Tuesday, 27 June 2006

Make Bradford British

On 24 February 2012, The Mail Online reported thus:

"Make Bradford British is billed as a social experiment in which eight housemates from differing backgrounds will live together to see if they will co-operate and learn something about tolerance - or clash and stay segregated.”
Here are some of the things The Mail quotes the ‘housemates’ as saying.

Sabbiya, a hijab-wearing British Muslim of Pakistani heritage:

"I was born here. I've been educated here. I'm more British than anyone that you can see."
I'm sure most of the politicians and media darlings would agree, Sabbiya.

Damon, a sheet metal worker:

"It does look like you're in Pakistan in some places you go, 'cause all the men are wearing baggy trousers and all the women are wearing hijabs."
Racist! Fascist! Nazi! Bigot! He whose opinions and attitudes the race laws and the non-stop media propaganda were supposed to have erased all trace of by now! (We'll have him sorted by the end of Make Bradford British, don't you worry!)

Audrey, the landlady of a Bradford pub:

"People are very resentful because there are certain segments of society that don't want to live with anybody else. My business has suffered because people don't want to come into the centre of Bradford any more."
Racist! Fascist! Nazi! Bigot! She whose opinions and attitudes the race laws and the non-stop media propaganda were supposed to have erased all trace of by now! (We'll have her sorted by the end of Make Bradford British, don't you worry!)

Mohammad, a taxi driver:

"Britishness is going on p*** ups and getting bladdered really. That's what British means."
With you there, Mo! Nothing but drunken bums whose time is over! Pack 'em all off to Botany Bay!

Oh yes, to those who don't know or care for us I guess Britishness might mean precisely whatever your average Abdul wants it to mean. The desire to feel superior to the folk who made a nation that all the Mohammeds on the planet wish to come to, (to get away from the sh*t-pile their own ancestors made) is strong in those who are less than us, that's for sure.

Maura, a former magistrate who ‘has spent the past 40 years living in one of Bradford's wealthiest, whitest suburbs,’ had this to say:

"One of the most important values that Britain has to give the world is its tolerance and I think we should be intolerant of intolerance."
Particularly of the British kind that doesn’t like having its country invaded, eh, Maura? Here is a little more from Maura's extended CV:

"I helped to run a campaign to stop a huge Tesco being built in Ilkley."
Not in my back yard, eh, Maura! Yeah, we inner city folk know what you mean.

"My father was adamant that any form of racism was abhorrent. We were always very interested in the South African question and loathed apartheid. I get very, very upset when I hear racist remarks."
As you're interested in the SA question, I'm sure you'll know that, up to April last year, around 3,800 white farmers, smallholders and other rural folk (including many women and children) had been murdered by marauding black gangs since Nelson Mandela came to power. You would, I hope, think that that 'form of racism was abhorrent' too, wouldn't you, Maura?

And when the elderly Communist saint was caught on camera hanging out with some of his fellow top-nothcers who were singing a 'Death To Whitey' song, you would, if you had been there, have wagged a magisterial finger in his direction for being a nasty 'racist', I hope.

Mandela's crew sings Death to Whitey!

"What I discovered when I went to stay with Mohammed in Keighley, Bradford, was that their community likes to live near each other because of mutual support. They look after their elderly people, and neighbouring families who are in distress, in their own community. Our history has led to a different outcome."
The Mohammeds are so much better than us native Brits. Of course they are.

"I think if you were a foreigner coming to a strange place, you'd want to be near people who are like yourself, particularly if you felt different and lonely. The Irish did that - I'm Irish - when they came to London and Liverpool and places like that."
A.N.Other immigrant bumming up her fellows immigrants and sneering at the indigenous then. Whilst living in the part of the city where the foreigners she's so fond of are least visible. A tale of our achingly PC (but not in my back yard) times alright.

"Just because you're white, middle class, live in a nice house, in a nice town, some people assume that you're a racist. These are the assumptions that some people might make. But all of my friends would absolutely loathe and detest the idea of accepting racist remarks."
Don't rub it in, Maura. We know whose side your on.
"I'm a feminist..."
Oh, you do surprise me.
"When I went to Mohammed's house, because he was a bloke, and because his wife didn't speak English... But Jasmine and Maria were so gorgeous to me, and so kind and loving..."
"The low point was when Mohammed left. I was so disappointed."
Fancied him, did you?
"Sabbiyah and I are from totally different generations and backgrounds, but we had so many things in common."
You got that right, Maura. And yet, strangely, you have so little in common with the rest of us.

This is Maura:
Methinks the lady might have been singing from a different hymn sheet if she’d been forced to live alongside the alien hordes in inner-city Bradford over the course of the last four decades.

Did I say 'hymn sheet?' By the looks of our Irish immigrant she might well prefer to chant the Kol Nidre prayer than sing Away in a Manger.

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