Wednesday 17 June 2020

Anyone who says 'All Lives Matter' is a Fascist! A Nazi!

"Anybody who says 'all lives matter' is a Fascist!
They're Nazis! They're literal white supremacists! Those are literal KKK members. So, anybody who keeps saying 'all lives matter,' thank you for outing yourself. Now I know who you are!"
This is your enemy.

Here she is. A contemptuous, disrespectful pervert with much more power and reach than most of us, shaped and refined over decades, with much gleeful malice aforethought, by the New World Order. If creeps like this are not dealt with they will destroy you and enslave your children and grandchildren. Nothing is good enough for the likes of these. There is no half way house, no compromise, no deal that will suit both parties. For her it's all or nothing, her LGBT+ and ANTIFA way or the highway.

She wants you gone. You, who voted for Trump, Brexit, UKIP, Boris, it's not just the BNP, the National Front and Tommy Robinson she has in the crosshairs, it's all of you as well! You don't think like her, you see. And thinking exactly like her, and doing precisely as she tells you, is all that will ever suffice in her utterly self-absorbed and certain fantasy world.

This thing is your enemy. It always has been. It always will be. Know it, feel it, accept it, and, before it's too late, act upon it.

I ashamed to say I don't know who this person is.

I wish I did. If I knew who she was, I'd make her famous. I'd make her the most well known sour and hate-filled LGBT+ person on the planet.

Never mind, it's a very recognisable type, there are lots of nasty, jumped-up nonentities just like her about. Oh yes, there's no shortage of detestable weirdos to focus your patriotic animus upon in cyberspace nowadays.

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