Friday 17 May 2024

The whole dam system, the whole damn state, is rotten!

On 17 May 2024, Neil Oliver said this at GB News: 
"The powers-that-be completely disregard ignore and dismiss those people, those oaks! (i.e. US!) If the powers that- be see those people at all then they count them as less than nothing, surplus to requirements. Indeed if they notice them now it's to disparage them, call them names. 'Little Englanders, Fascists, white supremacists, nationalists, white van man.' This disregarding of an entire class of people people who just want to work to build better lives for themselves and their families is a disgrace. 

In America, Hillary Clinton dismissed them as a 'basket of deplorables,' by which she meant anyone who didn't agree with her. 

Justin Trudeau of Canada described people that wouldn't take the so-called 'vaccines' as 'racists' and 'misogynists.' He called the truckers 'far right,' seized their bank accounts. Peaceful protesters were jailed, farmers standing in the face of attempts to take their land, to end generations of food production! And others like them, all across Europe, are vilified as far-right extremists! 

Protests against lockdown, by the sort of real people I'm talking about, were ignored, ridiculed. Violence was meted upon them. That this happened disgusts me more and more. The policies being pursued in the West are revealed as simply anti-human! What do most people want after all? A home of their own own, a family, a job, peace to get on with it, also peace in the world. 

Most people in the world want peace. Instead, what do they get? They get needled incessantly about things that are no business of the authorities. Those authorities come after people's cars, the way people can heat their homes. People are needled about the food they eat, At school their children are taught that Mom and Dad might not be the people to listen to about much of anything, and certainly not about such matters as whether they should be content with the bodies they were born in, the names they were given!

The anti-human agenda tells people, people who just want to be left alone to work and raise families unmolested, that they are to blame for the imminent ending of life on Earth. The anti-human agenda tells hardworking people to pay no attention to decay in the Homeland, to failing infrastructure, breathtaking price rises on food and fuel and every other damn thing, to systemic corruption in the institutions, in the banks, to failing standards of education. 

Watch us send billions of pounds to corrupt nations thousands of miles away for pointless, endless wars! Ignore that you don't feel safe at home, ignore the potholes on the roads... and, if anyone raises their voice to object, they have their noses rubbed in the fact there's not a damn thing they can do about it... 

Those people, descendants of hundreds of generations of others like them, deeply rooted in the soil of this place, are overlooked as though they don't matter, as though they never mattered, as though they have nothing to give, as though this country and the world would be better off without them...

Parliament is rotten. The institutions are rotten. The Judiciary, the civil service, the media, rotten, the fiat currencies are Ponzi schemes. Rotten, all of it, the whole damn system, the whole damn state is rotten... 

These anti-human authorities are powerless in the face of the many, but only when the many realise and accept that they're being played, yet again, by the few." 
Spot on, as usual.

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