But has it? Has the importation of peoples with a very different outlook and lifestyle improved things for the indigenous majority?
How, for example, could 7/7/2005 and the atrocities perpetrated at the Manchester Arena and on London and Westminster bridges in 2017 possibly be said to have benefited the victims and their loved ones?
Please register your opinion in the poll.
What has Islam given the UK?
1) Enriching diversity?
2) Terrorism (at least 23,000 terror suspects are being monitored in the UK, including 400 who fought for ISIS in Syria); honour killing; the mass rape and prostitution of British children; child marriage; female genital mutilation; polygamy; hate preachers; acid attacks; postal vote criminality; Sharia law; Sharia patrols; no-go zones; Trojan Horse schools; trafficking; breast ironing; homophobia; mosques; burkas; benefit dependency; ethnic cleansing; race law; preference on social housing waiting lists; the mass takeover of corner and high street stores; professional offence-takers; political correctness and contempt for British values; heritage and identity.
What has Islam given the UK?
If you could also register your vote in this Twitter poll, I'd be grateful:
POLL: What has Islam given the UK?
Thank you.
People of Europe. All Western countries are under attack. The reasons and methods are extremely complex. Very wealthy elite-class tyrants want to lord over us in an apparent feudal manner. A New Dark Age could descend upon us if the tyrants using their hordes of barbarians as weapons against us win this war. And war is what it is. I do not know how to defeat our mutual enemies. Their wealth allows them to use corporations and well-paid armies of lackeys who are "just doing their jobs" to indoctrinate us and have huge effect upon all levels of governance. I do recommend reaching out to all our militaries and do our best to convince them to side with us if governments turn against the masses of Western citizens. Avoid war at all costs but if the choice is war or slavery I would rather die with honor fighting the tyrants and their hordes of barbarians forced upon us.