Thursday 18 July 2024

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump

This was Wikipedia's 18 July 2024 take on the assassination attempt:
"On July 13, 2024, Donald Trump, the previous president of the United States and at the time the Republican Party's presumptive nominee in the 2024 presidential election, was shot and wounded in his right ear while addressing a campaign rally near Butler, Pennsylvania. 
The shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old man from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, fired eight rounds with an AR-15–style rifle from the roof of a building located around 400 feet (120 meters) from the stage. He also killed audience member Corey Comperatore and critically injured two other audience members. Crooks was then shot and killed by the U.S. Secret Service's counter-sniper team...

The Secret Service routinely screens and monitors nearby buildings and businesses, including structures outside security perimeters.[32] Four separate counter-sniper teams were assigned to the event, two from the Secret Service and two from local law enforcement... The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had no information about any particular threats before the event...

On the day of the assassination attempt, Thomas Matthew Crooks borrowed his father's rifle—a DPMS Panther Arms-produced AR-15–style rifle... He then bought 50 rounds of ammunition from a gun store and purchased a five-foot (1.5-meter) ladder before driving to the site of the rally with an explosive device in the trunk of his car. 
He climbed onto the roof of a building around 400 feet (120 meters) north of the venue stage by means of an air conditioning unit. The building housed three police snipers tasked with covering the rally, but none of them were positioned on the rooftop due to manpower shortages. Crooks did not undergo security screening, as his rooftop location was, according to law enforcement officials, outside the Secret Service's security perimeter for the rally.

According to WPXI, Crooks was photographed twice by security officers prior to the shooting. Prior to 5:45 p.m. EDT, a police officer saw Crooks on the ground and reported him, with a photograph, as a suspicious person. An officer searched for Crooks but did not find him.[49] Multiple local law enforcement officers identified Crooks and believed that he might have been acting suspiciously near the event's magnetometers; they expressed their suspicions over the radio, and their radio communications were available to the Secret Service. 
At 5:45 p.m., a member of the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit tactical team saw Crooks on a roof, notified other security services, and photographed Crooks. In one of the two cases of Crooks being photographed, the police officer who photographed Crooks saw him "scoping out" the roof and carrying a golf range finder.

Reports indicated that several bystanders also witnessed a man carrying a rifle on the rooftop and alerted the police about him nearly a minute and a half before shots were fired at Trump. A Butler Township police officer attempted to climb to the roof of the building in search of Crooks, hoisted by another officer. 
Crooks spotted the officer while the officer's hands were clinging to the edge of the roof and aimed his rifle at the officer, at which point the officer let go, falling 8 feet to the ground and severely injuring his ankle. Crooks undertook the assassination attempt immediately following the confrontation with the officer.

Trump arrived onstage at about 6:03 p.m. A few minutes into his speech, at approximately 6:11 p.m., Crooks fired eight shots into the rally hitting Trump and three rallygoers before being killed by a sniper from the Secret Service seconds later...

As he was walked off stage, Trump told the Secret Service agents to wait and then raised his fist, pumped it at the crowd, and shouted or mouthed the words "Fight! Fight! Fight!". The crowd responded with cheers and chants of "U-S-A!"...

Trump credited a large chart displaying immigration statistics with saving his life. Immediately before the first shot, he turned his head to his right, towards the chart, and pointed to it. The movement narrowed the profile of Trump's skull towards the direction of the shooter, possibly saving him from a direct gunshot wound to his head. Trump later said, 'If I hadn't pointed at that chart and turned my head to look at it, that bullet would have hit me right in the head'."

A little while after the attempted assassination, a bystander who witnessed the events said this:
"We noticed a guy crawling up the roof beside us... we're pointing at the guy crawling up the roof... You could clearly see him with a rifle... We're pointing at him. The police are down there, on the ground, wandering around. We're like, 'Hey, man, there's a guy on the roof with a rifle! And the police are like 'Huh? What? You know, like they didn't know what was going on... 
I'm thinking to myself, 'Why is Trump still speaking? Why have they not pulled him off the stage? I'm standing there pointing at him for two or three minutes, Secret Service is looking at us from the top of the barn, I'm pointing at that roof... And, next thing you know, five shots ring out!"
More witness statements and video commentary are cited at the links below:

Witness sees armed man climb roof near Trump rally before assassination attempt!
Witness told officers there was a man with a rifle on the roof!
Another eye witness says he told the cops/SS there was a man on the roof and they did nothing about it!
"People reported that, saying there was a man on the roof of the building?"
People yell at cops and Secret Service trying to get them to stop assassination attempt on Trump!
Trump shooter pointed out to police minutes before attack!

