Thursday 18 July 2024

What some Israeli Jews think of non-Jews


On Israeli TV's Channel 14, a presenter threatens to destroy America 'and the whole world' if we try to stop the genocide! 

Tel-Aviv headmaster on Israeli attitude towards Arabs: 
"Arabs are inferior to us. That's why we kick Palestinians and slap them. We train dogs so they will bite them strongly and tightly. That's why we shoot them. They're nothing!" 

At the end of this clip, Binyamin Netanyahu says:

"With the click of a button, you can bring nations to their knees very rapidly, if you so desire."

Q: "Will non-jews be slaves to the jews?" 

A: "Yes, it's written in the Torah." 

A young Jewish girl tells it like it is on the Jerry Springer Show back in the day! 
 "I'm a Jew and... in our Bible, it says that you're like animals!" 

Israeli Major, Mikito Shoshan, threatened Palestinians thus in this video on his Facebook account. 
"Anybody who's gonna be left in Gaza, y'all gonna die, each and everyone of you... We are about to open the gates of hell on your ass... You started messin' with God's army, God's chosen people! We buried 20 bigger empires than a bunch of bearded, goat-loving motherf***ers like you... 

Leave Gaza and never return. That's our territory now! You're done there. Leave or DIE!" 

Eliezer Kashtiel, head of the Upper Yeshiva of Army Veterans of Israel in the Eliezer settlement, says Gaza is "their land." 
"The Gaza Strip is undoubtedly the Land of Israel. We are not in Gaza to defend ourselves, but because it is our land. Even if Gaza did not threaten us at all, we are obliged to invade it, it is a holy commandment to conquer Gaza."

Israeli soldier records himself blowing up buildings, saying: 
"My dear wife, Sarah, are you ready? There's going to be a big explosion! Ha-ha! (Fires tank round, house explodes) Waaaaah! To wipe out the memory of Amalek! Revenge! To take revenge upon the Gentiles!" 
RABBI: "I am for the war crimes! I don't care if I am criticised... I am unable to sleep at night if I do not see houses being destroyed in Gaza! I want to see more of them destroyed. 
What do I say? More houses, more buildings! I want to see more of them destroyed! I want there to be nothing for them to return to!"
RABBI: "When the Torah says, 'do not spare any soul, then you must not spare any soul! Today he is a child... tomorrow a fighter!"
RABBI: "The founder of Christianity was sentenced to boil in faeces! Excrement from the bowels of humans, cats, dogs, lions, tigers!"
RABBI: "All the non-Jews that you see around the world?... They exist for the Jew's benefit... When the Messiah will come, each one of us will have... 2,800 slaves!"

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