"A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious but it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable...
The traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself...
He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.” (Cicero)
"There is an official agenda to replace the human race with robots, cyborgs and AI.
This agenda is being heavily promoted by the World Economic Forum. Their plan is to end the era of humanity and usher in a new era of neo-humanity, in which people are a mix of man and machine."
"Our thoughts and emotions will be monitored by AI in order to combat climate change? Is that the world you want for yourself and your children?"
Former undercover cop, Robert Sole, treats us to this startling admission during the course of this interview:
“I was undercover 17 years. NO criminal syndicate gives a fuck whether you make it or not across that channel. Because we've had your money! You've paid up front... They will not be forking out on shiny new lifejackets for every boat person on that boat! And that's what's happening now!
Every person coming over this channel now, on those boats, is wearing a Department of Trade-issued life jacket! And that's A GOVERNMENT STIPULATION, it's not a people-smugger stipulation... I was involved in smuggling people and drugs across the channel by boat and lorry and, with the way it's being portrayed at the moment, it's not right.
Those people are not being smuggled by criminal gangs, THEY'RE BEING SMUGGLED BY GOVERNMENTS!”
"OK, this information has been given to me by a person I've known for six months and he's proven to be highly credible in the past... He's got uh information from an actual chemtrail geoengineering engineered aerosol pilot who is inside these programs, so this is new information...
I'm just going to read the posts that that record his contact with this pilot... This pilot is saying that he flies chemtrail flights. This pilot told my cousin that this Global GE engineering effort goes by the name of quote 'INDIGO SKYFOLD' unquote, at least within the circle of pilots and Aviation Crews that he works with. They are told to fly specific routes, and satellite comm links control the aerosol dispersal patterns. He says that they only make course corrections from time to time, and perform Landings and takeoffs, pilot navigation, and maintenance crews are rotated constantly and only spend about 18 months at one given base.
He states that this is to keep pilots and their families from making too many friends and ending up with loose lips. Plus they also rotate between day and night flights, one base for daytime flights and one for night.
Each base covers a 250 mile zone and each fleet/squadron of planes cover three states, or an even larger swathe of ocean. They are told to simply do their job and shut the fuck up. Their superiors will only tell them it's a matter of national security and quote:
'Without these flights our enemy's newest technological weapons of war could easily penetrate America's airspace at will! We are dedicated and committed to keeping our allies safe from the same Skyward threats, so we
extend the arm of protection to those countries who support our efforts.
Hostile nations are also building atmospheric shields while... trying to explore weaknesses in our ever developing air and space-based technologies.' End quote.
Sounds more like a PR statement to me. I think this pilot either believes what he has been told or he is simply trying to sugarcoat their genocide project.
'December 8th 2014: My firewall detected multiple intrusion attempts when I googled the Indigo Skyfold code... Zero information found on the internet for this operation. That is unique...
Several of us have considered bucking the ranks and going AWOL from time to time. We are kept in the dark when it comes to getting honest answers about what we are really spraying. Should they discover that we, or our families, are actively inquiring about your so-called chemtrails term, then automatic and swift
disciplinary action will be taken. HAARP and radar are two other non-allowed research subjects...
We cannot educate ourselves or our children through any public tutoring system. I would not intentionally spray my children pr family with toxic erosols but, as you must know, 80% or better do not have any family or children.
Indigo Pilots are chosen from the top ranks within the Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard. Most of the pilots are, quote: 'hardened to humanity', unquote; and
could care less about killing off unwanted or leeching aspects of America and the world. I swear to you the majority of the pilots are like machines! I call them 'tanker Terminators.'
I should not be telling you this but nearly one third of all flights are being orchestrated from small, unnamed islands where newly constructed bases are being built at a rate of 8 per year on these extremely remote Islands...
There are HAARP arrays of every possible design, with many arrays surrounding these islands. Within the depths of the ocean itself the Navy has developed
sophisticated underwater construction technology that allows fully autonomous robot submersibles to travel great distances and even manufacture parts for these
massive underwater arrays...
We are shown videos in our training of catastrophic destruction to our homeland by very sophisticated weapons, then told that these will be the consequences if we don't fly. Our efforts in building a defensive atmospheric weapon shield are the only missions of its kind in the world.
