On 18 April 2921, 'an NHS professional' who 'sits on an NHS Board' said this in conversation with Brian Gerrish at UK Column:
"It became kind of clear to myself, and a few other colleagues that I know on other NHS Boards... that there really were some long-term safety issues, and stuff that we just didn’t know. And so it really took us by surprise, the scope and speed at which they were moving... Remember that when the NHS is in emergency measures, which it is and has been, then the Government is able to tightly control what the NHS does, and is able to dictate a lot more what the NHS does than it would be able to if it wasn’t in emergency measures.THEY are at war with us.
So, our Chief Executive had discussions about our concerns, and I can say other Boards had the same discussions, and in a nutshell, what we were told in December was, 'If you refuse to co-operate in rolling this out, then we’ll remove you!' And it wasn’t said explicitly, and it wasn’t put in e-mails, but it was certainly very indicated that that was the case...
And what I’ve witnessed, really, as well, alongside this is just A MASSIVE INCREASE IN PROPAGANDA, in false statements about it, a complete lack of informed consent, side effects not being reported by patients and NHS staff, and this normalisation of 'if you are in bed for two days, that’s OK!' And I don’t ever remember, when we had the flu jab, you know, people going for the flu jab a couple of years ago, if you were in bed for two days after having the flu jab, that wouldn’t have been considered OK! But for the Covid jab, that’s been normalised...
I think that a lot of people think that the NHS is in complete control of this, and actually don’t realise that under emergency measures, they are told what to do...
I think people are told that their adverse events are 'normal. I know that the Yellow Card reporting system is not reflective of the amount of adverse events that are actually happening, and I’ll give you an example of that. I know of a patient who reported their extreme adverse-event side effect to a nurse, and that nurse did not report it to the Yellow Card reporting system. So that’s a concern, that we haven’t got an accurate reflection of what is actually happening after these injections.
And I think the long-term safety effects of these injections is still not known, yet we can see that THE SHORT-TERM IMPACT IS HUGE! And we’re now moving into a territory where we are going into healthy, younger, fertile individuals, and, God forbid, children! And that, quite frankly, terrifies me...
I feel like the fear has increased, because the propaganda and the news outlets and the pressure from the Government has increased. It’s almost like you’re seeing the fear and pressure increase at the same time. So, if you said to me, 'How did people react in April last year versus how are people now?,' THEY'RE MUCH WORSE NOW in terms of their overall health, their mental wellbeing, and their fear levels...
Even at a very senior level in the NHS, people are not thinking rationally, and they definitely are having an element of psychology that’s been driven behind this... Even if you take into account that the reporting isn’t accurate, when we think about any other drug in history that has gone through the NHS, IT WOULD NOT BE ACCEPTABLE FOR THAT MANY PEOPLE TO DIE, full stop. And yet, in this circumstance, for some reason, it is acceptable...
If I had a magic wand, it would just stop. IT WOULD STOP NOW, BEFORE WE HURT ANYBODY ELSE. That would be amazing. That would be the best day ever, because every day I wake up, I think about how I can find that golden nugget to try and wake up the people around me to THE DAMAGE WE ARE CAUSING! I mean, we heard the word ‘genocide’ from the lady on Wednesday. I DON'T DISAGREE WITH THAT STATEMENT. And it’s terrifying, and it saddens me, and the reason I’m staying where I am for now is to try and make a difference in whatever way I can, but — like she said, and I would absolutely agree with this — I WANT TO SEE THAT JUDGEMENT DAY. I will give evidence.
And also, I will take whatever comes to me for still staying and being part of that, but I will continue where I can to try and make any small gains that I can for the public that we’re serving, because to give up and walk away isn’t going to get the right outcome either. And so, if I can make little differences until I can stand it no more...
I think the advice for the first question is, 'Do your own research'... because it’s their body, right, it’s their body — and absolutely, the NHS is there to support them, but do your own research....
Challenge the people that ring you up and offer you a vaccine. Challenge them, and ask them questions. We need to keep at critical thinking for ourselves. That would be the biggest thing. I’m not going to tell you what to do. People ask me, and I’m not going to tell them. I am going to say, 'Look, this has no long-term safety data, and there may be some challenges with it. You’ve got to weigh up the risk-benefit ratio. Go and do your own research as well!' I think that’s a key point... I think that’s important. You know, people need to make their own minds up with this...
I’m seeing more and more traffic that is questioning the safety after they’ve had the first dose, because of the things that are in the news, and I have experience of people who have had adverse events but haven’t spoken up. And what I would say, on both counts, is: if you have an adverse event, please report it, please speak up. Don’t take no for an answer. For you, and for others behind you. You know, you have the right, and you should stand up and say, 'This isn’t good enough, and I need to report it, and you need to ensure that people are being held to account for this as well'...
'Your children are next.' And that is terrifying, and it makes me well up when I think about it. So if you won’t speak up because you’ve had the vaccine, or you won’t speak up because you’re scared, I understand that, or you won’t speak up because you don’t want to lose your job, and I totally understand that, just know that THIS DOSEN'T STOP UNTIL WE ALL STAND UP AND SAY, 'STOP!' And we’re getting younger and younger here now, and our time’s running out!"
That war will only end when 'we all stand up and say, STOP!'
Invest in rope, ladies and gents. 'Stop' may give them pause for thought but taking the war to those who have been at war with us for so long will ram the message home.
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