Monday, 31 December 2012

War was always the goal (4)


STEPHEN ZUNES. Chair of the Peace and Justice Studies Program at the University of San Francisco.
"It was the United States, through its Central Intelligence Agency, that overthrew Iran's last democratic government, ousting Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953. As his replacement, the U.S. brought in from exile the tyrannical Shah, who embarked upon a 26-year reign of terror. The United States armed and trained his brutal secret police - known as the SAVAK - which jailed, tortured and murdered tens of thousands of Iranians struggling for their freedom.  
The Islamic revolution was a direct consequence of this U.S.-backed repression since the Shah successfully destroyed much of the democratic opposition. In addition, the repressive theocratic rulers that gained power following the Islamic Revolution that ousted the Shah were clandestinely given military support by the U.S. government during the height of their repression during the 1980s. As a result, there is serious question regarding the United States' support for the freedom of the Iranian people."
"Simply put, the dollar has for several decades been positioned as the only way for an industrialized country to pay OPEC for oil. No matter who you were, you had to buy American dollars and then send those dollars to OPEC, who would then use the money to buy American debt, or American weapons. It was the perfect set-up. Greenspan printed worthless dollars, and gave them to people who gave us free gasoline, and free TV sets, and free wicker furniture…  
The game changed, however, when the Euro was introduced. Now, many oil-producing nations are accepting the Euro instead of the dollar. Saddam loves the Euro. This new competition from the Euro makes Uncle Sam very angry. So Uncle Sam came up with a plan; he sent a secret message to all the Arabs: You will only accept American Dollars, or we will kill you… 
In spite of the threats, the Euro is continuing to gain in popularity. So what? You might ask. If oil sellers take one kind of worthless note instead of another, that’s no skin off our backs. But the American government can’t print Euros. It can only print dollars… No more Petro-Dollar reserve currency; no more free stuff for Americans."
TED KOPPEL. "Nightline." June, 1990. Counter Punch." October 10th 2002.
"It is becoming increasingly clear that George Bush, operating largely behind the scenes throughout the 1980s, initiated and supported much of the financing, intelligence, and military help that built Saddam's Iraq into the aggressive power that the United States ultimately had to destroy."
"NORMAN SCHWARZKOPF. US General. November, 1990. Describing his Gulf war agenda. Schwartzkopf said he wanted 'every Iraqi soldier bleeding from every orifice.'

TARIQ AZIZ. Iraqi Foreign minister, later Deputy Prime Minister.
"I would like to tell you in all sincerity and seriousness that we would have no problems implementing legitimacy and the rules of justice and fairness if these principles were to be honoured with regard to all regional conflicts… 
However, we do not want to see these principles implemented with regard to a single issue….this would mean double standards were at work. If you are willing to work to achieve peace, justice, stability and security in the whole region, then you would find us at the forefront of those willing to co-operate with you in this regard." (In conversation with US Secretary of State James Baker in Geneva, 9th January 1991) 
At the press conference afterwards, Baker said that Saddam Hussein 'continues to reject a diplomatic solution.'

RUSS BAKER. US Journalist. "Counter Punch." October 10th 2002.
"On July 3, 1991, the ‘Financial Times’ reported that a Florida company run by an Iraqi national had produced cyanide, some of which went to Iraq for use in chemical weapons, and had shipped it via a CIA contractor." 
US DEFENCE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. "Iraq Water Treatment Vulnerabilities." 1991.

