Monday 1 April 2024

Mr Harari and the totalitarian future of elite wet dreams!

On 4 October 2020, during a discussion on technology and the future of democracy, did Noah Yuval Harari, darling of the WEF crowd, inadvertently blow the whistle on the elite's plan for all of us and the reason THEY forced the COVID scam upon us in the first place? (From 32 minutes 30 seconds into the video)
"In five or ten years any algorithm of Microsoft or Amazon or the government would be able to know such a thing... This is the crucial revolution and COVID is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize total biometric surveillance. If we want to stop this epidemic we need, not just to monitor people, we need to monitor what's happening under the skin...

Even in Israel it has become a national security... I'm not against surveillance, it's an important tool, especially to fight epidemics. The question is, again, who is doing it? If you give it to the security service to do it, that's extremely dangerous! Now, they're using it to see whether you have the Coronavirus but exactly the same technology can determine what you think about the government!

Anger is a biological phenomena, just like disease, it's not some spiritual thing out there, it's a biological pattern in your body. With this kind of surveillance, you watch the big President, a big leader gives a speech on television, the television could be monitoring you and knowing whether you're angry or not just by analyzing the cues, the biological cues, coming from your body.

People are now watching us online, all over the world this this conversation now, maybe even right now, the people who are watching us are being watched and analyzed. And the thing is, it's not just 'you're now watching this.' The thing is, we know that you are watching this, and we also know how you feel! Are you angry about what you hear? Are you frightened? This is the kind of power that Stalin didn't have. When Stalin gave a speech everybody clapped their hands and smiled, now how do you know what they really think about Stalin? It's very difficult, you can't have a KGB agent following everybody all the time. Even if you do it, he's just watching your outside behavior, he doesn't really know what's happening in your mind. But, in 10 years, the future Stalins of the 21st century, they could be watching the minds, the brains of all the population, all the time! And also they will have the computing power to analyze all that you know.

It's not just having an agent following everybody all the time, the agent in Stalin's days writes a paper report and you have these millions of paper reports piling up in moscow, somebody needs to read them to analyze them, that's impossible. Now, you don't need human agents, you don't need human analyzers, you just have a lot of sensors and an AI which analyzes it and that's it! You have the worst totalitarian regime in history and COVID is important because COVID legitimizes some of the crucial steps, even in democratic countries!"
Do you think Mr. Harari is warning us? ('If you give it to the security service to do it, that's extremely dangerous!')

I don't. I think he's taking the p***. I think he believes that we plebs can't do a damn thing about 'the elite's plan for all of us.' I think he thinks it's a done deal.

If I'm right in this assumption, prove him wrong.

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