it is riddled with graft, fraud and corruption of all kinds. Greed is king and mammon rules the world…

On the 11th day of September 2001, following the attacks on the World Trade Center, the United States enjoyed the sympathy of the world, including Arab states and populations. The threat from al-Qaeda was limited and quite within the potential of police and intelligence operations to cope with. The situation changed dramatically with the launch of a war on Iraq. The goodwill began to evaporate overnight. Soon, instead of a few dozens insurgents the numbers of young Muslims willing to die for their cause multiplied to thousands and a great chasm of hate and mistrust enveloped much of the world.

The U.S. has consistently refused to be even-handed in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, and the Israelis deceive themselves, and the world, when they claim to be the victims. For a long while peace has been within their grasp if they could have agreed to a just settlement, and establishment of a vibrant Palestinian state. But a handful of fundamentalists have always succeeded in disrupting the peace process… Meanwhile the peace and stability of the world remains in jeopardy…

Wall Street has been the dominant power in the U.S. for decades, and still is. Add to that the fact that… the President of the United States, does not have the security clearance for a number of projects controlled by troops under his command, and you have to conclude that the U.S. is not really a democracy. The same can be said about Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany and myriad countries that are really puppets of the International Financial System. In each case the real interests of citizen voters is subjugated to the demands of international finance…

We must unite to preserve and enhance the beautiful satellite that is our birthright. The first and most urgent project is to clip the wings of the bankers… In the U.S. the Federal Reserve System must be abolished… None of this vision of a just and peaceful world will be possible unless the all-pervasive power of the international banks has been broken…

There have been skirmishes for centuries and, so far, the banks have always come out on top. They are now taking advantage of the recent meltdown and the resulting sovereign debt crisis to line up their heavy artillery including the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Federal Reserve System and the Bank for International Settlements for a final conclusive battle.

As always the aim of the game is to rob the people of the world of their sovereign right to govern their own affairs, and to entrench the power of the international banks, their elite industrial allies and a small cabal of military insiders who run the world as their private fiefdom. The word ’unjust’ is too small a word by far to describe what they are up to…

Now, for the first time, the power exists to turn the tables and go for the jugular. The internet is providing power to the people that they have never enjoyed before. The young people of the world, in concert with the thousands of their parents and others who care about the state of the world can use the power of social networking to effect a miracle on their own behalf and that of succeeding generations.”
I'm not wholly convinced by the UFO stuff (which is commented on in the second, third and fourth videos) but the rest of it, particularly the financial stuff, is spot on.

It's not that usual, ladies and gents, for an elite type to break ranks and spill the beans as Paul Hellyer does. Every time it happens, we get a little closer to winning back the world from the bad guys.

Fair play to that top table truth-teller, say I.

Of the financiers cited above, Bernie Madoff, Paul Waburg, Milton Friedman and the Rothschilds are/were Jewish. The Rockefellers are thought by many to be crypto-Jewish (secret Jews).

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