On the first page of the booklet, this was said:
"If, by 2004, more than 1 million Brits were using class-A drugs and by 2005, 100,000 drug deals were taking place every day in Britain, who is responsible for this?Here is the first section of Stunning Statistics:
If, in February 2007, UNICEF released a damning report stating that the UK was the worst place in the developed world for children to grow up, who is responsible for this?
If, by 2003, 329 Falklands War veterans had committed suicide and, by 2004, 200 British veterans of Gulf War 1 had committed suicide, who is responsible for this?
Who is responsible for most of the major wars throughout history? And global warming, ladies and gentlemen, who is responsible for putting the human race at such terrible risk from this phenomenon? Was it you? Was it those who told the truth or those who had the courage to listen when it was being told?
No it wasn’t any of us. Only those who had the power to make these things happen did all of this. The politicians are responsible for these things, as are the financiers and businessmen who own them and the media darlings who did not think it necessary to warn us what the politicians and their owners were doing.
George Orwell once said this: 'If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.'
Bear this in mind as you peruse the statistics herein."
As of November 2006, Gordon Brown, the 'prudent' Chancellor, had overseen the creation of a British debt mountain totalling £1.34 TRILLION.
This according to the Centre for Policy Studies which insisted that the official Treasury figure of £487 billion had excluded the cost of public sector pensions liabilities, the costs of New Labour's Private Finance Initiative contracts and debts incurred by Network Rail.
As a proportion of the population, pensioners are the most heavily indebted. More than two million are currently in debt. The banks, credit card companies and global hucksters are currently owed almost £9 billion by this section of society.
In the British parliament that sat from 2001 to 2005, of the 20 Northern Irish seats in Parliament, non-Irish MPs occupied none of them. Of the 72 Scottish seats in Parliament, non-Scottish MPs occupied no more than four. Of the 40 Welsh seats in Parliament, non-Welsh MPs occupied no more than five. Of the 530+ English seats in Parliament, about 140 were occupied by MPs who were not of wholly English origin.
In the time of Tony, the English man has been under-represented at the top table in Britain. These are the most important Cabinet jobs, in order:
Prime Minister; Chancellor; Foreign Secretary; Home Secretary; Lord Chancellor and Deputy Prime Minister. These positions are held by Tony Blair, who is Scots-Irish; Gordon Brown is a Scot; Margaret Beckett is Irish-English; John Reid is Scottish, Lord Falconer is a Scot and John Prescott, despite the accent, is Welsh.
As regards the rest of Blair’s Cabinet: Douglas Alexander, Alistair Darling and Des Browne are Scots; Ruth Kelly, is Irish; David Miliband is the son of Polish Jews; Patricia Hewitt is Australian, the unelected black woman, Valerie Amos, hails from Guyana; Peter Hain is South African; Jack Straw is part-Jewish English; Hilary Benn is a part-Scottish English and the four Blair Babes, Tessa Jowell, Hazel Blears, Jacqui Smith and Hilary Armstrong are English.
Stephen Timms and John Hutton are English and Blair’s Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, is an Englishman too, albeit a Jewish one.
Perhaps you think it hasn’t always been this way. If you were to think this you'd be right, it hasn’t. It used to be much, much worse. When our own, dear Scots-Irish leader assembled his first 22-strong Cabinet, taking into account their incidence in the general population, the non-homosexual, able-bodied Scotsman was hugely over-represented within it, compared to the non-homosexual, able bodied, Anglo-British Englishman.
Bearing in mind that there are nine times as many English people in Britain as there are Scots, Blair’s first Cabinet was: Tony B – Scots/Irish; Gordon Brown – Scot; Robin Cook – Scot; Lord Irvine – Scot; George Robertson – Scot; Alistair Darling – Scot; David Clark – Scot; Gavin Strang – Scot; Donald Dewar – Scot; Ann Taylor – Scot; John Prescott – Welsh; Lord Richard – Welsh; Ron Davies – Welsh (gay); Clare Short – second-generation Irish; Margaret Beckett - Irish/English; Peter Mandelson – English (half-Jewish and gay); Chris Smith – English (gay and brought up in Scotland); Jack Straw – English and part Jewish; David Blunkett – English (blind); Mo Mowlam – English (cancer sufferer); Harriet Harman – English; Jack Cunningham – English; Frank Dobson – English.
If one considers the power concentrated at the top one can see that the Englishman was even more discriminated against than the 38.25 figure suggests. We had a Scots-Irishman as Prime Minster, Scots as Chancellor of the Exchequer, Foreign Secretary and Lord Chancellor; a Welshman as Deputy Prime Minister and, of the five political animals closest to Tony Blair in 1997 other than his wife, who has a deal of Irish blood in her veins, three of them were Scottish.
