Thursday 30 December 2021

Dr Sucharit Bhakdi: "These vaccines are killing the young and the old!"

On 20 December 2021, leading microbiologist and immunologist, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, reported the work of pathologist, Professor Arne Burkhardt, 18-year head of the Institute of Pathology in Reutlingen.

Professor Arne Burkhardt autopsied dead people who had been vaccinated, from 28 to 90 years old. All of them died after vaccination in non-hospital settings and the relations of the dead had called for autopsies themselves. All the bodies showed high amounts of killer T-lymphocytes in the major organs.

Repeated doses of the vaccine cause the body to react in more and more intensive ways. They are triggering an auto-immune attack which ends in the death of the patient.
“The facts are on the table, and the facts have been presented by Dr Arne Burkhardt a week ago. And the facts are damning. All gene-based vaccines independent of manufacturers produce the same results. He has looked at fifteen in the last four days, the number has been increased to 70 individuals who died after vaccination, without any connection to vaccination being established by the authorities. So these are people who died at home, at work, in the car, doing their sports, etc etc etc. This is very important.

Postmortems were performed because the relatives insisted on this. And nothing was found so the organs appeared normal. However, when Dr. Arne Burkhardt, Professor of Pathology, one of the most experienced Professors in Germany... proceeded to look at the organs, he looked at them day after day over the last 6 months. He discovered something that is so absolutely damning, there is no question now anymore about what is going on, and the answer is, in the organs of these people, in 90% he found clear evidence for auto-immune self attack by killer lymphocytes on the tissues, the main ones being the heart. The heart, the lung, and after that other tissues such as liver, etc etc etc.

This has been now posted at the website for the 'Doctors for Covid Ethics,' and is going viral around the world because these data are so damning that you don’t have to start looking for other data to know that these vaccines are killing the young and the old... And they are killing our children!...

Look at these pictures, look at these bullets that are being shot into the people who are being vaccinated, the children... They are killing our children. I can’t stand it. We have a four year old son and we are going to flee this damn country because we are not going to let himself be shot.

Now it is now known that auto immune attack reactions leading to self destruction are being triggered by these vaccines. Now, what Arne Burkhardt found was that in 90% of the deceased, aged 28, aged 28 to 90, women to men, one to one, who were never thought to have been killed because of these vaccines, he found the same pathological findings in all of them and this proves that the vaccine had killed them. Now, if the vaccine had killed 90% of these people by causing self-destruction of the heart via auto immune reactions which were–we can’t prove this–but the only common denominator was the vaccination with this damn gene-based vaccine that caused the production of this damn spike in the tissues: there’s no other reason for them to have died, there is no other reason.

Now listen very carefully all of you: Four of these 15 had only been vaccinated once and they died, and what Arne Burkhardt found, and let me tell you... when he says killer lymphocytes have invaded the heart and lungs and sometimes other organs of these people, the question arises, why the hell do killer lymphocytes invade the organs, and the only answer is, that these organs are producing the targets that are seen by these killer lymphocytes. And that target is the viral protein, because this is how immunology has worked since the beginning of mankind and is still working now.

Now you politicians and you authorities, look at these pictures. Look at these people who have died, these people who have been killed because of YOU! I can’t stand it. How do we continue talking about this? The proof is there laid out for the world!

It is completely clear that the majority of people who are being vaccinated—be it one or two times, after 2 times of course it gets worse, after 3 times, it gets worse and worse and worse because your immune system gets more and more aggressive—now, the first thing has been, that through the first injection, your blood vessels become leaky—they become leaky because the tapestry is becoming scratched and damaged as we have been saying for one year now–then the mRNA leaks into your organs, and your heart muscles and your liver and your lung begin to produce these damn proteins—and then your killer lymphocytes, which everyone has-–everyone has these killer lymphocytes, they go in and begin to destroy themselves, destroy your heart, your lung, your liver, and your blah blah blah.

Why don’t you stop, why don’t you force your politicians to stop these vaccines? Why? Why are we even talking about this? "
Well said, Dr Bhakdi!

Well done, Dr. Burkhardt!

Not just the 'conspiracy theorists,' any more, is it? Actually, it never was. Folks like Professor Bhakdi have been speaking out since the beginning. It's just that the BBC et al never air the views of leading experts like him.

Don't you think it's about time you asked yourselves why they only promote the one narrative? That being the self-serving narrative of the Big Pharma and 'Great Reset' crowd?

It's all gone quiet over there...

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