Even though Secret Service snipers had the 20-year-old would-be assassin in their sights minutes before he finally opened fire, they didn't try to take him out until AFTER he had done so!

So what were the snipers waiting for? There is only one obvious explanation outside of monumental, wholly inexplicable ineptitude. Those who give the orders wanted the former President DEAD!

We need to know who it was that prevented the snipers from doing their job in a timely fashion. 

Witnesses and commentators found it extraordinary that no Secret Service personnel were positioned on the rooftop accessed by Thomas Crooks. If anything, the explanantion offered by Secret Service Director, Kim Cheatle, was even more extraordinary:
CHEATLE: “That building in particular has a sloped roof... We didn’t want to put someone on a sloped roof!”
Is Kimberly Cheatle really trying to get us to believe that there was no Secret Service presence on top of the building from which Thomas Crooks tried to kill Donald Trump because of the 'sloped roof?' 

That these highlly trained, professional killers might have fallen off the roof and hurt themselves if they'd positioned themselves upon on it? 

Someone should point out to the lady that the roof from which the Secret Service snipers took aim at Thomas Crooks was actualy quite a bit more steeply sloped than the one upon which Crooks took aim at President Trump!

Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle “has close ties to the Cheneys, the Bidens and is responsible for the January 6 deleted texts scandal!”

Here are some of the things that were being said about Donald Trump BEFORE the assassination attempt:

"They are going to try to assassinate President Trump, make no mistake about that!"
"Graph it out, man! We're speeding towards assassination! Obviously!"
On 8 July 2024, JOE BIDEN said: 
"I have one job and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that... IT'S TIME TO PUT TRUMP IN A BULLSEYE!"
"That man cannot see public office again... He has to be eliminated!"

Goldman is Jewish.

When he was a backbench MP in 2018, David Lammy, who is now Keir Starmer's Foreign Secretary, was quoted thus in Time Magazine:
"Trump is not only a woman-hating, neo-Nazi-sympathising sociopath. He is also a profound threat to the international order that has been the foundation of Western progress for so long."
Donald Trump was, of course, the American President at that time.

Neocon warmonger, David Frum, even blamed Donald Trump for attempt on his life!
"Now the bloodshed that Trump has done so much to incite against others has touched him as well... Trump and his supporters envision a new place for violence, as their defining political message in the election of 2024!"
Frum is Jewish.
On 1 July 2024, Iraq warmonger, Times journalist and current presenter of BBC Radio's 'Briefing Room,' David Aaronovitch, tweeted thus:
"If I was Biden I'd hurry up and have Trump murdered!"
Aaronovitch is Jewish.

In a January 2024 interview with Steven Bartlett, who runs the channel 'The Diary of a CEO,' Yuval Noah Harari, a frequent speaker at Davos and a favourite of Klaus Schwab, when posed the question: 'Are you concerned that Trump might be elected again shortly', responded:
“I think it’s very likely... and, if it happens, it is likely to be the kind of like the death blow to what remains of the global order.”
At the end of the interview, Harari was asked this question:
"If you could impose... one global law, what would it be and why?"
He replied:
"People should consume less information!"
... and spend more time reflecting and digesting what they already know and what they already heard!"
Stick to the propaganda we fed you before social media started filling your pretty, little heads with things we don't want you to know!


Harari Is Jewish.

In 2017, after President Trump had been somewhat critical of the intelligence services, Chuck Schumer, the majority leader in the Senate, said this:
"You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you!"
Which sound like a threat to me.

The day before the Trump shooting, Guy Verhofstadt, the EU's top attack dog, branded him a 'traitor of liberal democracy' after he met with Hungarian PM, Viktor Orbán, to discuss peace plans for the war in Ukraine. He added:
“Let’s fight back more than ever to make sure democracy wins!” 
LBC's ultimate ultra-Leftie, James O'Brien, said this the attempt on Trump's life:
"So, if anyone wants to take a shot at Trump, maybe they should make it. Not literally obviously... Although, on second thoughts...”