Alistair Campbell, TB’s director of strategy and communications was his bouncer, Mr. Fixit and spinmeister-in-chief for most of Blair’s time in office.
Anji Hunter, TB’s pal since childhood was the 'details Queen', 'comfort blanket', and 'gatekeeper' to her boss from the moment he became Labour leader in 1994 until she left for a job with BP in November, 2001. Ms. Hunter rarely left Tony’s side, she ran his office and even chose his ties for him.
Derry Irvine, TB's first Lord Chancellor, was his tutor at university, his employer when he was a barrister and his original political mentor and guide.
The fourth of Our Dear Leader’s closest advisers in 1997, Peter Mandelson, is an Englishman of the gay, communist variety whose dad, Tony, was the editor of The Jewish Chronicle. Not exactly your typical English bloke, I think you'll agree.
And then there was TB's best pal and unofficial envoy to the Middle East, Lord Levy of Cash-for-Honours fame. Levy is, as you might imagine, Jewish.
One of the first things Tony Blair did when he became PM was to enable the Scots to govern themselves by creating a Scottish Parliament. Thus, we can see that, not only did Tony B want the Scots to run the affairs of the English, he wanted the English to have as little influence over the affairs of the Scots as possible.
So, when you hear Our Dear Scots-Irish, soon-to-be- gone Leader use his favourite buzz-word 'inclusive' in the future, don’t imagine that he is the least bit interested in including the majority of the heterosexual fellows living in England in his inclusive calculations.
At the last election, the 3 major parties offered us a Prime Ministerial choice of a Scots-Irish wannabe Catholic, a Scots Catholic and a Welsh Jew. Which isn’t exactly fair when you consider about 84 per cent of those who could vote were native English and the majority of these were Protestants.
At the 2010 election the English working and middle-classes will have two Scots and an English aristocrat with a Scots name and ancestry to choose from.
Tony Blair’s government employs 3,259 press officers. Press officers are more usually known as spin-doctors.
The Central Office of Information's PR, advertising and marketing budget rose from £111 million in 1997 to £322 million in 2005. The Blair government is also the biggest advertiser in the land. In 1997, £59 million was spent. In 2005, £207 million was spent.
Despite Tony Blair's promise to abolish Quangos before he became Prime Minister, there were, as of 2006, 883 of them. 752 of these had been set up since he came to power. The annual cost to the taxpayer of these unelected Tonydoms was a massive £123 billion. This contrasts with the £96 billion spent on the NHS and £72 billion spent on education.
In 1980, a year after Mrs. Thatcher came to power the richest one per cent of the population controlled six per cent of the national wealth. By 1999, two years into the time of Tony, the richest one per cent controlled thirteen per cent of Britain's wealth.
In 1996, the year before New Labour took power, the richest one per cent of the UK's population owned £355 billion's worth of assets. By 2002, five years into the time of Tony, they controlled £797 billion. As of 1999, tax changes between 1985 and 1995 had led directly to the poorest tenth of the population being 4 per cent worse off, while the richest tenth are 6 per cent better off.
By the early 1990s there were two and a half times as many people in poverty as there were in 1979.
In 1997, the top directors of the top companies in Britain were earning an average of 31 times what their workers were earning. As of September 2006, the top directors were earning 75 times what their workers were earning. Over the year to June 2004, the average earnings received by directors of the UK's 350 leading firms rose by 16.1 per cent.
The average total earnings of their employees increased by only 4.3 per cent over the same 12 months, according to Income Data Services' Directors' Pay Report, 2004.
More than 1,500,000 manufacturing jobs have been lost in the UK since Tony Blair became Prime Minister. In 2003 alone, British industry lost 73,000 jobs, the work being transferred to such as China, India, Thailand and Hungary.
In February 2007, a report from the Civitas think tank told us that one-in-three households in Britain was now dependent on benefits. The report opined that New Labour welfare policy had been designed to 'create beholden voters rather than independent people'.
Whilst the Scottish Mandleson clone, Adam Crozier, was CEO of the Post Office, 33,000 jobs were lost, 2,500 Post Offices were closed with a further 4,500 closures predicted.
Crozier himself became the best-paid employee in the public sector receiving £2.2 million in bonuses for having decimated the industry to the delight of the company's shareholders.
On 16 May 1993, The Independent reported thus:
"In the UK almost 90 per cent of new jobs created since 1970 have gone to women, so that half the labour force now consists of women, half of whom are working part-time. Male unemployment is now much higher than female unemployment - 14.1 per cent compared to 5.6 per cent for women."
