Sunday 8 May 2022

The Plan - 10 years of pandemic!

PRINCE CHARLES: "Unless we take the action necessary and we build again in a greener, more sustainable and more inclusive way, we will end up having more and more pandemics and more and more disasters!"
That's the future King of England threatening us there, ladies and gentlemen!

You know, the guy that hangs out with Klaus Schwab? He of 'the Great Reset' and 'build back better?'
It's not rocket science, folks, they are no longer trying to hide their intentions.

They are at war with us and they don't care if we know it. It seems to me that, if we don't stand up soon, they are going to roll right over all of us.

Soon after that, there will be no one left to protest, no one left fight and no one left to die.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I have been reading your blog for years and years. Indeed I remember your old site, IAAEM.

    Anyway, I have been looking for an article I read on here years ago. I believe it was published in the Daily Mail originally, and was about how "Tony" was Levy's lapdog. Indeed he used to call him Tony and the author thought it most disrespectful.

    Anyway, I have searched for the article, but cannot find it. Could you post the link, please?

    Many Thanks.
