Tuesday, 22 April 2014

The Lies of Tony B Liar

In 1982, before he became an MP, Tony Blair said this:
“The European Economic Community takes away Britain's freedom to follow the sort of economic policies we need.”
In 1983 he said this to the electors of Sedgefield:
"We'll negotiate a withdrawal from the EEC... which has drained our natural resources and destroyed jobs".
On St Georges Day 1997, before he became Prime Minister, The Sun quoted him thus:
“On the day we remember the legend that St George slayed a dragon to protect England, some would argue that there is another dragon to be slayed: Europe!"
However, by 2005, Tony Blair was saying this at a meeting of European Union Heads of State:
“I am a passionate European. I always have been."
In 1992, Tony Blair promised to be 'tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime.'

In 2002, he said:
"We're the first Government since the war under which crime has fallen not risen."
Whereas, according to Home Office figures produced in July 2004, since New Labour came to power, violence against the person increased by 90 per cent, sexual offences by 44 per cent, robbery by 51 per cent, total violent crime by 83 per cent and criminal damage by 37 per cent.

Over the same seven-year period, detection rates for violence against the person fell from 79 per cent in 1997 to 50 per cent, for sex crime from 77 per cent to 39 per cent, for robbery from 27 per cent to 18 per cent, for burglary from 23 per cent to 13 per cent and for violent crime from 69 per cent to 47 per cent.

Since 1997, gun crime has doubled. It now stands at more than 10,000 a year in the UK. Serious wounding with firearms has also more than doubled. And, by November 2004, all recorded crime had risen 16 percent since New Labour took power.

By 2005, one in four British people had had their 'identity stolen' or knew someone who had.

According to The Guardian of 9 August 2004, officers at Holloway prison were cutting down 5 women A DAY from nooses.

In July 2004, the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales admitted that 52 priests and church workers had been accused of sexual abuse against a child in 2003. In July 2003, according to a spokeswoman for Women Against Rape, recorded rapes had risen 82 percent since New Labour came to power.

In July 2002, the Home Office revealed that, based on interviews with 7,000 women over the age of 16, they estimate that 167 women are raped in England and Wales every day. As of 2004, just one out of every thirteen rape cases that came to court in Britain resulted in a conviction.

In January 2004, according to the BBC, 59 per cent of the gang-rape victims in London were white and 62 per cent of the rapists were black or Asian.

By August 2003, one in seven of the prison population was a foreign national. Since 1997, the number of foreign women in British prisons had increased by 140 percent.

According to statistics provided by the document Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System produced by the Home Office in 2002, in the 3 year period, mid-1999 to mid-2002, a black person was 68 times more likely kill a white person in Britain than the other way around. By 2011, a black person was more than 100 times more likely.

By February 2004, 17 percent of the prison population in Britain was black.

I'm willing to bet that you have never heard any MP tell you any of this.

In fact, you've probably heard them insisting that the precise opposite was true. Truth is, folks, it's not just Tony B who lies, it's all of them.

1n 1994, Tony B said:
"I would expect ministers in any government I lead to resign if they lied to parliament."
No explanation necessary.

Tony Blair's 1997 Election Manifesto said:
"We will establish a Royal Commission to work out a fair system for funding long-term care for the elderly…. We are committed to an independent inspection and regulation service for residential homes".
Since which time around 90,000 places in care homes have been cut, with 10,000 being lost in 2003 alone.

On 19 April 1997, in a speech to a Pensioners Rally in the Millfield Theatre, Edmonton, Tony Blair said this:
"The Tories have betrayed Britain's pensioners. They have forced thousands of pensioners to sell their homes to pay for long-term care… Enough is enough. Pensioners deserve better than that."
However, four years later a damning report told us that, in the year 2000-2001, 70,000 pensioners had been forced to sell their homes to pay for long term care.

As of 2003, except for Scotland, anyone with assets of more than £18,500 had to pay for their own care. As of 2003, 40,000 people were still having to sell their homes every year to pay for long term care.

Tony Blair lied to Britain's pensioners in 1997.

In May 1997, Tony B said this:
"Mine is the first generation able to contemplate the possibility that we may live our entire lives without going to war or sending our children to war."
No explanation necessary.

In 1997, Blair said:
"I am determined to tackle the menace of drugs and the devastating effects they have on our communities".
As of 2005, 100,000 drug deals were taking place every day in Britain.

As of July 2004, according to The British Crime Survey, 622,000 people were regularly taking cocaine in Britain.

In a March, 2005, report, the UN drugs watchdog, the International Narcotics Control Board, found that the UK came top of the league for amphetamine use and third for ecstasy.

As of 2005, 90 per cent of heroin consumed in Britain and Europe came from Afghanistan. The amount entering Britain has increased 20-fold since Britain and America got rid of the Taliban.

According to the UN, in 2004 the UK had the largest rate of heroin seizures and the third highest number of heroin addicts in Europe.

According to a 2004 survey of 15 and 16 year-olds by the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs, 23 per cent of boys and 16 per cent of girls had used cannabis at least three times in the previous month.
According to the same research, 42 per cent of boys and 35 per cent of girls had tried illegal drugs at least once.

As of 2005, 3.2 million people in the UK smoked cannabis.

In 2004, Professor Robin Murray, a leading expert on psychosis, said that about 80 percent what of all new patients suffering from psychosis had reported a history of cannabis use.

As of 2003, more than 350,000 parents of British children were regular drug users.

As of 2004, according to the Shadow Home Secretary, Britain had more than a million class A drug users. According to David Blunkett, the number of 'problematic, regular' class A drug users in Britain stood at 280,000 sufferers.

In 1997, Tony Blair said this:
"Our goal: to make Britain the best educated and skilled country in the world... every single part of our schools system must be modernised to achieve it.

Nearly 40 per cent of 11 year olds can't read, write or add up properly. 42nd in the world education league. This is the scandalous legacy not just of 18 years of Tory Government but of a country too often content to educate the elite and ignore education for all.

Education, education, education. Remember? We are launching the biggest assault on poor literacy and numeracy standards this country has seen. We are setting a target of 80% up to the standard in literacy, 75% for numeracy by the year 2002, and we'll keep on until every 11 year old in every school in every part of Britain gets the start in life that they deserve.

Under our proposals, no parent will have to pay more. Low income families will be entirely exempt from tuition fees. All students will repay only as they can afford to."
'Low income families will be entirely exempt from tuition fees?' 'All students will repay only as they can afford to?' In 1992, eight students filed for bankruptcy. By 2003, 899 were filingfor bankruptcy.

On 18 January 2001, the BBC website reported that, given five multiple choice answers, of 200 pupils, aged between 11 and 18:

Half were unable to link Oliver Cromwell with the English Civil War and 17 per cent thought he was at the Battle of Hastings; 40 per cent did not know that Henry VIII had six wives; 34 per cent thought he had eight;
Only 36 per cent knew the exact dates of the First World War; More than a quarter thought Nelson's flagship at the Battle of Trafalgar was the Mary Rose; 60 per cent did not know when the Romans ruled Britain; 49 per cent were unable to date the Great Fire of London; Over 50 per cent could not name the reigning monarch the time of the Armada, with one in ten opting for King Harold.

As of 2004, 26 per cent of schoolchildren were not taking GCSE history because their school timetable made it too difficult to arrange. By the same year, 30,000 pupils were leaving British schools without a GCSE, about 50,000 children were playing truant every week and a teacher was assaulted in a British school every seven minutes.

179 British libraries were closed between 1986 and 2004. As of 2004, 88 per cent of local authorities had reduced library opening hours and more than 160,000 library users had lost access to a public library service since 1986.

In 1982, education authorities were given the right to sell off playing fields.

In 1997, Tony Blair said this in the Election Manifesto:
"We will bring the government's policy of forcing schools to sell off playing fields to an end."
As of December 2002, more than 6,000 such fields had been sold off and about one playing field a week was being sold to private developers under New Labour.

Tony B Liar lied.

In 1984, 118,540 special needs students were being catered for in special needs schools.

As of March 2005, only 29,040 of these students was being educated similarly.

By 2004, New Labour has closed 91 special needs schools since it came to power and further closures were being planned.

On the Newsnight programme of 7 March 2005, former education supremo, Chris Woodhead, stated that 50 per cent of British boys could not write at 11-years-of-age.