Since Chairman Blair entered office, the revenue that his government has collected from Stamp Duty rose from between £675 million and £1.1 billion in 1997 to between £4.5 and 6.7 billion in 2005 - 2006.
The average age of first time homebuyers is now 34. Thus, in 2004, the number of first time buyers was lower than at any time since 1970, despite many (first-time) foreigners buying up British property.
The world’s 200 largest corporations own a quarter of the world’s wealth.
In 2005, the water level in UK reservoirs was 16 per cent lower than during the last drought. According to a joint Meteorological Office and University of East Anglia study, 9 out of 10 of the hottest years on record have occurred in the last decade.
20 per cent of all the water that passes though the system in England and Wales is leaked away. In Germany only 7 per cent is lost in this way.
Until recently, the German utility company, RWE, owned Thames Water. Our water in this region is now owned the Australian bank, Macquarie. Thames Water’s managing director is Jeremy Pelczer. He is also the President of American Water.
Tony B's government says that there were 960 abattoirs in Britain in 1980. Other sources claim that there were 1,022 in 1985. Anyway, by 1996, the number had been reduced to 384. There were just 316 left by the end of 2000, the year before foot-and-mouth struck.
During the course of the crisis, official figures state that the animals were slaughtered on 9,636 British farms. Of these only 1,326 were found to have contained an infected animal.
According to official figures produced by DEFRA, 5,939,926 animals were slaughtered. This does not include the young 'at foot' animals that were destroyed alongside their mothers and a true figure of 8,000,000 dead animals would be more realistic. Of the 5,939,926 official figure, more than 5,000,000 animals were never infected.
According to the Institute of Directors the foot-and mouth crisis cost the UK more than £20 billion.
In 1995 there were 35,000 dairy farmers in the UK. By 2006, Tony Blair's love of big business had seen this figure drop to 21,000. The supermarkets are forcing 3 British dairy farmers out of business every day.
Farm workers rely on social security benefits more than any other group. Depending on which estimate you choose to believe, in the year 2000 the average UK farm worker was earning between £3,800 and £4,500 a year only.
Between 1997 and 2002, the number of UK farm workers fell by 100,000 to 580,000 with the result that many rural homes were taken over by city commuters.
Farmers and farm managers are the occupational group with the fourth highest risk of suicide in England and Wales.
In the early 1980s, farmers had the second highest suicide rate but, in the period between 1982 and 1992, this dropped from 2.05 times the average risk to 1.45 times.
However, the actual figures are likely to be a lot higher than this as the percentage of 'undetermined' or 'open' deaths in the farming community is very high and there is substantial evidence that the majority of these fatalities are suicides.
Women married to farmers have a suicide rate more than 20 per cent higher than the average.
In rural England, 16,500 jobs depend solely on hunting and 63,000 more are dependent on it.
In 2004, the UK exported 1,500 tonnes of potatoes to Germany and imported 1,500 tonnes from Germany. We also exported 10,200 tonnes of milk and cream to France and imported 9,900 tonnes from France. This is how Big Brother imposes interdependency and fingernails his middleman profit.
Between 1997 and 2002, butchers, bakers, newsagents, fishmongers and the like were closing at the rate of 50 a week in Tony Blair's Cool Brittania.
About two million tonnes of edible fish are discarded by UK fishermen every year because EU rules insist that they be tossed overboard.
Wholesalers, who form the retail infrastructure vital for underpinning local stores, have closed at the rate of six a week over the past two years. The big supermarkets had rendered many of them redundant. As of 2001, Tesco and Asda controlled 42 per cent of the UK grocery market between them.
The food we eat today in the UK has travelled an average of 123km. This compares with 80km in 1978.
Only 30 of the 500 food additives permitted in conventional processed food are allowed in organic processed foods.
Between the mid-1960s and 1999, total UK landings by the UK fishing fleet declined by 55 per cent. In 1995, the UK fishing industry comprised 9,750 vessels. In 2005 there were just 6,722 of these left with some of these owned and crewed by non-indigenous fishermen.
In 1948, there were 47,647 sea fishermen in the UK. In 1996, there was 19,044 left and by 2005, 8 years into the time of Tony, this number had reduced to just 12,647.
In 1995, there were 3,000 fishmongers in the UK. By 2005, there was just 1,300 left.
For the three months June 2005 to August 2005 compared to the same period a year earlier:
Electricity produced from nuclear sources rose by 11.8 per cent; production of petroleum fell by 16.2 per cent; production of natural gas fell by 17.0 per cent; electricity produced from wind and natural flow hydro fell by 4.4 per cent; production of coal and other solid fuels fell by 24.9 per cent.
