Wednesday, 22 December 2021

Tucker Carlson speaks with Scott Atlas, advisor on Trump's COVID task force!

On the 17 November 2021 edition of 'Tucker Carlson Tonight,' Dr. Scott Atlas, who was a top level advisor of Donald Trump's COVID task force, said this:
"They were a unit. Birx, Fauci, and Redfield, in fact, Dr. Birx said in say January-February of this year that I didn't know this at the time, she had an unwritten sort of contract agreement with Fauci and Redfield that if one of them got fired, they would all fire.

They were in it together and their history stems from HIV and AIDS, and I briefly mention this in the book. They worked together on AIDS. They work together with one focus, by the way, to get a vaccine, which should ring a bell with what is happening...

They were sort of a group of people -- when you're in the government for 40 years in high positions like Dr. Fauci, the people that are in government successfully are not there because they are neutral and therefore, they can exist in different administrations. They are there because they understand how to navigate the politics. They understand how to make friends in various agencies, okay. This is a very political position when you're a 40-year government bureaucrat.

So I thought Dr. Fauci... he is a smart guy, you know, he knew the material from the e-mails that he wrote to his friends from February-March about what was said during the meetings was revealed by not just Dr. Fauci, by all the medical people in the task force, A LACK OF KNWLEDGE ABOUT THE DATA. THEY NEVER CITED A SCIENTIFIC STUDY, THEY NEVER KNEW A CRITICAL ASSESSMENT! They never gave a refutation of any study, nor a refutation or disagreement of each other, never, not once. I mean that's unheard of in science. There is no science without disagreement...

I was a scientific paper reviewer and an N.I.H. grant reviewer for many, many years. You look at the methods section of a paper, in a journal meaning, the materials and methods. How did you do the study design?... Okay, so I evaluate the papers. I don't sit there and read the blurb of the paper in The New York Times, I look at the paper. I was talking almost every single day to some of the world's best epidemiologists about the data on an ongoing basis.

These people, there was never any indication that they knew the papers, cited a paper or even criticized the paper, not one and as I say in the book, I mean there were things that were MEDICAL WORDS BEING MISPRONOUNCED IN THE MEETINGS! There were statements being made that were just, I was looking around and sort of saying, 'did anyone else hear this but me?' I mean, I've never worked with people at this level in my career as I did in that Task Force and I am saying at a high level, okay, I'm saying at a low level.

I've worked at some of the best medical centers in the country, University of Pennsylvania, University of Chicago, I was a medical student; Stanford University, Mount Sinai in New York. I always would say, I'm not sure these people could have been assistant professors where I worked. I mean, THERE WAS A LACK OF CRITICAL THINKING, A LACK OF PREPERATION, NO ONE CITED DATA, BUT ME!"
That's who was dealing with the pandemic, folks.

That's who was telling Trump to jetison Hydroxychloroquine. That's who was locking us down. That's who was promoting the experimetal vaccines. That's who said we needed them, who said we must have them, who called the unvaccinated nasty names.

Thats who is, even now, is readying the vaccinational ground for our youngest children. 'Low level' operatives who never 'cited data.'

Feel safe in their hands? Happy you've been jabbed three times because folks like these said it was necessary?

You are?

Seek help.

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