We are paid more than any other pilot for our service, other than Air Force One pilots, who make as much or more, and are kept in a dark secret world for their own protection. They tell us that secrecy is protection and not to listen to any public rhetoric.
We all know about cyber program flash point, or fp-3 as it is known within the veteran community. This program is a self-destruct sequence that can be
remotely activated from any groundwater, underwater-based or other air mobile unit. The signal is encrypted through three satellites and cannot be jammed or
blocked. At any given moment you could have only 15 seconds to make your peace with your God!
They tell us that FP exists to keep planes from accidentally going down in heavy heavily populated areas. They can remotely detonate our planes over safe
zones. But, in the back of our minds, we are pretty sure this is a failsafe program to keep pilots from turning over assets to any public, private or civilian
I'm sure we risk our lives in more ways than one every single time we fly, especially night flights. They are ordering us to fly at lower and lower altitudes. We feel like massive. dark force, Empire crop dusters and know that, one night, Bubba or Billy Joe will fire their long rifles at us when we spray their moonshine-making operation or pass over an illegal Mary Jane crop.
I know for a fact that some planes have been shot at and subsequently brought down by mostly Russian, Chinese and Korean weaponry but the media will never cover these events as they are not allowed to report on our flights either...
I risk everything for disclosing so much information. You will find very few like me, even my own flight crew would have me arrested and court marshalled if
they knew of this dialogue'...
He wanted me to stress that he believes that the focus of their flights will be moved to areas east of California and Texas in order to progress the drought further into the heartland. Plus he feels that a very new, extremely toxic chemtrail mix is going to be sprayed using new technology, that makes these special chemtrails completely invisible...
I've known the source for over a year, and I have POST confirmation of most of the things he's told me, IN ADVANCE. Also, IF THIS WAS DISINFO, the last message from the pilot would be 'after Jan 20, 2015, they are shutting down the program'. Instead, he says the opposite: 'a very new 'extremely toxic' chemtrail mix, is going to be sprayed. Using new technology, that makes these special chemtrails, completely invisible.'
That is not how disinfo works. The last communication was the opportunity to calm the herd, instead, it is a call to action.
If you have a geiger counter, with an alpha/beta probe, please test the aerosol fallout. The best way to test the aerosols, is to wipe your car hood, and windshield, with a clean paper towel, after a dry period of heavy spraying. Then, test the towel for alpha and beta radiation. This is especially important in California, which has no natural radon sources upwind."
The information cited above, be it actual, exaggerated or fantasy, will, I'm sure, surprise very few.
The bad guys are capable of anything. No horror is beyond them. This testimony may not be entirely accurate but hey... why ARE they spraying us? To block out the sun, 'cos 'Global Warming?' Yeah right.
"We betrayed the public. We broke their trust... We were quickly shutting down one side of the debate...
We branded the doctors and the experts the CBC chose, that we used in our stories, we branded them as competent and trustworthy, and those who questioned and challenged the narrative were portrayed as dangerous and spreading disinformation. That was regardless of what their specialty was, what their background was and what their experience was...
I had people calling me with stories, so I was seeing and I was hearing and I was absorbing all their stories of suffering and pain and they were sharing them with me. And THESE STORIES WEREN'T BEING TOLD! Some of those were from the vaccine injured, some were from people who had lost their job because of their
vaccination status. Those whose families had been blown apart and they'd been ostracized. University students who were depressed over repeated lockdowns and
mandates, and parents who were calling me. They were agonizing on whether they should vaccinate their child or not.
So all these stories were sitting inside of me, they were left with me and and I felt the crushing burden and the weight of their their truth not being given a
voice. And it affected my wellbeing because these people trusted me and I felt I had failed them, and I had let them down. It was like I I had failed these people as a journalist, to give voice to their truth.
So I had witnessed, in a very short time, the collapse of journalism, news gathering, investigative reporting. And the way I saw it is that we were, in fact, pushing propaganda.
And to define propaganda, it's information, ideas, opinions or images that give one part of an argument, which are broadcast, published, in order to influence the person's opinion. And mental health workers have their own definition of propaganda, as manipulative persuasion in the service of an agenda."
A little late to the party but, nevertheless, nice one, Marianne.
Young lad speaks out powerfully on what is happening in our schools!
“In schools, they're pressuring us to learn about Islam and learn about people that are coming over. I don't want to learn about that.