The Department for Education and Skills has said that, in the 2003 Summer term, there were 2,400 permanent exclusions and 80,000 fixed-term exclusions from British schools.

In 2003, 21 per cent of parents said their child had been bullied at school.

Data from the Department for Education and Skills revealed that 298,000 teachers took sick leave in 2003. Teachers took 350,200 more days off sick in 2003 than they did in 1999.

After information was collected from 980 primary schools and 368 secondary schools in Britain, a report from The Centre For Education And Employment Research at Liverpool University, commissioned by the NUT, showed that nearly a quarter of primary schools and a third of secondary schools in England and Wales cut staff in 2003 due to lack of money. 4,920 primary schools cut 5,502 teaching posts and 1,1970 secondary schools cut 3,115 teaching posts.

2,000 teachers were made redundant in 2003 and more than 10,300 teaching assistants jobs were also lost. Clerical assistants, technicians, librarians and school meals staff were also dispensed with. Only one in 10 schools had more money than the previous year despite government claims that grants had been increased.

In April 1997, The Evening Standard asked Tony Blair the following question:
"Will Labour introduce tuition fees for higher education?"
He replied:
"Labour has no plans to introduce tuition fees for higher education."
Tony B's government introduced top-up fees in 2003 for students in England, after promising in their manifesto that they wouldn't. Top-up fees added debts of around £9,000 to the £12,000 already owed by a typical university graduate.

A survey of 5,000 children aged between 12 and 18 was carried out in the teen magazine Bliss.

It found that, eight out of 10 15-year-olds said the prospect of tuition fees going up would put them off going to university.

So, when Tony B said New Labour's goal was to 'make Britain the best educated and skilled country in the world,' stated he was launching 'the biggest assault on poor literacy and numeracy standards this country has seen' and 'low income families will be entirely exempt from tuition fees,' what do you think?

Was he lying?

In April 1997, Tony B said this:
"I changed the Labour Party so that we can remain true to our principles."
Principles? What principles?

During the 1997 election campaign, Tony B said:
"People want honest politics and they are going to get it."
Yes we do want honest politics!

But we'll only get that when we wake up and start to vote honest people into parliament! People who aren't the least bit like Tony B Liar!

On election night in May 1997, Blair said this:
"I feel a deep sense of responsibility and humility. You put your trust in me and I intend to repay that trust. I will not let you down."
I voted Labour in 1997.

I voted Labour in order to get rid of the Tories. I didn't vote Labour so that we could have another nine years with a party in power whose first principle was to cuddle up to Big Business and Fat Cat.

I'll tell you another thing I didn't vote for, I didn't vote for an elite within New Labour who would send our boys to fight and die in five different wars.

Tony B Liar did not 'repay the trust' of the British people and he did 'let us down.'

He was lying on that day in May 1997.

At the New Labour Party Conference in 1997, B Liar said this:
"I will never countenance an NHS that departs from its fundamental principle of health care based on need not wealth".
Ever heard of Foundation Hospitals, otherwise known as privatisation by the back door?

In the 1997 general election manifesto, Tony Blair implied that the practice of putting NHS patients in mixed-sex wards would be ended.

The Manifesto committed Blair's government to 'work towards the elimination of mixed-sex wards.' Tony B also attacked the Tories for failing to have 'the wit' to end the practice. The 2001 Manifesto went further, saying:
"Mixed-sex wards will be abolished".
A survey of 2,462 patients in 128 hospital trusts carried out in February and March 2007, showed that a quarter of patients had been required to share a bay and toilet with the opposite sex. Marcia Fry, head of operational development at the Healthcare Commission, said this:
"In our patient survey a fifth of patients say they have been treated on mixed-sex wards. Yet over 95% of trusts say they are meeting standards on privacy."
A New Labour 'target' was introduced in 2000 that suggested that, within two years, 95% of patients would be in single-sex accommodation. By November 2006, NHS managers were saying just one per cent of patients were being seen in mixed wards. However, after complaints from patients and a survey by the Healthcare Commission cast doubt on this claim, the government was forced to enquire into the matter.

Chief nursing officer, Professor Christine Beasley’s subsequent report said that 28 trusts were falling a long-way short of the one per cent claim. It did not identify how many patients were still in mixed accommodation but campaigners said it ran into many thousands. The report failed to explain why NHS managers had lied.

The Patient Forums organisation said a survey it carried out of 2,500 patients in March 2007 found 25 per cent had shared a ward or bay with members of the opposite sex. Katherine Murphy, of the Patients Association, said:
"After more than 10 years of promises broken by a succession of ministers, it is time for action... For years politicians have promised to rectify this problem."
A Healthcare Commission census of mental health establishments in England and Wales published in April 2007, also found that 55 per cent of in-patients had to share sleeping accommodation or bathrooms with members of the opposite sex.

Anyway, ten years on, the NHS mixed-sex wards problem seems to be at least as bad as it was in 1997 when Tony Blair implied that he would sort it out.
In other words - he lied.

On the eve of the 1997 General Election, Blair said this:
"We have 24 hours to save the NHS".
In 2002, he said this:
"In 1997 the numbers of nurses in training, teachers in training, police in training were all being cut. In 2002, we have over 29,000 teachers in training and we have increased the number of training places to 32,000. And there are 20,000 more in post than in 1997.

There are 38,000 more nurses at work in our hospitals. And police numbers are at record levels, having increased by 4,500 in the last two years alone...

On every measure - inpatients or outpatients - waiting lists are shorter now than in 1997. There used to be over 70,000 on the outpatient waiting list for more than 6 months. Now it is down to just over 1,000. The average waiting list time for an operation is now two months, and 70% of patients are treated inside 3 months."
The first study in 1973, diagnosed asthma in 5.5% of the UK's children. By 2003, this had risen to 27.3%. Thus, at this time, 1,4000,000 British children were suffering from asthma. As of 2004, 1-in-3 of all British schoolchildren had it.

In 2004, the BBC reported that levels of autism had increased by 10 times in the previous decade.

For those of you who diet foolishly, simply because the fashion industry and the popular media encourage you to do so, according to the TV programme Dieting Without End, 17 per cent of all anorexics die as a result of their illness.

As of 2004, one in seven of those aged over 65 in the UK were malnourished.

Approximately 120,000 'excess deaths' occurred in Britain as a result of cold temperatures between 2000 and 2003. In March 2005, just weeks before the General Election, Gordon Brown offered every pensioner a £200 bribe. If this had been offered to pensioners at the beginning of the winter, how many vulnerable lives would have been saved as a result?

As of 2004, 90,000 places in care homes had been cut since New Labour came to power. As of March 2005, more than 25,000 patients were dying every year in British hospitals as a result of blood-clots.

As of 2004, 24,000 people were dying every year in Britain as a result of poor air quality. As of April 2004, The UK had a greater rate of lung disease than Azerbaijan, Romania, Albania, Belarus, Russia and Slovakia amongst many others.

By 2002, 10,000 people in Britain were dying annually from the side effects of medicine.

By 2004, the deaths occurring from MRSA in British hospitals since New Labour came to power had risen by 100 per cent. At least 5,000 people are dying every year because of the poor standards of hygiene in our hospitals.

In 2003, 708,083 NEW cases of sexually transmitted infections were registered in the UK. As of November 2003, one in 10 young, British women were infected with the sexually transmitted disease chlamydia, a disease that often causes infertility. As of 2004, syphilis infections has risen in Britain by 500% since 1997.

According NHS figures, as of August, 2004, 15,024 hospital beds had been lost since 1997.

According to the Department of Health, there was a shortage of 1,850 dentists in 2003.

In 1980, 8 per cent of women and 6 per cent of men in Britain were obese. By 2001 the figures had risen to 23 per cent and 21 per cent.

Almost half of those living in fluoridated areas have dental fluorosis ('tooth mottling') - a disease caused by excess exposure to fluoride.

One in three of us will be diagnosed with cancer during our lifetime.
Excluding skin cancer, there were more than 270,000 new cases of cancer in 2001 and the rate is increasing by about one per cent a year. In March 2005, Cancer Research UK stated that annual UK rates of deadly skin cancer could treble by 2035. Every year, more than 7,000 UK people are diagnosed with malignant melanoma and about 1,700 die from it. Global warming and overseas holidays are thought to be largely responsible. By 2035, people will be diagnosed at younger and younger ages, the charity predicts.

