Thursday 23 May 2024

Andrew Bridgen, MP: ""We are actually at war with Russia now!"

On 23 May 2024, Dr. Ahmad Malik put this video into Twitter.

In it, Andrew Bridgen, MP, has this to say about the current stae of UK involvement in the Ukraine/Russia war.
BRIDGEN: "We are actually at war with Russia now, they just haven’t told you... Rishi's told the generals he doesn't want to be a wartime Prime Minister."
MALIK: "So we're heading for war, is that what you're saying?"
BRIDGEN: "Yes. We're actually already in it. They're not going to tell the people probably until July or August, amybe a bit later, and I think Rishi wants out."
MALIK: So who's calling the shots? Is it the generals, or the Prime Minister or someone else?
BRIDGEN: Well, it's someone above Rishi... The whole thing's a pantomime in Parliament... It's not a race between the blue and the red team to see who crosses the finish line. This is a baton handover! On all the big issues: Net Zero, Covid response, the WHO, the trans agenda, it's Agenda 2030, it's the World Economic Forum, the 0.1% of the richest people in the world!
MALIK: The globalists?
BRIDGEN: The globalists, yeah. Listen, to make money, all we'd need is next week's newspapers today... Well, if you own the newspaers, you know what's going to happen and what's going to be reported, regardless of what the facts are."
An extended version of this interview may be witnessed here...
BRIDGEN: "If you look at the facts, since ‘91, we’ve moved NATO a thousand miles nearer to Moscow, they haven’t moved nearer to us... NATO wanted to put missiles on the border of Russia. What did America do when the Soviet Union tried to put missiles in Cuba, 90 miles off the Florida coast?" etc.

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