Saturday 16 May 2020

Dr Lawrence Palevsky blows the whistle!

Paediatrician Dr. Larry Palevsky spent the first nine years of his career running a neonatal intensive care unit.

Once he began his private practice, he began to hear:
"... not dozens, not hundreds, but thousands of stories from parents who took a very healthy child into their doctor’s office, and then found that their child lost much of their health. Whether it was their speech, whether it was seizures, whether it was death, whether it was asthma, allergies, eczema... autism, whether it was learning disabilities, whether it was inflammatory bowel disease, auto-immune diseases; and every one of those parents were told it had nothing to do with the vaccine!"
He says this of the children of families that refused to have them vaccinated:
"They are the healthiest children I have ever seen!"
Responding to the notion that children who have not been vaccinated can cause illness in others, he says:
"Unvaccinated children have never been proven to start an epidemic."

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