I want to learn about my culture and my beliefs, and I'm proud to be English.”
Dr. Shentani tells us that Ivermectin kills cancer!
No wonder THEY banned it!
Englishman expresses his dislike of politicians!
"That's what politicians have done to us - They're utter bastards!"
Norwegian journalist, Rebecca Mistereggen, @RMistereggen posted this video at X/Twitter on 27 August 2024.
In it she tells us that Norway's media had said, 'something was written on the church' and then showed 'a censored picture' of the writing. i.e. They ensured that we didn't find out what had been written. Apparently, Norwegian MSM wouldn't allow us to see what was written 'because it might cause xenophobia.'
Well, Rebecca found out what it said.
Here's the tweet I introduced commenting on Rebecca's video:
The government maintains and pays for a permanent stock of 5,000 EMPTY hotel rooms so all illegal immigrants can be housed upon arrival!
The MPs in the select committee who, apparently, are hearing this for the first time, are clearly astounded.
As, I'm sure, are most of us.
The globalists ruling our world are insane. Or truly evil. Or both.
Whatever, THEY seem intent on destroying our world. And, in the end, replacing us.
The foreigners of fighting age currently overwhelming our hotel system may well be called upon to accelerate this process.
Excuse what you might view as pomposity, but I have a history of being somewhare near right about these things.
In this video, pre-eminent political scientist, John Mearsheimer, says this:
"The European Zionists who laid the foundations of Israel knew they would have to ethnically cleanse Palestine, they knew they would have to do terrible things. The record shows this very clearly".
“One of the biggest lies is that cows are killing the planet.”
In 2016, Muslim WPC, Javaria Saeed, blew the whistle on the Metropolitan police kowtowing to Islamic extremism within the force.
She was told to get on her knees and beg God for forgiveness! She said Islamist officers did not want female genital mutilisation (FGM) criminalised!
She was told by her line manager and Professional Standards that, if she made a complaint, it would impact her career progression and the Muslim community would turn against her!
Then, when she met with the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Bernard Hogan-Howe, he told her that he had similar concerns!
Despite which, nothing was done...
Of course it wasn't!
Sheikh Zakaullah Saleem, the Imam of Green Lane Mosque in Birmingham, tells us how to stone a woman!
Hey, Two Tier Keir! @Keir_Starmer Is it OK if I tell folks that Sheikh Zakaullah Saleem, the Imam of Green Lane Mosque in Birmingham, is happy to show the true believer how to stone a woman?
And how outraged Britons might tell him off?
I don't want to incite what you, and people like you, might term 'racial hatred,' you see. But, if you don't give me permission to tell people about this chap, it's giving him, and those who believe he has a hotline to Muhammad and Allah, the green light to stone women, isn't it?
Ah, well, no matter what you might accuse me of, I'm afraid my love of, and duty towards, womankind necessitates my posting the necessary details below...
Green Lane Masjid and Community Centre
20 Green Lane
Small Heath
B9 5DB
Phone: 0121 713 0080
Email: info@greenlanemasjid.org
Thanking you for your attention and, hopefully, your own affection and dutiful feelings for womankind. 🙂
Sometime in 2023 a video appeared at X (Twitter), featuring @imamofpeace, who, as you might imagine, is a Muslim.
In the video, the Imam says:
“We do have problems… but the broader picture, Islam is very successful, is growing very fast and we’re doing very well…
I say you’re in the crisis. You went to the Muslim countries and you imported the garbage that the Muslim countries wanted to put in prison or isolate away from society! You went and you imported them! Why? For cheap labour! But these Islamic extremists, they don’t want to work, they want free welfare. They want to marry French women, blonde hair, blue eyes! They don't have time to work.
So look at Poland, they don't complain of Islamic extremism. Not a single terrorist attack in Poland. The moment they sense there is a problem they crack down on it. Polish policy, beautiful! The French, no...
The ideology is filth, to begin with! When you import that, or you allow it in, or you amplify it, or you glorify it in any way, you make your bed, sleep in it... The question is, Tina, did these extremists become stronger, or did the West become weaker? I say it's both.”
Now, if we'd said that, what do you think Starmer and co. would do?
They'd be falling over themselves to see us behind bars, wouldn't they? 'For stirring up racial hatred!'
