Tuesday 23 July 2024

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, via Judge Joe Harris!

In this video clip, former US Criminal Court Judge and lawyer, Joe Brown, describes Vice President, Kamala Harris, thus:

"Mrs Emhoff, she's got two Jewish children she adopted. Married a Jewish husband.. She is a witch and she is a corrupt witch! She's been corrupt her whole life and she f*cked her way to the top! She f*cked damn near everybody! And she ain't black!"
As for Joe Biden, he says:
"I did not vote for that damn fool that they had running against him (Trump). That racist dog what I heard the first time in 1972. when I was doing an intern thing at a DC think tank... They had Wallace there, when he was wheeled in, and Byrd, former Grand Dragon of the Klan... and they were talking about Joe Biden. Who got up there and the speech he gave, I mean I was really offended. I heard it. Right outside the state capitol building in Dover…

And he said, ‘Negro children are like roaches. If they’re allowed to integrate the schools, they will infest them and they will never be gotten out'... He said negroes were animals and they turn the streets into jungles and he and Senator Eastland had a plan where they could put all these negro animals in zoos!”
In this modern, god-forsaken age, whatever the politician who slithers his or her way to top of the greasy politicial pole insists he or she is, take it from me, that's what they're not.

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