This document was issued the day after the Gulf War started and circulated to all major allied Commands. It stated that Iraq had gone to considerable trouble to provide a supply of pure water to its population. It had to depend on importing specialised equipment and purification chemicals, since the water is 'heavily mineralised and frequently brackish' and added:
"Iraq depends on importing specialized equipment and some chemicals to purify its water supply. Failing to secure supplies will result in a shortage of pure drinking water for much of the population. This could lead to increased incidents, if not epidemics, of disease and certain pure-water dependent industries becoming incapacitated… Full degradation of the water treatment system probably will take at least another six months."
COLONEL RICHARD WHITE. US Pilot. "The Independent," 6th February. 1991.
"[Bombing missions were a] turkey shoot…it’s almost like you flipped on the light in the kitchen at night and the cockroaches start scurrying, and we’re killing them."
SAVE THE CHILDREN. "Iraq Situation Report." March, 1991.
"This is a new kind of war which understands and takes advantage of technological advances. The situation is deteriorating rapidly and it will get worse in the months ahead."
MARTTI AHTISAARI. UN Under Secretary for Administration and Management, March 20th 1991. Ahtisaari was the first UN official to visit post-war Iraq.
"You asked me to travel, as a matter of urgency, to Iraq. It should be said at once that nothing we had seen or read had quite prepared us for this particular form of devastation which has now befallen the country… Most means of modern life have been destroyed…  
The authorities are as yet scarcely able to measure the dimensions of the calamity, much less respond to its' consequences. The recent conflict has wrought near apocalyptic results; Iraq has been relegated to a pre-industrial age. All electrically operated installations have ceased to function. Food can not be preserved, water can not be purified, sewage can not be pumped away.  
Nine thousand homes are destroyed or damaged beyond repair. The flow of food through the private sector has been reduced to a trickle; many food prices are already beyond the purchasing power of most Iraqi families. The mission recommends that sanctions in respect of food supplies should be immediately removed. Drastic international measures are most urgent.  
The Iraqi people face further catastrophe, epidemic and famine, if massive life supporting needs are not met. The long summer is only weeks away. Time is short."
MARLIN FITZWATER. White House Press Spokesman, May, 1991.
"All possible sanctions will be maintained until Saddam Hussein is gone." 
BARTON GELLMAN. "The Washington Post." 23rd June, 1991.
"Many of the targets were chosen only secondarily to contribute to the military defeat of Iraq… Military planners hoped the bombing would amplify the economic and psychological impact of international sanctions on Iraqi society… Because of these goals, damage to civilian structures and interests, invariably described by briefers during the war as 'collateral' and unintended, were sometimes neither… They deliberately did great harm to Iraq's ability to support itself as an industrial society."
ROBERT GATES. "US National Security Advisor. "Los Angeles Times." 9th May, 1991. "Iraqis will be made to pay the price while Saddam Hussein is in power. Any easing of sanctions will be considered only when there is a new government."

UNNAMED SENIOR PENTAGON OFFICIAL. Explaining why the U.S. military censored footage showing Iraqi soldiers sliced in two by U.S. helicopter fire.
"If we let people see that kind of thing, there would never again be any war."
NEW STATESMAN. 21st June, 1991.
"A concentration of killing, unequalled since Hiroshima."
GEOFFREY REGAN. "Night and Day." "Mail on Sunday" supplement. January 23rd 2000.
"The Pentagon recently justified its’ position on censorship by insisting: ‘If we let people see that kind of thing, there would never again be any war'."
ANDY ROONEY. Presenter of "60 MINUTES." "CBS TV." March 3rd 1991. "There are some good things about war sometimes. Our hearts beat faster… our senses are sharper. Everyone accomplishes more in times of war. This war in the Gulf has been, by all odds, the finest war in history, including for Iraq, probably."

TARIQ AZIZ. Iraqi Foreign minister, later Deputy Prime Minister.
"Is it your aim to destroy Iraqi industry or implement resolution 687?"
"If your aim is to carry out 687, then you have our approval. But if your objective is to annihilate Iraqi industry and deny Iraq the chance of becoming a prosperous industrial country, that would be a different matter." (Statement published in Baghdad newspapers in response to continued US threats of new attacks if Iraq fails to comply with weapons disclosure. October, 1991) 
"The truth of the matter is that the government of Iraq has no role, however small, which allows it to respond to the allegations contained in claims. It is unable to give its’ legal and objective opinion on claims, even when those are exaggerated.  
The Compensation Commission decides which claims should be settled, who is authorised to submit a claim, what should be considered direct losses, and what constitutes sufficient proof… 
These measures create a legal screen which conceals the systematic subjugation of the Iraqi people.There are no reasonable grounds for this collective punishment of the Iraqi people.If this is not done [the verification of claims in accordance with international law and the rules of justice and equity] the compensation process will become simply an organised operation to strip the Iraqi people of their property, which they desperately need in order to rebuild their society and economy." (Expressing concerns about reparations/ compensations being paid to Kuwait from the proceeds of Resolution 986, in a letter to Secretary General Kofi Annan, 27th May, 1998)
LIEUTENANT COLONEL M.V. ZIEHMN. Los Alamos National Laboratory memorandum. March 1st 1991. During the Gulf War.
"There has been and continues to be a concern regarding the impact of Depleted Uranium on the environment. Therefore, if no one makes a case for the effectiveness of DU on the battlefield, DU rounds may become politically unacceptable and thus be deleted from the arsenal. I believe we should keep this sensitive issue in mind when action reports are written." 
ROBERT GATES. US National Security Advisor. "Los Angeles Times." 9th May, 1991.
"Iraqis will be made to pay the price while Saddam Hussein is in power. Any easing of sanctions will be considered only when there is a new government."
BARTON GELLMAN. "The Washington Post," 23rd June, 1991.
"Many of the targets were chosen only secondarily to contribute to the military defeat of Iraq… Military planners hoped the bombing would amplify the economic and psychological impact of international sanctions on Iraqi society. [....] Because of these goals, damage to civilian structures and interests, invariably described by briefers during the war as 'collateral' and unintended, were sometimes neither… They deliberately did great harm to Iraq's ability to support itself as an industrial society."
UNIDENTIFIED PENTAGON PLANNER. As quoted in Gellman's article, "Washington Post," 23rd June, 1991.
"What were we trying to do with the sanctions? Help out the Iraqi people? No, what we were doing with the attacks on the infrastructure was to accelerate the effect of sanctions."
COLONEL JOHN A. WARDEN III. "The Washington Post," 23rd June 1991.
"Saddam Hussein cannot restore his own electricity. He needs help. If there are political objectives that the UN coalition has, it can say: 'Saddam, when you agree to do these things, we will allow people to come in and fix your electricity.' It gives us long-term leverage."
SECRETARY GENERAL TO THE SANCTIONS COMMITTEE OF THE UN. A field study of water and sanitation, food, health and energy. 22nd July, 1991.

