Tuesday, 10 August 2021

COVID-19 hoax Is the greatest theatrical event In history!

Mike Adams of https://naturalnews.com joins Alex Jones to expose the Covid-19 scam.

Mike says:
"What's shocking to me is how many people are willing to go along with this. Where are the whistleblowers in the science labs? Where are the whistleblowers in the hospitals? Instead they're taking money from the CDC to push out scripted tweets... This is medical terrorism against the people of the world! These are assaults on humanity!

This is the ultimate false flag. This is the largest theatrical, staged event in human history. The entire world is the stage.... We now know that this is a giant, global fraud designed to exterminate humanity. That's where we are today."
Mike and Alex are angry men.

Hey, you guys! Why aren't you?

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