Thursday, 14 March 2019

Yossi Gurvits: When Israel is mighty!

Boy-oh-boy, do I love the whistle-blowing Jew!

So should we all. The Jewish whistle-blower is just about the only person a brainwashed lemming will listen to. And just about the only person a non-Jewish Zionist won't dare dismiss with some fashionably PC insult. 'Racist, Fascist, Nazi, bigot, anti-Semite!' Such straight of out the 'Big-Girls'-Best-Book-of-Bolshevik-Bogey-Words' b***ocks is not for the likes of Yossi. Such invective is reserved for us alone.

So, thanks, Yossi. You're doing a grand job of enlightening the world, my son. Keep it up!
"From very early on, Rabbinical Judaism is a Judaism that hates humans. It defines only Jews as human; only Jews who believe in the religion as human. OK, let's get this exactly right, only Jews who believe in the religion AND ARE MEN are full humans...

If you kill a Jew, even a Jewish woman, even the slave of a Jew, and here it's important to note that Orthodox Judaism has never abolished slavery, then there is a penalty you have to pay. It could come to execution or be a fine... But if you kill a non-Jew, you're guilty but there is no penalty, God will punish you... That's the Talmud...

Maimonides... decrees that it is permissible to have sexual intercourse with a three-year-old girl... He decrees that, if a Jew rapes a three-year-old non-Jewish girl, then she must be executed! Her, not him, because she tempted him to sin!

And, for this reason, you have to treat her like an animal...

When there is a Jewish regime... it is merciless, it can do what it likes."

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