Tuesday 30 April 2024

German MEP, Christine Anderson, on the WHO's totalitarian intentions!

German MEP, Christine Anderson, warns us all about the nefarious intentions of the World Health Organisation.
"Now, it's all about changing the international heath regulations... THEY can call out a pandemic... And, once THEY do that, THEY will imediately seize the government powers of all the member states.

Just think about what your governments did to you, the restrictions they imposed which were utterly ridiculous, made no sense, had no scientific basis whatsoever. And, during this entire time, it was never about public health... It was always about breaking people. And that's what they kind of tried to establish. Covid was just a test balloon. They kind of just got going and they were trying to figure out 'how far can we go to get people to what we want them to do, and what needs to be done to get the people to what we want them to do'...

THEY realised, there was a problem. Because, I'm telling you, the governments especially, once again in the Western democracies, they would have loved to impose far stricter measures on you and taken down your fundamental rights on a much broader scale than they actually did, but they couldn't. Why couldn't they do that? Well, elected representatives and the governments, they are elected and they will be up for re-election. So they could not go as far as they wanted to go.

And that's now where the WHO comes in...The problem they were running into is the elected governments, they could not impose the restrictions they really wanted to impose. So what they're now doing, they're giving that competency, that power to the WHO and it provides the governments with plausible deniability because they can now say: 'We wouldn't do this to you. We would have never done this to you. It's the WHO, there's isn't anything we can do about that'...

Plausible deniability is what they're after."
About 10 percent of the WHO's funding is provided by Bill Gates.

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