As of 2005, 18 million people living in Britain suffer from some form of allergy.

As of March 2005, 500,000 people in the UK were suffering from schizophrenia, manic depression or a similar severe mental illness.

As of 2003, about 140,000 people were attempting suicide in England and Wales every year. More than 55,000 people are known to have committed suicide in the UK during Tony Blair's time in power.

For those of you who care about our soldiers, as of 2004, 200 of the more than 600 British veterans of Gulf War 1 who have since died, committed suicide.

More than 40 per cent of injecting drug users in Britain are infected with hepatitis C. One in six of those who started to inject since Juanuary 2001 have been infected. There were about 60,000 reported laboratory diagnoses of hepatitis C in the UK by the end of 2003. As of 2004, 7,700 new cases of chronic hepatitis B occurred in Britain, 96 per cent of these cases were introduced from overseas.

So, as regards the nation's health in 2005, if ever you remember Our Dear former Leader saying that everything was rosy in the garden because of New Labour, do tell Tony B Pinocchio to attend to the length of his nose.

And then there was this:

There were more than 6,000 new cases of HIV reported in Britain in 2004.
More than 3,000 of these came from Africa. As of March 2004, 40 per cent those arriving in this country from the two hardest hit countries in sub-Saharan Africa were HIV positive.

Between 2000 and 2002, 69 per cent recorded cases of TB in Britain, 7,300 cases, came from overseas. Whilst TB rates were falling elsewhere in Europe, the rate of TB in Britain rose by 10 per cent in 10 years.

In 2002/3, 40 per cent of the 31,775 nurses joining the British register were of foreign origin. In 2003, almost 3/4 of newly registered British doctors had qualified outside the UK. In 1974, 97% of medical students were white, whereas, in 2000, only 74% of medical students were white.

In 1987, the year before the MMR vaccine was introduced, measles, by far the most serious of the three illnesses, caused just 6 deaths. In 1989, the year after the MMR vaccine was introduced, 26,952 deaths in Britain were caused by influenza. Why, then, when there were so few deaths associated with the three illnesses, was the vaccine introduced?

In March, 1998, Christopher Gill, MP, put the following question to Tony Blair in the House of Commons:
"To ask the Prime Minister which members of his Government have attended meetings of the Bilderberg Group."
Blair replied:
Blair attended the 1993, Bilderberg Conference in Athens, the year before John Smith, Labour leader at the time, died. He belatedly declared the fact in the register of members' interests.

He lied on that day in March 1998.

In June 1998, Tony B said this:
"I agree entirely with what Oona (King) says about the nature of our society and the desire to see it as a multicultural, multiracial society...

We will certainly... root out any racism... I think that this country is proud of the changes that we have made over the past number of years...

I think that it is the type of country that the vast majority of British people believe in."
The facts are these: no indigenous population has ever wanted to be colonised by another, let alone many others as the British have been. Human beings, along with the rest of the animal kingdom, want to live amongst their own kind, with those whose behaviour they recognise and understand, they don't wish to live alongside those they do not know or care for.

That is an absolute lesson of history. Tony B knows that the British people have never wanted or believed in the multicultural Utopia that he and all the other deceitful melting-potters espouse.

He was lying in June 1998.

In November 1999, Tony Blair introduced a set of reforms intended to improve the performance of the Child Support Agency.

At the time he said this:
"We cannot have taxpayers as a whole ending up having to pay large sums of money out to help families in circumstances where their fathers don't have any sense of responsibility."
However, by March, 2002, TB's Work and Pensions Secretary, Alistair Darling, was telling us that a new IT system, meant to ensure that 'tough new penalties for fathers who fail to pay maintenance' were implemented at the CSA, was not 'working to the standards I expect.'
"In my judgment," he said. "It is better to take time needed to get it right than repeat the mistakes made in 1993."
By November 2004, Blair was acknowledging that the situation at the CSA was 'unacceptable' and said that computer problems needed to be sorted out. By November 2005, he was saying the CSA was 'not properly suited' to its job and it was 'extremely difficult' to make the CSA cost effective.

At this time, for every £1.85 that got through to children, £1 was being spent on the bureaucratic costs of running the CSA.

By February 2006, the new computer system, which had cost the taxpayer at least half a billion quid, had, if anything, made matters worse and Work and Pensions Secretary, John Hutton, was announcing plans to use private debt collectors to try to recoup the £3billion owed by absent parents. In the same month, the BBC stated the bleeding obvious thus:
"The Child Support Agency is a failure. That is fact which is accepted by just about everyone."
So, when Tony B said he'd sort it out in 1999, well, he didn't, did he? He might not have been lying when he gazed, evangelistically, into the distance and predicted all things bright and beautiful but, for all the good he did during that period, he might as well have been.

At a Downing Street press briefing in 2001, B Liar said this:
"I'm the Prime Minister and I don't lie."
No explanation necessary.

In June 2001, he said this:
"World trade is good for people's jobs and people's living standards."
World Trade is particularly good for the living standards of the fat cats, the multinational companies and their shareholders and the already rich.

In 1980, a year after Mrs. Thatcher came to power, the richest one per cent of the population controlled six per cent of the national wealth. By 1999, two years into the time of Tony, the richest one percent controlled thirteen percent of Britain's wealth.

In 1996, the year before New Labour came to power, the richest one per cent of the UK's population owned £355 billion's worth of assets. By 2002, five years into the time of Tony, they controlled £797 billion.

When Tony Blair came to power, the top directors of the top companies in Britain were earning an everage of 31 times what their workers were earning. As of September 2006, the top directors were earning 75 times what their workers were earning.

In the year 2000, the average annual earnings of a UK farm worker was just £3,800. I don't think such a bloke would agree with Tony B if he told them that world trade was good for their jobs and living standards.

In October 2001, Tony B Liar told a whopper.

He said:
"The biggest drugs hoard in the world is in Afghanistan, controlled by the Taleban. Ninety per cent of the heroin on British streets originates in Afghanistan. The arms the Taliban are buying today are paid for with the lives of young British people buying their drugs on British streets."
In July 2003, he told another when he said:
"If Afghanistan needs more troops from the international community to police outside Kabul, our duty is to get them... Let us help them eradicate their dependency on the poppy, the crop whose wicked residue turns up on the streets of Britain as heroin to destroy young British lives, as much as their harvest warps the lives of Afghans."
In 2000, the Taliban banned the growing of opium poppies.

In 2001, UN observers reported that the crop had been practically wiped out. However, after Bush and Blair invaded, opium production increased 20-fold within a few years.

Tony B was telling an outright and wholly provable lies here.

In May 2002, Tony B Liar said this:
"In GM crops I can find no serious evidence of health risks".
In July 1998, T B Liar appointed the mega-rich businessman, Lord David Sainsbury, of supermarket fame, to the post of Science Minister. Sainsbury's qualifications for such a post were not immediately obvious, as he left university with a BA in history and psychology. However, he is greatly concerned with the promotion of GM crops and food. Blair is an enthusiastic groupie in this area and has shared a platform with Sainsbury on at least one occasion when the technology was being promoted.

Companies House documents show that Sainsbury personally loaned a seven-figure sum to Diatech, a firm which owns a key gene patent used in GM technology, just seventeen days after Tony B made him Science Minister.

When he became a Minister, all Sainsbury's financial interests were supposed to have been put into a blind trust, a device which shields a Minister from knowing what is happening to his investments. After 28 July, he should have had no knowledge of or dealings with Diatech.

In December 1998, just three weeks after he attended the first meeting of the Cabinet's Ministerial Group on Biotechnology and Genetic Modification, Sainsbury entertained three executives from the largest biotechnology company in the world, Monsanto, in his private office at the Department of Trade and Industry.

When Sainsbury was questioned by Sue Lawley, during his February 2004 appearance on Desert Island Discs, he stated categorically that he had no influence over such matters in government. Moreover, the thoughtful Lord assured Lawley that he got up and left the room, whenever the debate turned to genetic engineering and its environmental consequences.

Three weeks later, on 22 February, The Observer told us this:
"One of Tony Blair's closest allies, Lord Sainsbury, was fighting for his political life last night after he was accused of breaching strict government guidelines over his business interests. Leaked minutes obtained by The Observer reveal that the Science Minister, who has extensive business interests in the biotechnology sector, was at a key Cabinet meeting which drew up a top-level strategy to promote the fledgling industry, a policy shift from which Sainsbury could reap large dividends.