Links to more information:

Democrats have been inciting this for a long time!
"Same DEEP STATE that's behind Biden, trying to make him step down, was behind this today...
Top Democratic strategist pushed reporters to consider ‘staged’ shooting!
Now some are saying Maxwell Yearick, not Matthew Crooks, was the guy who tried to kill Trump!
“Half an inch away from a possible Civil War!”
CNN's Jamie Gangel attacks Trump for saying "Fight! Fight! Fight!" after someone tried to murder him!
In the middle of Times Square - Not a single video monitor reports Trump has been shot!
Victim Blaming! CBS reporter attacks Trump moments after failed assassination!
Democrat Party’s official Facebook page silent about Trump assassination attempt!
The Secret Service didn't notice a ladder leading up to a roof just 50 metres away from Trump?
Freudian slip of the millenium - "In America, we resolve our differences at the battle box!"
Sniper had assassin in his sights for at least 3 minutes! Who refused to give the order to take him out?
Another former sniper says the assassin 'had help' from an 'agency, an organisation or the government!'
Nick Fuentes: "This was not аn аssаssinаtion аttempt; this wаs a cоup!"
People yell at cops and Secret Service trying to get them to stop assassination attempt on Trump!
David Aaronovitch plays the victim after his ‘murder Trump’ tweet!
ALAN DERSHOWITZ: Blame the secret service for Trump’s near-death!
TRUMP: Shoshanah Jacobs' nasty joke!
Cop confronted Trump shooter but RETREATED when gunman pointed rifle at him!
Democrat Congressman's staffer FIRED after saying she wished Thomas Crooks had 'better aim!'
Liberals have full-blown meltdown after shooter misses Trump at rally: 'We were a centimeter away!'
TRUMP: Did the Secret Service know it was coming?
UNITY with evil? No thanks, Joe!
Charlie Kirk: Democrats’ vision is for people to ‘limit’ their dreams and ‘give up!’
Spokesman for Labour Party in Europe says of Trump shooting: "They reap what they sow!”
Trump shooting victim's wife won't take Biden's phone call!
MAYORKAS! Homeland Security's Jewish boss is interfering in House’s assassination investigation?
CNN has evidence of Iranian plot to assassinate Trump? (BULLSHIT!)
Thomas Crook's cell phone seen on roof next to mysterious device! More unanswered questions...
Physically unfit, under-qualified agents with a diversity-obsessed boss chosen by Dr Jill Biden!
Senate Candidate Sam Brown: ‘If Joe Biden stays in office, more service members will pay this price!’
Trump shooter spotted on roof by local cops 26 minutes before opening fire!
Donald Trump shooting: The five unanswered questions about assassination attempt!
For 8+ years, most American elites have expressed a burning hatred of Trump + The extraordinary efforts of the biased media to hide massive corruption engulfing Joe Biden and his family!
Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks spotted in now-pulled BlackRock advert!
People/large organizations were betting Trump stock would plummet the day before he was shot at!
Nigel Farage thinkd the 'mainstream media' and 'liberal intolerance' contributed to the attack on Trump!
TRUMP: Evidence of a second assassin?
TRUMP: Second assassin witness!
Secret Service spotted Trump gunman inside rally 3 HOURS before shooting - Carrying a rangefinder!
Biden’s team deliberately kneecapped Trump’s security!
Trump in the nasty world of the Guardian!
JOE ROGAN: "THEY have organised assassinations before!"
Irishman tells stark truths we're all faced with, whether we know it yet or not!
How does a nerdy kid have 3 encrypted overseas bank accounts? Who bought him drone, range finder?
Cheatle confirms Democrat Sheila Jackson was heavily involved in Secret Service - Now she's dead!
Cheatle: The assassination attempt of Donald Trump is the most significant failure of the Secret Service!
Jim Jordan lays into disgraced Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle!
Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna accuses Secret Service Director Cheatle of perjury!
Director Cheatle refuses to answer a question she knows the answer to! Contempt of Congress?
Democrats turn on Secret Service Director: ‘Why wasn’t the event paused?’
Agent assigned to roof on which Trump’s shooter perched, but abandoned post due to 'hot weather?'
Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle accused of being 'full of s***!'
Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle resigns after evasive and repulsive testimony before Congress!
Person who regularly visited Crooks’ home/work also visited Washington building near FBI Office!

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