Monday, 26 June 2006

Young, black male unemployment doubles in 3 years

On 9 March 2012, The Guardian reported thus:

“MORE THAN HALF OF YOUNG BLACK MEN AVAILABLE FOR WORK IN BRITAIN ARE NOW UNEMPLOYED, according to unpublished government statistics obtained by the Guardian…

The new figures, which do not include students, also reveal that the youth unemployment rate for black people has increased at almost twice the rate for white 16- to 24-year-olds since the start of the recession in 2008...

Unemployment among young black men has doubled in three years, rising from 28.8% in 2008 TO 55.9% IN THE LAST THREE MONTHS OF 2011.

Black unemployment rate According to the ONS, in the last three months of 2008 the unemployment rate for black people aged 16 to 24 was 28.8%. In the most recent quarter in 2011, this had risen to 47.4% – an increase of 70% in three years. This is more than double the unemployment rate for young white people, which increased from 15% in 2008 to 20.8% in 2011.

Unemployment among young black women, while still higher than any other ethnic group, is lower than the black male percentage, at 39.1%.

Asked to respond, the Department for Work and Pensions stressed the overall proportion of young black people who are unemployed was only 22%. This differs because it includes students and others not available for work, whereas the ONS calculates the official unemployment rate as a percentage of the economically active population.
Sandra Kerr, Race for Opportunity's national director, said… ‘I think it's unconscious bias’.”
If I was the boss, Sandra, the bias would be conscious.

The reason we now have so many unemployed young men of non-indigenous origin (perfect material for the odd summer riot) simmering resentfully on the margins of society, is entirely down to the immigration policies pursued by generation after generation of treacherous, politically correct politicians. The suicidal stupidity of those who keep on voting for them hasn't helped either.

The Guardian quoted Iqbal Wahhab, Chair of the ethnic minority advisory group at the Department for Work and Pensions, thus:

"Now that the figures are out in the public domain, what are we going to do about it?"
'What are WE going to do about it?' Send 'em back. That's what WE would do if WE ever got the chance.

What are THEY going to do? The Iqbal Wahhabs will do their best to turn the young, black unemployed into rappers, footballers, X-Factor winners, architects, Benjamin Zephaniahs, Barack Obamas etc. etc. etc. Or spend twenty years trying not to find them in the rather more likely event that they turn out more like Delroy Grant than any of the above. Check out The Night Stalker here. Check out the 'rappers, footballers, X-Factor winners,' etc. here.

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