Friday 26 July 2013

A sudden rise in death rates

On 26 July 2013, The Daily Mail quoted a Public Health England spokesman thus:
"The number of deaths during 2012-13 was high, especially amongst those aged 85 years and older."
The Mail's Sophie Borland added:
"Health officials are investigating a sudden rise in death rates in the elderly, particularly among women. Around 600 more people, mainly elderly, have died every week so far this year compared with the average for the last five years, official figures show.

Since early 2012 there have been 23,400 more deaths than would have been expected in England and Wales."
Professor Danny Dorling, of Sheffield University, said this:
"It is possible that cuts or freezes to services have a particular bad effect on this group... Increased anxiety resulting from knowing you might have to move home or even have no home has long been known to be very damaging for the health of very elderly people.

The timing of this recent rise in mortality coincides with the crisis in the funding of a large number of care homes... Who is most neglected when the carer visiting them has only 15 minutes when they used to have 30?"
Professor John Ashton, President of the Faculty of Public Health and Joint Director of Public Health for NHS Cumbria and Cumbria County, added:
"There’s something going on here... 
It will no doubt raise questions about access to clinical care among the frail elderly and whether it’s not as good as it was."
Oh, there's something going on here all right. As the playwright, George Bernard Shaw, a leading Socialist and co-founder of the London School of Economics (with fellow Fabians Sidney and Beatrice Webb) said at a lecture given before the Eugenics Education Society in 1910:
“We should find ourselves committed to killing a great many people whom we now leave living."
What did you think would happen when Shaw's intellectual and moral heirs beckoned in the immigrant multitudes, ladies and gents? Did you think they'd behave like us? Did you think they'd only take advantage of the NHS once they'd paid into it?

That's the nice scenario. The one where desperately fraught, overworked and often under-skilled doctors and nurses just can't cope with the overload. The nasty scenario suggests itself at Mid-Staffs and slew of other British hospitals. Patients and their loved ones maltreated, abused, left to rot.

There's an even nastier possibility of course. Institutional genocide on the quiet. Which could occupy the space all the way from the Liverpool Care Pathway, up though Mid-Staffs, to the deliberate withholding of medication, food, water and care as a matter of routine in British hospitals.

Whatever you think of this one thing is certain. Things are not what they were. Our most cherished and respected national institution has been consistently, over many years, undermined and vandalised by a malign cabal of social engineers operating out of Westminster, Whitehall and Downing Street.

You should want them dealt with. Instead of which you will, almost certainly, vote for them again.

No matter what they do.

Remember this as you watch your loved ones die.

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