Thursday, 22 June 2006

A disproportionate number of attacks

On 21 June 2009, the African immigrant Sorious Samura wrote the following in The Sunday Independent:

"In 1999 I witnessed a gang rape in Sierra Leone. I was forced to watch a group of rebel soldiers taking it in turns to rape a young girl in front of an audience of jeering men. It was the height of the civil conflict and rape had become a devastating weapon of war…

When I moved to Britain I believed I had escaped such horrific sexual violence. As my Dispatches investigation tomorrow night shows, I was mistaken. Gang rape is happening here – and what I have found most disturbing as an African is that A DISPROPORTIONATE NUMBER OF THESE ATTACKS ARE BEING CARRIED OUT BY BLACK OR MIXED-RACE YOUNG MEN…

In December, nine schoolboys, (8 of them black) some as young as 13 at the time of the attack, were convicted of raping a 14-year-old (white) girl. She was dragged between tower blocks in Hackney where she was threatened with a knife, hit and raped during an ordeal that lasted an hour and a half – some of which was filmed on mobile phones. In January, three (black) men were convicted of gang raping a 16-year-old with learning disabilities for two hours BEFORE DOUSING HER WITH CAUSTIC SODA in an effort to get rid of the evidence…

Despite the seriousness of the crime, I was amazed to discover that NO NATIONAL STATISTICS EXIST: gang rape is simply not recorded as a separate crime category…

One of the few police forces to have begun recording the figures of reported gang rape is the Metropolitan Police. In 2008 alone, they received reports of 85 gang rapes. Using the Met's definition of gang rape – those involving three or more perpetrators – we began to look at the number of convictions. We tracked down 29 cases, from January 2006 to March 2009, in which a total of 92 young people were convicted of involvement in gang rape. One fact stood out. Of those convicted, 66 WERE BLACK OR MIXED RACE, 13 were white and THE REMAINDER WERE FROM OTHER COUNTRIES INCLUDING AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ AND LIBYA…

The groups of young men I met in London expressed some profoundly disturbing attitudes towards girls and sex. The boys explained how they make arrangements for ‘line-ups’ in which one girl has oral sex with up to six or seven of them at one time…

One boy told me: ‘If she wants to go and meet a bag of boys then she's probably a jezzie [slut], and if she's going to a house it's over – she's going to get beaten [have sex]’…

In other instances, as some of the victims in our film describe, girls can unwittingly walk into a trap, innocently visiting someone's house to listen to music or watch a film only to discover that A GROUP OF BOYS ARE LYING IN WAIT. Or they might be hanging out with friends in a park and suddenly realise they have become surrounded by A GROUP OF BOYS INTENT ON SEX…

Occasionally gang rape is used to punish a girl for minor transgressions against gang members. In one of my most shocking interviews, I met A GIRL WHO ADMITTED SHE HAD HELPED TO SET UP GIRLS FOR GANG RAPE. As the girlfriend of a gang member, SHE ORGANISED THESE RAPES, partly out of fear and PARTLY TO FIT IN. She admitted she was terrified of being raped herself and had walked away when witnessing a girl being gang-raped at a party because she feared she might be next: ‘There was just loads of boys and the girl's tights were ripped up, like, she was bleeding as well, because I THINK SHE WAS A VIRGIN, and they were just taking turns on her basically, and SHE WAS CRYING, and I didn't get involved because I thought if I get involved they're gonna turn on me.’

The victims' descriptions of their attacks are horrific. One young victim likened her attack to being ‘pulled and pushed around like a rag doll’, while another 14-year-old girl described her ordeal when she was gang raped by a total of nine boys who told her that she was not the only girl they had attacked. In that case, nine boys were subsequently convicted of raping her. The youngest perpetrator was just 12 years old.

I found there was concern among black communities about this violence. The Rev Joyce Daley, from the Black Parents Forum in Hackney, told me that gang rape is not a rare or one-off phenomenon. IT IS HAPPENING ON A REGULAR BASIS…

Sheldon Thomas, a youth worker in Brixton, said: ‘WE'VE GOT A GENERATION THAT LOOKS AT SEX AS IF IT'S NOTHING, AND TREATS DISRESPECTING WOMEN AS IF IT'S NOTHING. These guys are like 13, 14 and 15, and their actual attitudes towards young girls – towards sex – is mind-blowing. It's actually leaving you asking: WHERE ARE THEIR MORALS, WHERE ARE THEIR VALUES'?" Gang rape: is it a race issue?
Morals? Values? They were not imported to be be moral or to value those who gave them sanctuary here, Sheldon. They were brought over to destroy. The 'black or mixed race' gang rapists, those from 'Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya', and all the rest of the foreigners imported into our previously safe and law-abiding society in recent times, are the foot soldiers in the war being waged by the elite belligerents of the New World Order upon the working-class communities of the white world.

Hey! All you New Labour and Lib Dem voters! All you PC Crowd 'pity the poor immigrant' types! THIS IS WHAT YOU VOTED FOR! YOU DID THIS!

As for you who voted for Old Labour and the Tories, you did it as well.

This has been happening ever since they started coming over here in droves. Like the man says, 'no national statistics exist.' Immigrant-upon-indigenous gang rape has been air-brushed out of the picture by ALL the mainstream parties.

THEY are at war with our little girls, ladies and gentlemen. Why are you still voting for THEM?

Are you at war with them as well?

Check out a little of another of Mr Somura's investigations here: RACIST! (8'55" in)

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