Sunday 23 June 2024

Farage versus the warmongers!

"We must stop playing war games in the Ukraine... Let's not go on provoking Putin whether we like him or not!"
Nigel Farage gave the above speech in the European Parliament in 2014!

In 2024, he alluded to his former prescience when questioned by Nick Robinson.

Whereupon the establishment warmongers condemned him.

Farage hit by furious uproar over Putin remarks as Reform surges in polls!
Farage defends Ukraine war remarks after backlash!
"The West’s errors in Ukraine have been catastrophic. I won’t apologise for telling the truth!"

Subsquently, Nigel wrote this in The Telegraph:
"Don’t blame me for telling the truth about Putin’s war in Ukraine... I saw it coming a decade ago, warned that it was coming and am one of the few political figures who has been consistently right and honest about Russia’s Ukraine war.

As I have made clear on multiple occasions since then, if you poke the Russian bear with a stick, don’t be surprised if he responds. And if you have neither the means nor the political will to face him down, poking a bear is obviously not good foreign policy."
He got it right, of course he did. A fingernail scratch of detective research will bear witness to that. He's not obliged to lie, you see. Whereas, the warmoners, bought-and-paid-for, as they are, must invariably do so.

Ah, well, it's all good.

The more the establishment savages demonstrate fake outrage when the facts emerge, the sooner the resolutely indifferent multitudes will be obliged to pay attention.

Jeffrey Sachs schools Piers Morgan on the USA/Ukraine reality!

Another example of Nigel telling the truth and predicting the disaster that would come to pass back in the day.

Check out the Vladimir Putin the western media never tells you about:

And lastly, in December 2013, John McCain, establishment warmonger incarnate, spoke to us from Kiev via CNN.

Think on this ladies and gentlemen, if the warmings of Nigel Farage and all we 'conspiracy theorists' who warned that EU and NATO expansionism would lead to disaster, had been heeded, about 400,000 Ukrainians and 100,000 Russians would still be alive.

Most of the dead will, of course, be young.

Just as most of those who sent them, self-righteously, off to die, are, if not old, then safely past the age where military service would be required by an unbending state.

'Twas ever, disgustingly, thus.

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