Anyone out there think the Imam will be on his way to jail anytime soon?
It ain't going to happen, folks.
Two-Tier Kier will see to that.
"We are a people that has been kicked out of every place we've ever lived for 2000 years! Every single place."
Thus did Jewish Congressman, Randy Fine, tell an absolute and irrefutable truth on this occasion. No other race, tribe, or people comes close to the Jews when it comes to expulsions.
Was it because they were poor, cringing, harmless little people who never did anybody any harm and thus were easy to pick on?
Was it because some were jealous of their financial success?
Once in a while, perhaps.
In the overwhelming majority of cases, however, the reason was very simple. It was because of their behaviour. Their behaviour would become, over time, simply intolerable to the non-Jewish majority. Every single time in 'every single place.' Kicked out over a thousand times from over a hundred separate countries. Because of the terrible way many of them behaved towards those who had given them sanctuary.
Actually, what I just said there is inaccurate. Given their appalling track record, the majority of the people would never have allowed them in in the first place, if they'd had a choice in the matter. It was the rulers of the 109 'separate countries' who let them enter.
Why would they do so? Because the rulers profited from their presence. Whatever the Jews were able to accrue from their dodgy dealings, the rulers would get their share. They would also benefit from Jewish intelligence. i.e. Spy networks. The Jews were seeded everywhere and could inform those who were currently hosting them of the situation in other realms.
Of course, when it looked like the people were about to rebel, because the presence of the Jews had become too much of a burden, the rulers could always send them packing.
Which would not only diffuse the rebellion but would gain them ultimate kudos with their unsophisticated subordinates.
Thus would the elite be secure in their governance for another hundred years or so.
On 22 May 2024, Fine tweeted thus:
"In Florida, if you support Muslim terror, you will be treated like a Muslim terrorist. Next session, I will introduce legislation that adds any country that recognizes Palestine to Florida's list of scrutized countries, with severe limitations on entities from those countries doing business with and in Florida. Spain, Ireland, and Norway will join Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and Syria, among others, on that list. Govern yourselves accordingly."
I wonder if the Palestinians would remove the Fine type folks from their world if they could?
Actually, I don't wonder at all.
Patrick Bet-David interviewed Dan Bilzerian on 16 August 2024.
During the interview Dan said these things:
"Israel is bad for America. Netanyahu is a convicted war criminal and Israel is not our ally! We fought way too many wars for Israel and we certainly don't need to give them any more money... Everything they put out is literally propaganda...
I know that they're a parasite, like they provide the US absolutely no value. They've done so many things that you know would constitute, you know, an act of war against us. I mean USS Liberty, Lavon Affair, I could go on and on and on and on and on... I think they knew about 911, I think they had JFK assassinated. The first thing that he wanted to do, you know, right before he died, was, you know, make AIPAC a foreign entity and not allow them to have nukes, and then, all of a sudden, this guy's dead, and Jack Ruby, who was Jack Rubenstein...
Netanyahu lied to us about weapons of mass destruction we fought all these wars. My friends have died over there... I just look at what they provided us with and it's... like a negative... They've actually done things to hurt us over and over and over again, so like this whole thing of they're our greatest allies is just complete bullshit... And every politician is a little APAC handler walking around telling them what to say and how to vote...
The system is broken... Our politicians have far more allegiance to Israel than they do to the United States. Israel has committed, you know, so many terrorist attacks. They're stealing land right now, they're operating apartheid they're currently committing a genocide on Palestinians...
I don't know how you claim you have the best intelligence in the world and you didn't know that on October 7th they're attacking... They wanted a reason to take the land totally, and they killed their own citizens, and they claimed that all these people got raped... They claimed beheaded babies...
Everything that they said... not only was it a lie but they committed all those atrocities themselves, to the Palestinians, and been caught doing it. In fact, they just got caught gang raping Palestinians..
How many babies have they killed? All the things that they accuse the Palestinians of, or Hamas of, or whatever, they're guilty of hundredfold themselves... October 7th wasn't the start of this... They have been killing Palestinians for years and years, operating two sets of justice, you know, it's like they have the justice for the Palestinians, the justice for the Israelis and, if you read the Talmud, like, you know, if you're not Jewish you're basically not a human, you're, like, you know, like cattle...