At the meeting Sainsbury was tasked with asking the Prime Minister to use his influence with European leaders to promote the biotech industry. By doing so Sainsbury is accused of contravening Article Six of Cabinet Office guidelines that stipulate: 'Ministers must ensure that no conflict arises, or appears to arise, between their public duties and their private interests'...

His investments in the biotech industry include Diatech, a company that holds a number of patents for GM products and was placed in a blind trust when he became a government Minister. Through the trust he also has a sizeable stake in another company, Innotech Investments, which has a stake in a US-based firm that seeks out new drugs to cure major health issues.

Paradigm Genetics describes itself as having 'advanced research capabilities in biomarker-enabled drug discovery, with an internal focus on diabetes and obesity'. Also, through his Gatsby Charitable Foundation, Sainsbury has injected millions of pounds into the study of plant genetics at the John Innes Centre, which conducts research into GM crops...

Critics of Sainsbury say that the leaked minutes... show for the first time the clear conflict of interest between the Minister's business interests and his political position.

At the meeting, Ministers discussed a number of key ways to support the UK's biotechnology sector. These included limiting the EU's ability to raise ethical issues surrounding biotechnology, launching an awareness campaign to change MPs and the public's perception about the industry, and encouraging European leaders to push its potential benefits on their health Ministers. Sainsbury seemingly played a crucial role during the meeting, with Foreign Secretary Jack Straw tasking the Science Minister to contact the Prime Minister on ways to win support within the EU for the biotech industry...

A spokesman for the DTI rejected any accusations of wrongdoing, arguing that Sainsbury's role was to promote the industry and he was entitled to be at the meeting."
Tony B Liar 'can find no serious evidence of health risks' in GM food and crops because Sainsbury and the US biotechnology industry, which has invested massively in this area of business, don't want him to!

During New Labour's time in power, Tony B's unelected Science Minsiter contributed somewhere in the region of £20,000,000 to New Labour's coffers.

In June 2002, Blair said this:
"Britain must have controlled immigration. We need 150,000 immigrants a year... to look after us in our old age."
Tony B Liar isn't the only New Labour luvvie to come out with this nonsense. Immigration Minister, Barabara Roche, a second-generation Jewish immigrant herself, was the first to say that we need another 150,000 LEGAL immigrants every year and, when David Blunkett became Home Secretary, he upped the ante to 200,000! As if the British aren't able to look after themselves any more!

We'd be OK if we didn't have Immigration Ministers like Barbara Roche, Home Secretaries like David Blunkett and Prime Ministers like Tony B Liar paying attention to what the PC crowd insist is good for us as opposed to what we actually want!

We do not NEED immigration of any kind! In the 1950s, opinion polls demonstrated time and time again that the British people wanted all immigration stopped. In 2003, the TV programme You the Judge featured four of the most harrowing asylum seeker cases imaginable. After each case had been shown the presenter asked the viewer to ring up and state whether they believed that the asylum seekers in question should be allowed to stay in England.

64 percent of the 90,000 people who telephoned said NONE should be allowed to stay. This means that, even now, after 40 years of remorseless politically correct propaganda, at least two thirds of the British people want ALL immigration brought to a halt.

Tony B knows what the actual statistics say. They say that more than 200,000 BRITISH PEOPLE are leaving this country every year because they can't stand it any more. These are being replaced by unwanted aliens. The global elite insists we take them in order to facilitate their heritage and culture-destroying melting pot philosophies.

It's only the media darlings, the Marxist politicos, their New World Order paymasters and the first and second-generation immigrants themselves who relish the 'multicultural, multiracial society.'

As for the 'type of country that the vast majority of British people believe in,' well, go back 50 years, to a time before most of the immigrants arrived and you'll be a lot closer to the truth than the garbage Tony B Liar is inclined to spout.

In September 2002, Blair said this:
"Since 1997, we have one and a half million more jobs. More people are in work than ever before. Thanks to the new deal, over 750,000 have benefited and now long-term youth unemployment stands at just 5,300, the lowest total for 30 years".
Many of the jobs TB Liar was speaking of in 2002 are transitory, part-time and poorly paid. On the other other hand, by 2005, 80,000 jobs had been lost in farming since 1996 and 750,000 manufacturing jobs had disappeared, the work being transferred to the far east mostly. You know, where some countries have no problem using prison labour? Labour which does tend to undercut first world wages?

In October 2002, Tony Blair said:
"Our school system has now been judged, by the most authoritative international analysis, among the top eight in the world, above France and Germany. More students than ever before go to university. Our universities are widely regarded as the best in Europe."
In 2002, Tony B also said:
"Let's be clear. Real progress has been made... School results, not just for primary schools but also secondary schools, are way up. For instance, under 60 per cent reached the expected standard in maths in 1997, compared with over 70 per cent last year. In 1998, well under half of secondary students were getting more than 5 good GCSEs."
I have been a contestant on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.

Whilst I was there, a second year university student managed to get into the hot seat. By the time she arrived at the £8,000 question she was on her last lifeline. The question she was asked boiled down to this: multiply 100 by 100. She stared at the screen for about ten minutes trying to figure out which of the four options was the correct one. She couldn't figure it our and got the answer wrong.

When I was a boy I was taught in a class of 45 whose fathers, for the most part, worked down the mines, on a farm or some other such menial job. Well, there wasn't one child who couldn't have worked out that sum in their head in less than thirty seconds when they were seven years old.

Dumbing-down has been taking place in this country since the mid-sixties. One could be forgiven for thinking that it's all part of some dreadful plan devided by the global elite. The less educated you are, the less likely it is that you will be able to figure out what THEY are doing to you.

They've been dumbing down the Yanks since the first decade of the last century. Which is why they are as they are, I guess.

In September 2002, Tony Blair said this:
"Let me tell you why I say Saddam Hussein is a threat that has to be dealt with. He has twice before started wars of aggression. Over one million people died in them... Uniquely Saddam has used these weapons against his own people, the Iraqi Kurds. Scores of towns and villages were attacked.

In one attack alone, on the city of Halabja, it is estimated that 5,000 were murdered and 9,000 wounded in this way... Saddam has a nuclear weapons programme too".
In November 1979, the American embassy in Tehran was overrun by students. In September 1980, to the relief of the Saudis and most of the other non-fundamentalist states in the region and with the tacit encouragement of America and the West, Saddam Hussein attacked Iran.

In January 1981, the hostages were freed after 444 days. In June 1982, Saddam attempted to make peace but Iran turned a deaf ear to his offers. At this point he began to buy crop dusting helicopters from the United States, which everyone concerned knew would be used to deliver chemical weapons.

Loans from the Banco Nazionale del Lavaro to Iraq for arms purchases were organised as early as 1984 by Kissinger Associates.

In December 1983 a meeting took place in Baghdad in which Reagan's Middle East envoy informed Saddam that Washington was willing to resume diplomatic relations. These had been severed at the time of the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. Reagan's envoy was none other than Donald Rumsfeld.

In April 1984, Saddam asked for a face to face meeting with Ayatollah Khomeini to negotiate peace but the offer was again refused. In 1986 Vice President George Bush urged him to intensify his air war against Iran in order to increase Iran's demand for US made anti-aircraft weapons.

In the same year, the Iran/Contra scandal was exposed. The US had, since 1984, secretly been arming Iran. They had done this whilst they had been overtly encouraging Iraq. The US wanted neither side to 'win' but were more than happy to see both sides 'lose.'

The eight-year war against Iraq discouraged Iran from lending their overt support to Islamic revolution in neighbouring countries. Saddam gained great respect amongst secular Araby because of this. He also believed himself to be in America's good books and the US did not dissuade him of this notion.

During the war, some of the Iraqi Kurds had joined forces with Iran against Saddam's regime. By 1987, the Kurds had become the most powerful internal opposition in Iraq. They controlled an area bigger than Kuwait. Saddam gave the governor of Northern Iraq, permission to use chemical weapons against the Kurds at this time.

The Halabja story was first broached by the Iranians and was, at first, received sceptically by most. It did not become a big issue in the Western media until 1 September 1988, when the Neoconservative Jew, William Safire, wrote an article about Halabja in the New York Times.

