Saturday, 10 May 2014

UKRAINE: Ron Paul's opinion

On 5 March 2014, former Presidential hopeful and long-time Congressman, Ron Paul, was interviewed by Liz Wahl for Russia Today.

This is what he said during the interview:
“I think it would be nice if we considered the Ukrainians. It’s their civil strike, their civil war and deciding who to run that country should be left to them. Unfortunately, others get involved and it seems like its irresistible for the US to be involved… The majority of the American people right now are starting to agree with me on this issue, there’s no sense in us getting involved…

We certainly don’t want to send troops in right now, we’re out of money, so this idea that we are going to start bailing out Ukraine is total nonsense. I don’t see how we could afford that, nor should we do it… (The EU has pledged $15 billions worth of aid to the Ukraine) The whole thing makes no sense whatsoever from an economic viewpoint, from a political viewpoint. It’s always vying for control and I think that’s what is going on…

American interest in the Ukraine, of course… it’s financial, it’s control, it’s which way Ukraine’s gonna go. Is it gonna go east or west? They don’t believe in self-determination, America always wants its hand in things. They have an empire to build and defend and I think it’s a mess.

I don’t think we should have an interest. If we did, it should be that we should encourage the Ukranians to solve their problems and, once they have a government, we should be open to working with them and talking with them and being friends with them and trade with them, but no miltary and and instruction and don’t tell people what to do. That’s how we gotten ourselves into so much trouble.”

“The Russians are being blamed for violation of sovereignty… What about the sovereignty of Iraq and Afghanistan and Yemen and North Africa? We’re constanltly being involved! Pakistan and use of drone missiles!… 
This intervention, this compulsion to be involved and to expand and to protect the American empire. That’s where we’re getting into trouble and I don’t see any benefit coming from us trying to tell other people what to do. I don’t think it’s good for our national security and certainly isn’t good for our financial security… 
I happen not to be a fan of the President but… they said he looked weak because he didn’t end up bombing Syria… he backed off, mainly because the American people said ‘don’t do it,’ but I don’t consider that weakness. Sometimes it takes strength to stand up against the bullies who wanna go and bomb people… I think it takes a lot of strength and courage to resist those people who pressure, whether it’s from the military industrial complex or for some other special interest…
So if he was truly backing off I would say that takes strength but I don’t think it’s quite that clear because so far, under this administration, there’s been a lot of intervention… the use of drones and our presence in Afghanistan… 
The CIA and others stirring up trouble?… We have special forces and the CIA involved in a lot of countries. We have 800 bases around the world, we’re in 130 countries. We’re always involved, it seems, in somebody else’s election and we preach democracy. We finally got democracy, theoretically, you know, in Egypt and there was an election and of course we didn’t like the person they elected so we said we said let’s go back to the military.

I don’t like hypocrisy… for us to preach one thing and at the same time, behind the scenes, we’re doing things to stir up...

My advice would be that we stay out of it and not be a participant… I like small government, small units of government and self determination… We should always like to see smaller units of government. I loved it when the Soviet Union broke up…

The right of secession… self determination and local government and the world would be better off… Unfortunately, money and politics and banking interests and militarism get involved and they get control of the strings of government and the people lose out on these issues. So often the people who have to fight the wars and die in those wars, they are the victims. (With) restraint of big government… we would have less of these problems around the world.”

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