Wednesday 24 July 2024

English farmer wonders: "WHERE ARE ALL THE INSECTS?"

"Where are all the insects?... Butterflies?... I haven't seen one this year... Not one!...

Conspiracy? Is it from THEM spraying chemicals in the atmosphere, changing the weather? I don't know? What do you think? I can't be the only one who has noticed that there's no bloody insects about! I haven't seen one bee, not one, not one bumble bee this year...

It's not good. Something is going on. Definitely, there is something happening. And it is bloody worrying. Because it's going to effect everybody. It's going to effect us, I mean, nothing's growing properly... Tell me what you think. I can't be the only one who's noticed this!"
1) Yes, it's a conspiracy.
2) Yes, it's THEM spraying chemicals.
3) Yes, THEY are deliberately changing the weather.


Yes, THEY appear to be trying to kill us off.

The BBC's Simon King said this:
"In what is already a multi-billion-dollar industry, scientists around the world, including in the UK, are researching geo-engineering, ways of manipulating the climate to tackle global warming. Some experts are concerned there are too many risks associated with it, fearing it could mess with global weather patterns or actually warm some regions, not cool them.

As the industry grows, so have conspiracy theories. BBC Weather has seen a large increase in social media comments around geo-engineering since January, accusing us of covering up secret projects and wrongly blaming geo-engineering for the cool and wet weather we’ve recently had. Worldwide, there have been twice as many mentions of geo-engineering this year on X, formerly known as Twitter, than over the last six months of 2023."
"...wrongly blaming geo-engineering?"

You sure, Simon? I mean, how do you know? Are you the all seeing eye?

I think you might just be A.N.Other BBC parrot, parroting whatever b***ocks the animals at the top of the tree, who profit from the 'multi-billion-dollar industry,' want you to parrot.

Be careful, Simon. Starving populations may not be forgiving of those who tried to persuade us not to pay attention back when it mattered.

And something might have been done.

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