As both sides had used chemical weapons throughout the Iran/Iraq War, the Reagan administration had turned a blind eye but George Bush senior saw an opportunity to make political capital and condemned their use at this point. He was happy to pick a fight with the country that gave the Zionist lobby in America the most cause for concern, in the knowledge that he would attract the Jewish vote in the coming election as a result.

The invasion of Kuwait was largely provoked by the greed of the Kuwaiti leadership. Whilst Iraq was otherwise distracted during its war against Iran, the Kuwaitis used the opportunity to extend their borders into Iraq. Around 900 square miles of Iraqi territory was filched by the Kuwaitis at this time.

Having brought the border close to the beginnings of the vast Rumaila oilfield, the Kuwaiti Emir purchased the hardware and expertise of the Santa Fe Drilling Company of California, for 2.3 billion dollars. This company specialised in slant drilling, that is, they didn't drill straight down, they drilled diagonally. The Emir was now able to siphon off a good deal of Iraq's oil wealth by drilling right into the heart of a prime reserve.

Adding insult to injury, the Kuwaitis chose this moment to dump oil on the world's markets and its price fell substantially as a result. This, at a time when the Iraqis needed to maximise their oil revenues to rebuild an economy devastated by the long years of war with Iran.

The former CIA operative John Stockwell informed us thus in a speech he gave at Louden Nelson Community Center, Santa Cruz, California in 1991.
"This past summer, Saddam Hussein called in the US Ambassador April Glaspie and asked her what the US position was on the defence of Kuwait. She did not know that she was being tape-recorded, and she told him ten times in this conversation that we had no defence agreement with Kuwait.

At one point, she said that the Secretary of State had ordered her to emphasise this instruction. She said she had conferred with the President about it.

Congressman Lee Hamilton concluded... that we had deliberately given Saddam Hussein the green light to invade Kuwait... Hussein thought he was being permitted to go in and take Kuwait... And he thought that we would not react".
The following is a tape recorded conversation that April Glaspie, US Ambassador to Iraq, had with Saddam Hussein eight days before the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.
"President Bush is an intelligent man. He is not going to declare an economic war against Iraq... I admire your extraordinary efforts to rebuild your country. I know you need funds. We understand that, and our opinion is that you should have the opportunity to rebuild your country. But we have no opinion on Arab-Arab conflicts like your border disagreement with Kuwait.

James Baker [US Secretary of State] has directed our official spokesmen to emphasise this instruction... when we see the Iraqi point of view that the measures taken by the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait are, in the final analysis, tantamount to military aggression against Iraq."
After the first Gulf War was over, George Bush senior gave the green light to the Kurds in the north and the Shi'ites in the south to overthrow the remnants of the Iraqi regime. Both eagerly sought revenge on their erstwhile neighbours in the areas where they were predominant and many tens of thousands of Iraqi Sunnis were killed, the innocent along with the guilty.

This uprising was so successful that, at one point, it was said that the anti-Saddam forces held sway in 15 of Iraq's 18 provinces. But then Bush reneged on the deal. The US wanted a unified Iraq not a fragmented bunch of warring tribes.

Secretly, Saddam was told that he could breach the 'no-fly' zones that had just been established to re-establish order. This was done with swift and brutal effectiveness and the 'stability' that the US required was restored.

So, when Tony Blair tells us that Saddam 'twice before started wars of aggression' and 'over one million people died in them' he is not lying. However, he fails to mention that the first war against Iran was aggressively encouraged by the West and Saddam's neighbours and he also chooses not to tell us that, before the second war against Kuwait, Saddam was led to believe that the US was not interested in its defence.

As for using 'these weapons against his own people,' well Tony B has never told us that a goodly number of the Kurds were actively fighting against Saddam's regime at the time, has he?

And the 5,000 dead Kurds in Halabja? This whopper has been dealt with in the HALABJA essay, elswhere at this website. Go here to remind yourselves just how big a liar Tony B can be.

In November 2002, TB Liar said this:
"We have no quarrel with the Iraqi people. We want you to be our friends and partners."
And in February 2003, he said this:
"I do not want war. I do not believe anyone in this house wants war."
During the twelve years between Gulf Wars 1 and 2, more than 1,5000,000 Iraqis, most of them children, died unnecessarily. Disease and malnutrition caused by sanction and the destruction of Iraq's infrastructure by UK and US air strikes killed them.

I don't think the people of Iraq would have believed Tony B when he made the above statements and they certainly won't believe him after everything that's happened in their country since the invasion.

In September 2002, Blair said this:
"His weapons of mass destruction programme is active, detailed and growing. The policy of containment is not working. The WMD programme is not shut down, it is up and running now... The intelligence picture is extensive, detailed and authoritative."
"There has been a real concern on our part not to exaggerate the intelligence we get."
No explanation necessary.

In January 2003, the Liar said:
"We are the ally of the US not because they are powerful, but because we share their values... the US are a force for good".
Tony B Liar is the ally of and shares the values of the US Neoconservatives who are indeed very powerful, but they are a 'force' for evil not good. They care only for themselves, the US and Israel. Almost no one in this country would agree with Tony B on this one.

On 21 January 2003, Tony Blair said this to the House of Commons Liaison Committee:
"There is some intelligence evidence about linkages between members of al-Qa'ida and people in Iraq."
Whereas, in fact, he had just seen an intelligence report which said al-Qa'ida was 'in ideological conflict' with the 'apostate' Iraqi regime, and there were no known links. This info was leaked at a later date so we can be sure that TB knew himself to be lying when he made this statement.

In TB's 3 February 2003, Iraq dossier, he said:
"Journeys are monitored by security officers stationed on the route if they have prior intelligence. Any changes of destination are notified ahead by telephone or radio so that arrival is anticipated. The welcoming party is a give away."
Whereas Hans Blix, the UN's chief weapons inspector said this to the Security Council:
"In no case have we seen convincing evidence that the Iraqi side knew in advance that the inspectors were coming."
The Liar was lying.

On 15 February 2003, at a meeting in Glasgow, TB Liar said:
"More teachers, more nurses, more police. That is what you get from a Labour Government."
No explanation necessary.

On 20 March 2003, Tony Blair addressed the nation thus:
"Removing Saddam will be a blessing to the Iraqi people… I hope the Iraqi people hear this message. We are with you".
'A blessing?'

Tell that to those who are still waiting for their sewage system to be fixed. Tell that to those who are still waiting for the electricity to be turned on permanently. Tell that to those who are still waiting for a regular supply of clean clean water. Tell that to those who have no job.

Tell that to those who suffer from the depredations of the new elite you imposed upon them, Tony. Tell that to the many hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis that you and the smirking chimp never bothered to count. Tell that to those who loved them.

You are 'with them?' You're not 'with them,' you're not with us either. You are with Big Brother, Big Business, Big America and Big Israel, that's who you're with. You know it, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Palestinians know it and, nowadays, a great many British people know it as well.

In the same 20 March 2003, speech the Liar said this:
"We shall help Iraq move towards democracy. And put the money from Iraqi oil in a UN trust fund so that it benefits Iraq and no one else."
Which is a whopper so whopping it actually made me laugh when he said it. There he was with straightest face on, ever so slightly reminiscent of a one-dimensionally earnest B-movie actress whose name I don't want to recall, telling the British people that the Iraqis would end up with their own oil. On 22 November 2005, the War on Want website reported thus:
"Control of Iraq's future oil wealth is being handed to multinational oil companies through long-term contracts that will cost Iraq hundreds of billions of dollars, according to a new report published today. 

Crude Designs: The Rip-Off of Iraq's Oil Wealth reveals that current Iraqi oil policy will allocate the development of at least 64 percentof Iraq’s reserves to foreign oil companies… The contracts would guarantee massive profits to foreign companies, with rates of return of 42 to 162 percent.

The kinds of contracts that will provide these returns are known as production sharing agreements. PSAs have been heavily promoted by the US government and oil majors... Britain has also encouraged Iraq to open its oilfields to foreign investment… PSAs last for 25-40 years, are usually secret and prevent governments from later altering the terms of the contract.

Crude Designs lead researcher, Greg Muttitt of PLATFORM, said: 'The form of contracts being promoted is the most expensive and undemocratic option available. Iraq’s oil should be for the benefit of the Iraqi people, not foreign oil companies... The companies will inevitably use Iraq's current instability to push for highly advantageous terms and lock Iraq to those terms for decades'.