The problem comes when you think that you're better than other people and you think it's okay to lie to
anybody that's not a Jew. You think it's okay to steal from people that are not a Jew. You have two sets of standards... If your fundamental religious belief system allows you to operate in such a way that you believe there isn't consequences to stealing from other people, killing other people, you know, raping, you know, kids that are under n years old, like, if you think those things are okay, then, you know, how are you going to operate?...
There was no rapes during October 7th. They've shown no rapes from October 7th, they showed no beheaded babies, all that was all bullshit... The Israeli articles that I saw recently said that that there was only two babies killed. One was shot by a bullet and the other one died in the hospital. There was no babies in ovens, there's no beheaded babies, all that was all bullshit...
They literally caught people raping Palestinian prisoners and there was riots. But the riots weren't because they were raping the prisoners, the riots were because they felt like they had the right to rape the fucking prisoners! That's why they almost had a fucking civil war, because they felt like they had the right to rape these prisoners!
They felt like that was okay because they weren't Jewish! So you know when you have a society that operates like that you're going to have fucking problems."
For the whole interview,go here.
The section cited above begins at the 43 minute mark.
In August 2024, during an interview with comedian, Dave Smith, Tucker Carlson said this:
"I think the vaccine's poison, I've thought that for a long time... Whatever you think of how toxic it is, it clearly doesn’t work an, so, why is it still on the schedule? And why doesn't anyone say that? I just feel like we're living in this moment where the most obvious things go totally ignored...
It's clear that getting the vax and getting the boosters is more likely to (get) COVID, I mean, the numbers seem to show that. I never got vaxxed, not to brag, I hate to, like, rub that in people's faces, because I'm obviously very proud of it. One of my greatest achievements.”
A survivor of the attack on USS Liberty (1967), Ron Grantski speaks about the 1967 Israeli attack on his ship!
On 27 August 2024, The Guardian told us that Zuckerberg had said this in a letter to Jim Jordan, the head of the US House of Representatives judiciary committee.
“In 2021, senior officials from the Biden administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain Covid-19 content, including humour and satire, and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree. I think we made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today. I regret we were not more outspoken about it.
Like I said to our teams at the time, I feel strongly that we should not compromise our content standards due to pressure from any administration in either direction. And we are ready to push back if something like this happens again. I believe the government pressure was wrong.”
The Guardian's Mark Sweney added:
"Zuckerberg said senior White House officials in Joe Biden’s administration 'repeatedly pressured' Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, to 'censor certain Covid-19 content' during the pandemic. During the pandemic, Facebook added misinformation alerts to users when they commented on or liked posts that were judged to contain false information about COVID.The company also deleted posts criticising Covid vaccines, and suggestions the virus was developed in a Chinese laboratory.
In the 2020 US presidential election campaign, Biden accused social media platforms such as Facebook of 'killing people' by allowing disinformation about coronavirus vaccines to be posted on its platform.
Zuckerberg also said that Facebook 'temporarily demoted' a story about the contents of a laptop owned by Hunter Biden, the president’s son, after a warning from the FBI that Russia was preparing a disinformation campaign against the Bidens. Zuckerberg wrote that it has since become clear that the story was not disinformation, and 'in retrospect, we shouldn’t have demoted the story'.
The House judiciary committee, which is controlled by Republicans, called Zuckerberg’s admissions a 'big win for free speech' in a post on the committee’s Facebook page.
The White House defended its actions during the pandemic, saying it encouraged 'responsible actions to protect public health and safety'.
'Our position has been clear and consistent,' it said. 'We believe tech companies and other private actors should take into account the effects their actions have on the American people, while making independent choices about the information they present'.”
Zuckerberg's letter:
Such censorship was occurring before 2021.
The 2020 election was not free and fair. Had the laptop information been allowed to emerge, Trump might well have won a second term.
Despite the almighty fix being in.
Yep. The almighty 'steal' would probably have been stopped, had Hunter's escapades become public knowledge.
We live in interesting times, ladies and gentlemen.
On 18 August 2024, Dutch political activist, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, tweeted thus:
"The day that David Spring (61) got sentenced to 18 months in jail, was the day UK citizens lost their freedom. The message their government is sending is clear:
'You don’t get to disagree with us. And if you do, we send you straight to jail.'