Since Margaret Thatcher came to power in 1979, hundreds of British pits have been closed and there are now just seven left. In 1950 there were 731,500 mineworkers in the UK. By 2095 there were only 3,000.
In September 2005, Ian Lavery, NUM National Chairman, said this to the TUC Conference.
"Since privatisation in 1995, 22 out of 29 collieries have closed. We produced 53 million tonnes of coal in 1995. Last year we produced less than 6 million…
I have to explain to you the role of UK Coal. They are absolutely despicable. They have conned, connived, deceived and lied about their intentions in relation to the coal industry… They explained, 'It is not a coal industry any more, Mr. Lavery. It is a business’… They explained that they were not committed to coal but committed to the shareholders… Last year they closed the Selby complex in Yorkshire, the jewel in the crown… It was the crime of the century but they were allowed to get away with it by a Labour Government…
They have no affinity with coal but they have an affinity with land development... They are changing the industry from coal to land… They have 49,000 acres of prime land. They are getting in excess of £100 million of your money and my money in terms of Coal Industry Aid… Their basic criteria for Coal Industry Aid is to maintain jobs and maintain collieries. They have done exactly the opposite and the Government have not done a thing to stop it."
In 1993, the black youth, Stephen Lawrence, was murdered in Eltham, south London.
Since then, his name has been mentioned over one thousand times in the Houses of Parliament. During the same period, the 900 or so native, white British people, who are known to have been killed by first or second-generation immigrants, have been mentioned less than two hundred times IN TOTAL by the same parliamentarians.
This means that the average British MP thinks the death of a Stephen Lawrence is around 4,500 times more important than the death of a white Briton who was killed by a non-native inhabitant of this country.
Almost 50,000 people work in the British 'Race-Relations' industry.
More than 60,000 people committed suicide in Britain during the time of Tony. As of 2003, about 140,000 people were attempting suicide in England and Wales every year.
When Blair took office there were 43,720 homeless families in England. By 2005 there were 101,030. In March 2002, Prince Charles said that 25 per cent of the homeless people in Britain were ex-servicemen.
As of 2004, 179 British libraries had been closed since 1986. As of 2004, 88 per cent of local authorities had reduced library opening hours and more than 160,000 library users had lost access to a public library service since 1986.
In 2005, New Labour won the election with only 21 per cent of the votes of the adult population. This was the lowest figure since the Reform Act of 1832.
In September 2006, the Committee on Standards in Public Life stated that just 23 per cent of Britons trusted Cabinet Ministers to tell the truth and just 29 per cent trusted the truthfulness of MPs in general.
About 300,000 'adult problem gamblers' are addicted in Britain. This figure was established before the introduction of the much-vaunted Super-casino.
In 2002, there were 302,605 road casualties in Britain. 3,431 people were killed, 35,976 were seriously injured and 263,198 were slightly injured. Every day on UK roads there are up to 10,000 recorded road crashes.
More than 200,000 people vanish annually in the UK.
In 1900, when the British Empire covered a quarter of the globe, the Foreign Office employed 142 people. By 2005 Tony Blair was employing 6,040 people to run his Foreign Office.
By the end of 2002, Britain had lost one-third of its bank branch network in a decade.
Post office closures in the first three months of 2003 totalled 345.
20,000 people are disconnected from their energy supply in Britain every year for supposed non-payment of their utility bill. 6 per cent of these had already paid their debts. The vast majority of the disconnected were those who could not pay their debts, not those who wouldn’t.
More 18 to 30-year-olds voted during the 2005 series of Pop Idol than voted in the general election.
Since the 1950s, divorce rates have risen five times.
In April 2002, Home Office figures stipulated that around 210,000 people were being reported missing each year in Britain.
The number of apple orchards in the UK halved between 1990 and 2002. As of 2005, 97 per cent of England's wild flower meadows had been lost in the previous 60 years and, by 2006, Britain had lost 200,000 miles of hedgerow in the previous 60 years.
Since the 1970s, 2000 varieties of British vegetables have been lost because of EU rules.
In 2000, the Taleban banned the growing of opium poppies. In 2001, UN observers reported that the crop had been practically wiped out. However, after Bush and Blair invaded Afghanistan and destroyed the rule of the Taleban, opium production increased 20-fold.
90 per cent of the heroin consumed in Britain and Europe now comes from Afghanistan.
In 1983, 20 per cent of Britons trusted journalists. By January 1999, the figure had fallen to 10 per cent. Journalists were, thus, even less trusted than politicians at this time.