Louise Richards, Chief Executive of War on Want, said: 'People have increasingly come to realise that the Iraq war was about oil, profits and plunder. Despite claims from the politicians involved that this is a conspiracy theory, our new report gives detailed evidence to show that Iraq's oil profits, far from being used to alleviate some of the suffering the Iraqi people now face, are well within the sights of the oil multi-nationals'."
So, when the Jesus Christ-All-Bleeding-Mighty wannabe B-movie actress in Downing Street said that it would 'put the money from Iraqi oil in a UN trust fund so that it benefits Iraq and no one else,' she was spouting total bo***cks.

On 4 April 2003, Blair said:
"The reason why the inspectors couldn't do their job ... was that Saddam wouldn't co-operate."
Whereas, in fact, the Iraqis were very publicly destroying missiles the US/UN had declared illegal when the US ordered the inspectors out just before the war began. The inspectors were also reporting that they were making progress.

The Liar was lying.

In June 2003, Tony B said this:
"The point of our politics is to exercise power for the good of the people".
The point of Tony B's politics was 'to exercise power for the good' of America, the military industrial complex, the leaders of world Jewry and the movers and shakers of the New World Order. These days, of course, this gruesome bunch are often synonymous.

Roman Catholicism and Scottish nationalism ring Tony B's bells as well, it must be said. If anything, he seems to wish 'the people,' particularly the Protestant majority of England and the foreigner in his own back yard, nothing but ill.

In July 2003, TB Liar said:
"My nation... takes enormous pride in our alliance (Britain and America's) and great affection in our common bond".
Well, I don't know about you, but I take no pride at all in being allied with those who would elect a smirking chimpanzee to be their President.


In July 2003, B Liar also said:
"We're not fighting for domination. We're not fighting for an American world".
The US neoconservatives were 'fighting for' a 'New American Century,' which they aspire to dominate through military and economic might. PNAC, the 'Project for the New American Century' is the leading neocon think-tank.

The Liar was lying.

In March 2004, Blair said:
"Though we know Saddam had WMD; we haven't found the physical evidence of them in the 11 months since the war. But in fact, everyone thought he had them."
'Everyone thought he had them?'

I didn't. Did you?

In March 2004, Tony B Liar said this:
"Iraq in March 2003 was an immensely difficult judgement... I have never disrespected those who disagreed with the decision... there was a core of sensible people who faced with this decision would have gone the other way, for sensible reasons. Their argument is one I understand."
Whereas, on 16 February 2003, Tony B described the two million who marched against the looming war in February 2003, thus:
"I read the anti-war sites and listen to the protesters and I realise that they haven't a clue, or worse, they just don't give a damn."
So, when Tony B says that he has 'never disrespected those who disagreed with the decision' to go to war, he's lying.

On 27 April 2004, Tony Blair made his most disgusting, immigrant-fondling speech to the pro-immigration, Big Business bigwigs of the CBI.

He said the following as 10 more countries prepared for EU membership:
"Those who warned of disaster back in the 1960s and 1970s if migration was not stopped, who said Britain would never accept a multi-racial society, have been proved comprehensively wrong".
So, it wasn't a disaster for the 52 people who died in the London bombings?

It wasn't a disaster for the thousands of British people who have been murdered and manslaughtered by first and second-generation immigrants over the last five decades? It hasn't been a disaster for those many thousands of British girls who have been turned to prostitution by foreign men in the last half century?

It wasn't a disaster for all of those many millions who have been turned on to the drugs brought in and distributed, for the most part, by black, Asian and South American men in the last five decades?

It wasn't a disaster for those who have caught diseases imported into this country by the politician and the immigrant? It wasn't a disaster for the millions of British people who have been ethnically cleansed out of there own ancient neighbourhoods by the aggressive and anti-social behaviours of those you like best, either?

It wasn't a disaster for those who once had free speech but now have to endure a massive raft of race law intended to silence those who would criticise the behaviours of those who sought to destroy us? It wasn't a disaster for those who have been imprisoned simply for telling the wrong truth?

It wasn't a disaster for the immigrant, I grant you that. It wasn't a disaster for people like you who wanted to subjugate and eliminate the British peoples. But it was and is an ever-increasing disaster for those who never wanted the mass immigration of immigrant peoples changing the ethnic composition and culture of our nation to the extent that it has.

'Those who warned of disaster… have been proved comprehensively wrong,' you said.

You're a liar, Tony Blair. You know it, I know it, the man in the street and the Faustian gods you pray to know it. Unfortunately, in this accursed age, creeps like Tony Blair don't seem to give a damn whether the dumb, disenfranchised herd knows it or not.

I guess the fact that almost 25,000 Sedgefield teletubbies voted for a proven liar in 2005 suggests that they're right not to give a damn.

Blair also said this:
"Britain as a whole is immeasurably richer - and not just economically - for the contribution that migrants have made to our society."
He also said that measures were being imlemented to ensure that 'public support for the controlled migration that benefits Britain is maintained.'

'Public Support?'

The public support of the British people who have been telling you politicians for over 50 years that they wanted all immigration brought to a halt?

Yeah right.

Blair also said:
"Those who say migration is out of control… are simply wrong".
No explanation necessary.

He also said this:
"Those who do come here make a huge contribution".
Oh, right.

The bullies, the nuts, the rapists, the pimps, the drug dealers, the scroungers, the diseased, the ethnic cleansers, the Rachmann-like landlords, those we Brits have to kow-tow to by law, those who kill us for kicks and all of those extremely nice people who have landed upon us over the last 60 years, who knew before they arrived that the British people did not want them here and whose presence has put such an enormous strain upon our infrastructure, all of them 'make a huge contribution,' do they?

TB is telling a very provable lie here.

He also said this:
"The East African Asians who fled Uganda in the 1970s have contributed immeasurably to British society and in just 30 years have become one of the most economically successful migrant groups this country has ever seen".
More than 100,000 retail outlets have been taken over by Asians in recent years and whenever a property comes up for private auction in this country you are likely to see more faces of Asian origin at that auction than native British ones.

That's one level. On another level entirely, the Hinduja brothers control multi-billion-dollar energy, transport, media and agricultural conglomerate. How has their ownership of British effort and sacrifice built profited those haven't ever had the chance to progress from unemployment or the hard slog to something a little better? How has thiselped the British businessman who finds himself up against the Hindujas, Lakshmi Mittal or Roman Abramovich?

The East African Asians in particular have helped themselves pretty exclusively and, seeing as Tony Blair has had huge bungs from both the Hindujas and Mittal, I guess the Asians in general have helped New Labour. In fact, the Hindujas have greased just about everybody's palm at the top of the sh**heap so, perhaps, we shouldn't single out TB's posse for special opprobrium.

Anyway, when he says: 'The East African Asians who fled Uganda in the 1970s have contributed immeasurably to British society,' they have contributed a lot to the chunk of Asian Britain that now belongs to them but, as for those who once owned what they've now got, well, the East African Asians have given us nothing but grief.

Blair lied.

Tony B also said:
"Our borders are now more secure than they have ever been."
No explanation necessary.

He also said:
"The move from a Europe of 15 countries to a Europe of 25 with a population bigger than that of the North American Free Trade Area is to be warmly welcomed not feared."
'Welcomed' by Big Business, Big Brother and the gangster elite of the New World Order, 'feared' by the rest of us.

In the lead up to accession to the EU by the new eastern European states, Blair's crowd were assuring us that no more 5,000 to 13,000 migrants would descend upon us anually from this area of the world.However, by January, 2006, more than 3,000 Poles had landed in just one small town, Crewe. That's Crewe, with it's homogeneous population of 48,000 English people and, just like that, there were three thousand Polish folk living alongside of them.

That's not just men looking for work, come to 'help us out,' by the way, that's whole families upping sticks and moving in. The government sponsored Office for National Statistics told us this:
"In 2004 an estimated 74,000 more European Union 25 citizens migrated to the UK than left in 2004. Of this net inflow, an estimated 48,000 were citizens of the 10 countries that joined the European Union in 2004."
So, in just 8 months, from the end of April to the end of December 2004, 48,000 Eastern European citizens, that the ONS knew about, had piled into Britain. That's equivalent to 72,000 annually. That's a hell of a long way from the 5,000/13,000 lie, isn't it?

