Monday 10 June 2024

Tucker Carlson interviews Steve Bannon

On 11 June 2024, Tucker Carlson interviewed Steven Bannon, host of the War Room podcast at WarRoom.Org, and former White House Chief Strategist/senior counsellor to President Trump, prior to Steve being imprisoned by the Biden administration on spurious charges.

Here are some of the things that were said:
TUCKER: "For most people, going to prison is the scariest possible thing that could happen. That's why it's a punishment. How do you feel about it and why are you calm?"
STEVE: "In my 20s, I spent almost four years on a Navy destroyer in the North Arabian Sea, Persian Gulf, Western Pacific, South China Sea. In my 20s, I served my country on a Navy destroyer. I'm in my 70s, I'll serve my country in a federal prison. It doesn't make any difference. It won't change my life one way. I don't have a big social agenda. I'm dedicated to this work of saving my country. If I have to be a political prisoner, I'll be a political prisoner...

This is a misdemeanor. When we were in the federal courthouse, the guy that ran the federal courthouse said, and this is in DC, he said, and I think he'd been there 30 or 40 years, he told one of my guys he had never remembered a misdemeanor ever being prosecuted. He said, 'They're so backed up with felonies, and that's why half the three quarters of the felonies get settled out of court. There's no time.' He said he's never seen a misdemeanor ever gone to trial, particularly immediately...

But July first, hey, I served my country on a Navy ship. I'll serve my country as a political prisoner in a federal prison for a misdemeanor. I don't bat one eye. Whatever it takes to win this revolution, we got to do...

We're being oppressed by an illegitimate regime... and that's what we have to break. Look, I don't need to tell you, they're on you every day, as you know. They're on everybody that stands up... This illegitimate regime is trying to persecute not just President Trump. They're going to send him to prison on July 11th. They may defer that, but they're going to give him a prison sentence as they've given Rudy Giuliani either bankruptcy or deplatforming or taking your law license away or putting people in prison. That's what they're doing, and we have to stand up to it...

You see McCabe on TV, wetting himself every night about, 'Oh, when these people get back in power, they're going to come after us.' You damn right, we're going to come after you within the rule of law, because that's how we'll bequeath a constitutional republic to our children and grandchildren...

They want to silence the war room, and they're petrified... they want to take out another voice. Like, they want to take you out. Look, they're liquidating Alex Jones's complete media operation. They're after you nonstop. They want to shut down the war room. Look, these people play hardball. And I hope Republicans understand that the reason we got in this situation was these establishment Republicans that were controlled opposition.

The only thing these people understand is smashmouth. Now, you have to play within the rules. You have to play within the Constitution and the rule of law. But we can do a lot within that. That's why I think McCabe and these guys, Brenan, McCabe, Klapper, they're so absolutely worried because they understand we know the game. President Trump knows the game much better today. There's going to be real accountability come 20th of November of next year...

I understand what's going on here, as you do. I mean, this is an illegitimate regime of neo-Marxists, from the Justice Department to the FBI, the Wall Street crowd. You can see this everywhere in our society, the attacks on the family, and they play for keeps. I'm so glad that... ourselves and so many others now understand that this is a war to the knife. We have to win this. If we don't win this, this country is going to devolve into some neo-Marxist, totalitarian regime, which is pretty far down the road right now...

I don't fear going to prison... The war is still going to go on, and I keep saying it's next man up. You can't lean on Trump, you can't lean on Tucker, you can't lean on Bannon. You can't lean on Alex Jones. This is a populist revolt. You have to step up and do it yourself."
Well said, that man!

Well and accurately put.

'You have to step up and do it yourself.'

No truer word.

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