"The 9/11 Commission was delayed under-funded and set up to fail. They're not my words, they are the words of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the 9/11 Commission...Tony Farrell, a principal intelligence analyst for 12 years in the Yorkshire police, prepared his annual strategic threat assessment matrix.
The 9/11 Commission report is full of omissions, distortions and anomalies. Not least the omission of Building 7... To not investigate Building 7... this is a building which, at the time, would have been the third biggest building in the UK, is criminal... to not even mention it is criminal...
Many of (those) who were there, they don't believe the official story...
In the UK I've met with a chief inspector, and district commander, the Met and counter terrorism officers to discuss my concerns regarding the official narrative. Without exception, all of them previously unquestioningly accepted the official version of events. None of them knew about Building 7 or seen its free fall collapse, thank you very much mainstream media, and they were amazed when they were shown footage of it...
He concluded that the most likely threat of a 9/11 or 7/7 was from THE VERY PEOPLE WHO ARE PROTECTING US, our government, military and intelligence forces.
He was sacked for putting forward these conclusions. Farrell has openly said 9/11 was an inside job...
Ex-MI5 whistle blower, Annie Machon, has stated that false flag operations are the preferred method to achieve economic or political change...
In the US, the father of a son who served in the army for two tours in Iraq. he was being asked to commit war crimes on a regular basis against innocent people. His son blew his brains out when he returned home. There are 22 suicides per day of ex-US veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars... This exceeds the number being killed in combat... This is the reality of false-flag terrorism.
Hundreds of thousands if not millions of innocent civilians have been killed in Afghanistan and Iraq. Most people do not realise that these countries have been effectively nuked by the use of depleted uranium weapons the radiation of these weapons have caused mass birth defects and will continue to do so for thousands of years to come. It will kill far people that Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. It's Genocide. This is the reality of false flag terrorism...

Start educating yourself properly. Turn off the brainwashing TV. Stop subscribing to the BBC state-sponsored propaganda and refuse to accept the official narrative and fight back.
Like my brother your tomorrows are no longer guaranteed."Strong stuff.
Believable stuff. From an unimpeachable source.
I mean, the bad guys can distract you with the usual 'racist,' 'fascist,' 'Nazi' bogey words when they attack me, but they can't do that with Matt. With him they must suffer in silence. They must grin and bear it, shake their heads sadly and patronise their way out of the itchily tight spot he puts them in whenever an establishment figure is stupid enough to debate 9/11 and its aftermath with him.
Anyway, 'the most likely threat of a 9/11 or 7/7 was from our own the very people who are protecting us, our government, military and intelligence forces' and 'false flag operations are the preferred method to achieve economic or political change.'
Even if you don't believe this you really do have a duty to investigate these and otgher related matters for yourself. If you don't you and yours will always be at the mercy of 'BBC state-sponsored propaganda' and 'the official narrative' and 'your tomorrows' can 'no longer' be 'guaranteed.'
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