Tony Blair and the world-changers are at war with the British people. They have been importing their pet footsoldiers into this country since the 1950s and most of these are nothing like us.

In order to bring impose their melting-pot philosophies upon a stable, ethnically homogenous population, the Tony Blair type has lied and lied and lied again. Within the same ONS article, the boffins tell us this:
"In 2004 an estimated 223,000 more people migrated to the UK than migrated abroad. This estimated net inflow is 72,000 higher than the previous year and is the highest since the present method of estimation began in 1991.

The estimated number of people arriving to live in the UK for at least a year increased from 513,000 in 2003 to a record 582,000 in 2004. The estimate of people leaving the UK to live elsewhere was 360,000. This is similar to those levels seen in the last two years.

There was a record estimate for the net outflow of British citizens. There were 120,000 more British citizens migrating abroad than were migrating to the UK. The number of British citizens leaving the UK to live elsewhere increased to 208,000 in 2004. This is the highest estimated annual outflow of British citizens.

There was a record estimate for the net inflow of non-British citizens. There were 342,000 more non-British citizens migrating to the UK than migrating abroad."
Now do you really NOT get what is going on here?

They are ethnically cleansing England in particular and Britain in general of the English/British people! THIS IS WAR! This is war on a vast scale!

Let me reiterate: 'The number of British citizens leaving the UK to live elsewhere increased to 208,000 in 2004... There were 342,000 more non-British citizens migrating to the UK than migrating abroad.' 208,000 Brits out - 342,000 foreigners in. THAT THEY KNOW ABOUT!

In the 17 years of Hansard records of parliamentary debate that are available online, there are many references to 'ethic cleansing' elsewhere on the planet but there are NONE AT ALL warning the British people of the ethnic cleansing that has been taking place in their own country.

We have been betrayed, ladies and gentlemen. Those we elected to represent us have been representing others all along. I think Tony Blair is the greatest traitor these islands have ever produced.


The statistics quoted above may be found here:


In July 2006, a Guardian article told us that:
"Official statistics suggest that 228,000 Poles have registered to live and work in Britain since Poland joined the EU in May 2004. Other estimates suggest the real figure is between 350,000 and 500,000, while last week the respected Polish news magazine Polityka estimated that one million Poles have moved to the UK."
Like I said, ladies and gentlemen, it is war. It really is.

In July 2004, in response to the Butler Report, Tony B said this:
"No one lied. No one made up the intelligence. No one inserted things into the dossier against the advice of the intelligence services".
Whereas, on 13 July 2004, Lord Butler's report on Iraq said this:
"We were struck by the relative thinness of the intelligence base... on Iraqi production and possession of chemical and biological weapons."
The Panorama programme of 20 March 2005, saw the former Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, say this:
"He (Tony B) saw the evidence. He probably saw more of the intelligence than any other single person in government. Therefore he was well placed to judge how thin it was... What surprised me, astonished me, about the September dossier was how one sided it was. It was propaganda, it was not an honest presentation of intelligence".
Tony B Liar mentioned the phrase 'weapons of mass destruction' over a hundred times in a variety of public forums in the run up to Gulf War II. It is likely, because his intelligence analysts were not able to provide him with any definitive proof that WMD still existed, that, all the time he was being so categorical in front of the cameras, he was only hoping for the best.

Tony B Liar 'lied.' Tony B Liar fabricated the intelligence and he, probably, 'inserted things into the dossier against the advice of the intelligence services.'

In July 2004, Tony B said this:
"Had we backed down in respect of Saddam, we would never have taken the stand we needed to take on WMD, never have got progress on Libya."
Let's take a look at what Martyn Indyk, Clinton's Ambassador to Israel, said in The Financial Times of March 9, 2004:
"Libyan representatives offered to surrender WMD programmes more than four years ago, at the outset of secret negotiations with US officials... Back then, Libya was facing a deepening economic crisis...

United Nations and US sanctions that prevented Libya importing oilfield technology made it impossible for Mr. Gadaffi to expand oil production. The only way out was to seek rapprochement with Washington. Reinforcing this economic imperative was Mr. Gadaffi's own quest for respectability...

Removing the sanctions and their accompanying stigma became his priority.
From the start of Bill Clinton's administration, Gadaffi had tried to open back-channels, using various Arab interlocutors with little success.

Disappointed, he turned to Britain, first settling a dispute over the shooting of a British policewoman in London and then offering to send the two Libyans accused in the Lockerbie PanAm 103 bombing for trial in a third country...

The task of US diplomacy then was to maintain the sanctions until Gadaffi had fulfilled all other obligations under the UN resolutions: ending support for terrorism, admitting culpability and compensating victims' families. That was why the Clinton administration opened the secret talks on one condition, that Libya cease lobbying in the UN to lift the sanctions.

It did... Libyan representatives offered to join the Chemical Weapons Convention and open their facilities to inspection. In a subsequent meeting in October 1999, Libya repeated its offer on chemical weapons and agreed to join the Middle East multilateral arms control talks taking place at the time. Why did we not pursue the Libyan WMD offer then? Because resolving the PanAm 103 issues was our condition for any further engagement.

Moreover, as Libya's chemical weapons programme was not considered an imminent threat and its nuclear programme barely existed... securing compensation had to be top priorities."
So, when Tony B says that if he and George Bush had 'backed down in respect of Saddam' they 'would never... have got progress on Libya,' he is lying.

On 14 September 2004, Tony Blair made a speech in London.

In this speech he described climate change as the world's greatest environmental challenge. Here are some of things he said:
"Tonight I want to concentrate on what I believe to be the world's greatest environmental challenge: climate change... Our effect on the environment, and in particular on climate change, is large and growing...

What is now plain is that the emission of greenhouse gases, associated with industrialisation and strong economic growth from a world population that has increased sixfold in 200 years, is causing global warming at a rate that began as significant, has become alarming and is simply unsustainable in the long-term.

And by long-term I do not mean centuries ahead. I mean within the lifetime of my children certainly; and possibly within my own. And by unsustainable, I do not mean a phenomenon causing problems of adjustment. I mean a challenge so far-reaching in its impact and irreversible in its destructive power, that it alters radically human existence…

If there is one message I would leave with you and with the British people today it is one of urgency… There is a virtual worldwide scientific consensus on the scope of the problem…

I said earlier it needed global leadership to tackle the issue. But we cannot aspire to such leadership unless we are seen to be following our own advice… We have led the world in setting a bold plan and targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We are on track to meet our Kyoto target… Climate change focuses minds on big, industrial, energy users…

We need to develop the new green industrial revolution that develops the new technologies that can confront and overcome the challenge of climate change; and that above all can show us not that we can avoid changing our behaviour but we can change it in a way that is environmentally sustainable… The UK is taking a strong lead globally…

From Europe, we need then to secure action world-wide…

Our efforts to stabilise the climate will need, over time, to become far more ambitious than the Kyoto Protocol. Kyoto is only the first step…

We know there is disagreement with the US over this issue. In 1997 the US Senate voted 95-0 in favour of a resolution that stated it would refuse to ratify such a treaty…

Climate change will be a top priority for our G8 Presidency next year… The G8 Presidency is a wonderful opportunity to give a big push to international opinion and understanding, among businesses as well as Governments…

We have to recognise that the commitments reflected in the Kyoto protocol and current EU policy are insufficient…

If what the science tells us about climate change is correct, then unabated it will result in catastrophic consequences for our world…

To acquire global leadership, on this issue Britain must demonstrate it first at home…

The G8 next year, and the EU Presidency provide a great opportunity to push this debate to a new and better level that, after the discord over Kyoto, offers the prospect of agreement and action.

We have been warned. On most issues we ask children to listen to their parents. On climate change, it is parents who should listen to their children. Now is the time to start."
Pretty categoric, huh?

St. Tony comes to the rescue of the world, hooray! Unfortunately, in September 2005, Our Dear Leader was saying something rather different at a conference organised by Bill Clinton in New York.

This is what he said then:
"I would say probably I'm changing my thinking about this in the past two or three years. I think if we are going to get action we have got to start from the brutal honesty about the politics of how we deal with it. The truth is, no country is going to cut its growth or consumption substantially in the light of a long-term environmental problem.