The artificial sweetener, Aspartame, is marketed as NutraSweet, Equal and Spoonful.
It is used in many foodstuffs and almost every soft drink. Since it was introduced in 1981, it has been the subject of a great many of the complaints reported to the Adverse Reaction Monitors of the US Food and Drug Administration. In an article published in the Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, John W. Olney said that animal studies reveal high levels of brain tumours in Aspartame-fed rats.
Just before Aspartame was legalised, a commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, six other operatives and two attorneys assigned to prosecute NutraSweet for submitting fraudulent tests, left the organisation to work for a Nutrasweet company.
Coca-Cola knew of the dangers of aspartame because it originally opposed approval by the FDA. Indeed, its objections were published in the Congressional Record. It said that aspartame was inherently unstable and breaks down in the can, decomposing into methyl alcohol, formic acid, formaldehyde and other toxins. And yet, Aspartame, which is tremendously addictive, is now to be found in every Diet Coke can.
When news leaked out alleging that G.D. Searle (the company behind Aspartame) had falsified the chemical's test results, Congress pledged sixty million dollars for the prosecution of the firm’s Chairman. However, the Reagan administration closed ranks and prevented the trial of one of their own from taking place.
The Chairman of G.D. Searle at the time was the leading Neoconservative hawk and, latterly, George Bush’s Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld.
G.D. Searle is a subsidiary of Monsanto Products, the largest genetic engineering company in the world. Monsanto owns the NutraSweet and Equal brands. The US firm, Paradigm Genetics, has been a partner with Monsanto in trials of GM technology. Innotech has a 12.4 per cent stake in Paradigm Genetics.
Lord Sainsbury, owner of the supermarket chain and Tony Blair's former Science Minister, owns Innotech.
After George Bush was re-elected as US President an international poll was conducted. 58 per cent of those surveyed thought that a second Bush term made the world a less safe place.
Before he became Vice-President, Dick Cheney was the CEO of Haliburton. After the invasion of Iraq, stock options in this company went up from $241,498 in 2004 to $8m in 2005.
Cheney told Meet the Press in 2003 that he didn't have any financial ties to the firm. In fact, as of 2006, he still held 433,333 Halliburton stock options. By 2006, Halliburton had already raked in more than $10 billion from its business operations in Iraq.
The other sections of Stunning Statistics were titled: IMMIGRATION; HEALTH; CHILDHOOD & EDUCATION; CRIME; HISTORY.
This is what was said in the last section:
African pirates abducted and enslaved between 1 and 1.25 million white, European Christians between 1530 and 1780. This according to research carried out by Professor Robert Davis and presented in his history: Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800.
95 per cent of the British men who died in WWI were of working-class origin. One in eight of the women, married to the British men who died in this war, were themselves dead within one year of their husband's death.
In 1933, about seven million Ukrainian peasants were deliberately starved to death in the Soviet Union.
Around 25 per cent of those who fought in the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War were Jewish.
About 55 million people lost their lives in WWII. Most of these were entirely innocent of any crime.
Up to 20 per cent of all the soldiers who fought in WWII, who came from the Indian subcontinent, fought FOR the Japanese AGAINST the British. To this day, almost all of those who fought FOR the Japanese receive a pension from the Indian government, whilst most of those who fought for the British do not.
Since 1967, the Israeli military and security forces have detained more than 600,000 Palestinians, including many women and children. An estimated 7,000 Palestinians are currently being held in custody.
In South Africa, almost 20,000 people were murdered between April 2003 and March 2004.
Since the avowed communist, Nelson Mandela, assumed power in 1994, more than 1600 white farmers and/or members of white farming families have been murdered by marauding black gangs in South Africa. (As of June 2012, the total stands at 3,177)
In the twentieth century, revolutionary Marxist communism was responsible for the unnatural deaths of more than 200 million people.
Tony Blair’s Home Secretaries, Jack Straw and John Reid were once card-carrying communists, as was his guru, Peter Mandelson. TB’s other Home Secretaries, David Blunkett and Charles Clarke, were communists in all but name.
In 1940, a Jew of Polish origin named Ralph Milband sought asylum in England.
He would subsequently spend most of his working life lecturing the Blairs and the Browns on the virtues of the philosophy of his fellow Jew, Karl Marx.
Ralph was the father of the Blair/Brown protégés, Ed and David Miliband.
Amazing facts and always the Usual Suspects..How do they survive their endless deceitful lies and manipulations..Oh ! Wait, we have Mrs T. May PM MP screwing tThe Winning Brexiteers Voters To her grubby deck..For 3 years ! She’s still at it every day.
ReplyDeleteThanks very much. Cheers