Sunday, 19 September 2021

ICU nurse, Nicole Whitley, blows the whistle BIG TIME!

Nicole's testimony has garnered 3,327,281 views on YouTube since 21 August 2021!

Which is interesting over and above the impressive figure. You see, YouTube has a habit of removing such videos. The whole truth has been off limits at YouTube for quite some time now. I, myself, was banned from there in March 2019 and more than 60 truth-telling videos disappeared down the memory hole as a result.

So, why has this one passed muster? I have only one possible explanation. The bad guys are getting worried. The censorship, the cancellations and the intimdation isn't working. And more and more evidential material is finding its way out to the general public. I'm thinking that the sensors have been told to cool it. Why would they do that? To score some brownie points with the Nuremburg judges of the future, that'd be my guess.
"Oh, when we discovered the reality, we reversed our policy. We were lied to as well. How could we know what the elite had planned?"
As if Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the owners of both Google and YouTube, aren't paid-up members of the elite!

Anyway, this video has proven enormously popular on YouTube within a very short time and it's still there. THEY haven't taken it down. Yet.

Here are some of the things Nicole says in the first half of the video:
"You're being lied to and I think that people need to know this information... So, the first of many lies is that you are being led to believe that there are no treatments for Covid. The only messaging that you hear is that vaccines and masks are the only tool that we have to fight this pandemic and it is a downright lie!...

Ivermectin... is being used around the world with astounding results to treat and prevent Covid... If you don't know what Ivermectin is, it is an anti-parasitic drug that has been showing really promising antiviral properties...

A group of doctors discovered some benefits with Ivermectin and it is an FDA-approved drug, it's on the World Health Organisation's list of essential medicines, won the Nobel Prize in 2015, and over 4 billion doses have been given out around the world. It is an extremely well tolerated drug with minor side effects... safer than aspirin or tylenol...

There was a study out of Argentina back in December of 2020, in which they had 1200 frontline healthcare workers, which is considered high risk. They gave 800 of them prophylactic Ivermectin... and 400 of them they did not. Out of the 400 who did not take Ivermectin, 58 of them got Covid. Out of the 800 who were on the Ivermectin protocol, zero got Covid, That should be front page news and yet you hear nothing about it...

It should be noted that the importance in treating most viral infections is that you want to treat them early because it's not actually the virus that kills you it's your systemic inflammatory response. Once your immune system goes to attack this virus you have this severe, systemic inflammatory response. So, currently in the hospital we use steroids which helps with inflammation. So corticosteroids and remdesvir are now the standard treatment for Covid. It is becoming well known that remdesvir does NOTHING. It has some pretty significant side effects and it costs about three thousand dollars per treatment. Versus Ivermectin, which would be about three dollars per treatment!

Corticosteroids have had a great benefit. We've been seeing it really improving treatment protocols for the Covid patients that come in whether they're in the hospital or in the ICU. Dr. Kory from the podcast actually is the one who who had this implemented because last May of 2021 he went to the Senate and brought them one study that showed the benefit of corticosteroids being used and based on that one study we adopted the protocol nationwide.

Currently there are 60 published controlled trials with 58 of them saying that there are overwhelming positive benefits to the use of Ivermectin and yet you've probably never even heard of it. We have a drug that is safe, it is cheap, it is highly effective and it is widely available and it's not being used! There is no other medication to treat Covid that has simultaneously shown impacts on the prevention of transmission, viral clearance, which is how long it takes your body to get rid of the virus, the time to clinical recovery and the survival rates.

So, Dr. Kory... brought this information of all this amazing potential that ivermechtin has in December of 2020. He went to the senate and he gave a powerful presentation... He, you know, showed all the benefits, he showed all of this data, and it's still not in use! And further, his presentation to the Senate has been completely wiped from the internet! They removed it from YouTube!

Dr. Tess Lawrie, she brought her presentation, her overwhelming meta-analysis that showed the overwhelming benefits, she brought that to the government in the UK and then that video was posted on youTube and, within three hours, they pulled it down!... It's incredible because you literally cannot speak about Ivermectin, you cannot speak about Hydroxychloroquine, the censorship is insane!

So, turns out that if you have a drug on the market... that is safe and effective you cannot get an emergency use authorisation!

Merck, the maker of Ivermectin, attacked the safety of their own drug! They said that there doesn't seem to be any benefit and that basically the risks are are too great for one of the safest drugs known to man! Turns out Merck has a new drug that they think is going to treat Covid and so they're seeking an emergency use authorisation and the government just gave them 356 million dollars to develop that!

The World Health Organisation and the FDA will not approve this drug Ivermectin. They say that there is a lack of sufficient data and they want the gold standard of large randomized control trials. The problem with that is that large randomised control trials cost a lot of money and they take a lot of time and if you're drowning in an ocean and you see a piece of driftwood why would you not grab on to that?

Ivermectin is an opponent to the emergency use authorisations and the profits that can be made that are up for drugs that are on patent. Your governing agencies in North America and Europe are doing everything that they can to NOT approve this drug, despite overwhelming evidence that it is safe and that it works. They are favoring those with financial interests and we are paying the price.

They could have stopped this in December, they knew about it in December, and they could stop it now because Ivermectin also works on the variants. They could stop this at any point and they are choosing not to.

So, if you are somebody who has in any way been affected by the pandemic, by Covid, if it bothers you that, potentially, millions of people around this world have died because they will not put this in use, or if you are a healthcare worker who has watched your patients turn blue and suffocate to death, know without doubt, that your government has failed you!"
Thank you, Nicole!

You've done us all a tremendous service here.

Nicole goes on to talk about the phoney PCR test and the vaccines. Watch the whole of the video. And then, when you've done that, put your fears to one side and get angry, very angry, with those who are doing this and will continue to do it until they are stopped.

Hate them. Hate the evil psychopaths for what they have done. For, as sure as God made little green apples, they hate you.

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