Some people have signed Kyoto, some people haven't signed Kyoto, right? That is a disagreement. It's there. It's not going to be resolved…

To be honest, I don't think people are going, at least in the short term, to start negotiating another major treaty like Kyoto."
Stephen Tindale of Greenpeace said this of the Liar's U-turn:
"Mr Blair is subtly back-sliding on his commitments and falling into the embrace of climate change sceptics - notably on the right of the Republican Party - who are welcoming their new ally with open arms."
Andrew Lee of the World Wildlife Fund added:
"The actual negotiating position of the Prime Minister becomes daily less discernible from that of US President George W Bush." 

I say the Liar is a rent boy.

Those who own his prostitute behind are Big Business, Big America, Big Oil and Big Israel and if he ever says anything half-way decent that makes a whole lot of sense to the rest of us, you can bet your bottom dollar that he is saying something else to those who rent him behind the scenes.

In April 2005, Tony B said this:
"I can't be sure of the numbers of people who are illegals in this country".
In November 2004, the Government's own expert, Professor John Salt, had estimated that 500,000 illegal immigrants were living here. Ministers tried to suppress his report and then, when his findings became known, smeared him by claiming his figures were 'unreliable' and 'grossly inaccurate.' Tony B, himself, stated, in an interview with Jeremy Paxman, that it was impossible to know how many illegal immigrants were living in Britain. It was, apparently, not possible to compute such figures, or even to hazard an intelligent guess, he assured us.

However, on 30 June 2005, an official Home Office report estimated that as many as 570,000 illegal immigrants were living here. The report stated that the best estimate was 430,000, but the number could be between 310,000 and 570,000. The Home Office estimate did not include the 772,000 asylum seekers who were being processed in 2001, the year on which the calculations were based, or those who were appealing against a refusal.

So, when, just before the election, Tony B Liar said that he had no idea how many illegal immigrants were living in the UK, he was well aware that, just after the election, the figures shown above would be published.

In April, 2005, no one could have known the exact numbers but to imply that is was impossible to make an intelligent guess was untrue. Tony B was just doing what comes naturally.

He was lying.

In June 2005, Tony Blair told us that the rebate that Margaret Thatcher had won from the EU would not be negotiated away.

During Prime Minister's Questions in the House of Commons, he categorically asserted:
"The UK rebate will remain and we will not negotiate it away. Period."
At the same time Blair was lying in the Commons, he was saying the rebate could be negotiated away if the French agreed to reform of the Common Agricultural Policy! However, by early December 2005, he had agreed to give up around £800 million of the rebate every year in exchange for precisely nothing!

Later in the month, when the deal was finally signed, Blair acceded to a £1 billion a year cut in the UK's rebate. The French position on reform of the CAP hadn't changed at all.

Blair defended himself aggressively, portraying himself as a generous champion of the eastern European states, saying:
"To have championed the cause of these new states; to have welcomed them into NATO and Europe and then to have refused to agree a budget that protects their future economic development would have been a betrayal of everything Britain has rightly stood for in the past 15 years or more since the fall of the Berlin wall.

They are our allies. It is our duty to stand by them."
So Tony gives our cash to Eastern Europe and this excuses the earlier bulls**t. Yeah, right.

THE LIAR LIED! What else is new?

In May 2006, Tony Blair opined thus:
"It is now time that anybody who is convicted of an imprisonable offence and who is a foreign national is deported."
And the Human Rights Act? That won't interfere with your desire to deport?

The Liar was after Brownie points with the dimmest of the dumbed-down when he did his Enoch act back in 2006.

On 26 September 2006, in Tony Blair's final address as Prime Minister at the Party Conference, he boasted about New Labour's track record under his leadership. Some of the lies he told in that speech were dealt with in the article, 50 Things Blair Didn't Mention in the following day's Times.

Here are a few more parting porkies he treated us to:
"This terrorism isn't our fault. We didn't cause it. It's not the consequence of foreign policy".
And yet, on 24 September 2006, The New York Times had published the declassified parts of a US National Intelligence Estimate report which came to precisely the opposite conclusion.

The National Intelligence Estimate is about as high-powered as it gets. It is a summarisedoverview of all 16 US intelligence agencies. The report stated that the Iraq conflict had become a 'cause celebre' for Islamic militants worldwide and had helped recruit 'supporters for the global jihadist movement.'

It also said that the conflict had bred 'a deep resentment of US involvement in the Muslim world' and that 'perceived jihadist success there would inspire more fighters to continue the struggle elsewhere.' It added:
"The Iraq Jihad is shaping a new generation of terrorist leaders and operatives... Militants, although a small percentage of Muslims, are increasing in both number and geographic dispersion. If this trend continues, threats to US interests globally will become more diverse leading to increased attacks worldwide."
Pretty categoric, wouldn't you say?

And not exactly the conclusion that Tony B Liar came to. Tony B also said this at the Conference:
"I don't want to live in a police state, or a Big Brother society."
Britain has more security cameras per head than any other country. There are around four million checking up on us at the mo.

Simon Davies, director of Privacy International and a fellow of the London School of Economics, has said:
"In Britain, we are saturated in a world of surveillance. Britain has to be the surveillance capital of the Western world."
And, of course, you must surely remember Chairman Blair doing his damnedest to force identity cards upon us for a good few years before he resigned.

Blair also said this at the Conference:
"Immigration has benefited Britain."
I re-iterate: It hasn't benefited the many thousands who have been murdered and manslaughtered and it hasn't benefited the hundreds of thousands who have been raped. It won't have benefited those seduced by the African immigrant who never bothered to tell them that he was HIV-positive, either.

It hasn't benefited the tens of thousands involved in road traffic accidents with unlicenced, untaxed and uninsured immigrants who were prepared to flout our laws and road safety traditions.

It hasn't benefited those who have fallen foul of the voluminous body of race law either. Many's the Brit who now has a criminal record because the immigrant has been extra-specially protected at his expense.

Nor has it benefited the many millions who wanted a home of their own as they shuffled backwards in the council housing queue to make room for an immigrant population automatically promoted to the head of it as soon as he and his family arrived.

And, as the harassed schoolteacher did her desperate best for all of those children who couldn't even speak English when they arrived, is there anyone out there who really believes that our own kids got the attention and schooling that they should have?

And it certainly hasn't benefited those who lost out in the job market because the immigrant would work for less. Nor has it benefited the worker whose boss took the Government's positive discrimination edicts, regarding the promotion and encouragement of everything alien, seriously.

And, of course, it hasn't benefited the families of those who had to share the suffering of all of the above.

At one point in Tony Blair's Conference address he, uncharacteristically, told the truth:
"30 million people now come to Britain every year… Yet we have no means of checking who is here lawfully."
So, a possible 30 million people, many of whom don't like, value or respect the British people and their way of life, get to come here anually and, as far as the Prime Minister of this country knows, stick around long after they were supposed to go. Pretty obviously, this was not a big deal as far as Tony B is concerned. Otherwise, during his nine years in office, he would have done something about it, wouldn't he?

Once upon a time, the unmonitored invitation of so many, who are as hostile to our way of life as, for example, militant Islam is, would have been called treason. But, when the bloke who gets to make the law is doing the inviting, such mind-bogglingly cavalier treachery gets to be ordinary in pretty short order.

Update: In December 2009, Immigration Minister, Phil Woolas, said this in a BBC Radio 4 interview:
"There are 285 MILLION PEOPLE who visit the United Kingdom every year".
285 MILLION? As opposed to a mere 30 MILLION? Let's see who is still capable of doing their long division. 285m divided by 30m = ?

Answer: 9.5.

If Woolas' figure is anywhere near correct, Tony B must have realised he was under-reporting the actuality in September 2006. A liar to the last, eh?

Anyway, ladies and gents, whatever silly number the global sniggerers come up with next, the figures being bandied about by those in the know seem to suggest we may already be greatly outnumbered in our own land by the alien who has no intention of leaving.


  1. The most evil, self serving politician this country has EVER produced. Not to mention his money grabbing wide mouthed frog of a wife. Truly despicable!!

  2. Great stuff, fantastic research. This slimy bastard is still spreading his poison around the UK. His reward for a successful mission, Presidency in the EU in charge of it's entire Armed Forces. Just wait and see, there's still life in the Warmonger yet.