"There is a clear and undeniable humanitarian need in Iraq . It is absurd and indefensible for the UN to pay for these needs when numerous other urgent crises and disasters, from Bangladesh to the Horn of Africa, cry out for our attention. Iraq has considerable oil reserves and should pay to meet these needs itself."

WARREN J. HAMERMAN. International Progress Organisation, in testimony before the UN Organisation on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities. 43rd session, 13th August, 1991.
"Iraq is… cut off from outside assistance; its’ population deprived of adequate food, water, medical care and the means to produce for its’ subsistence, is condemned to perish. It is only a matter of time."
FF PATTERSON. US Marine Corps corporal. "Stormwarning," the publication of 'Vietnam Veterans Against War.' October issue, 1990.

On Aug. 29, 1990, Patterson sat down on the runway instead of getting on the plane that would have taken him to fight in the Gulf. The Marines threw him in the brig.
"As we speak tens of thousands of servicemen are being mobilized to defend for the first time in American memory a blatantly imperialist economic interest stripped of the State Department's beloved specter of international communism. Although the United States is facing off against a truly despicable man in Saddam Hussein, the reality is that U.S. foreign policy created this monster. It was the United States who tacitly endorsed the Iraqi invasion of Iran ten years ago. 
It was the United States and West Germany who sold Hussein chemical weapons throughout the war. It was the United States who remained silent when Hussein used these weapons on his own populations. And after all of this, it was the United States who gave Hussein safe passage through the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz by shipping Iraqi oil under the flag of Kuwait, thus protecting it from Iranian attack by U.S. escorts. What is the equation that balances human lives and corporate profits?  
In my opinion no such equation exists, except in the minds of those that are preparing to fight this war. The United States has no moral ground to stand on in the Persian Gulf. We created this monster and pointed him in this direction. We pour millions into the coffers of Israel's military to wage war against stone-throwing youths seeking a country to call their own once again. I can not and will not be a pawn in America's power plays for profits and oil in the Middle East." 
STANSFIELD TURNER. Former CIA director, Council on Foreign Relations member. "CNN." July, 1991.
"We have a much bigger objective. We've got to look at the long run here. This is an example, the situation between the United Nations and Iraq, where the United Nations is deliberately intruding into the sovereignty of a sovereign nation... Now this is a marvelous precedent in all countries of the World." 
COLONEL JOHN WARDEN. Pentagon planning officer. "PBS Frontline" interview. 1991. 'Washington Post,' p. A1. June 23rd 1991.
"People say, 'You didn't recognize that it was going to have an effect on water or sewage. Well, what were we trying to do with sanctions, help out the Iraqi people? No. What we were doing with the attacks on infrastructure was to accelerate the effect of sanctions."
ROSS B. MIRKARIMI. The Arms Control Research Centre. May, 1992.
"The Environmental and Human Health Impacts of the Gulf Region with Special Reference to Iraq." 
"Unborn children of the region are being asked to pay the highest price, the integrity of their DNA." 
ABD AL-AMIR AL-ANBARI. Iraqi Ambassador to the UN. A study prepared by the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the workings of the Sanctions Committee, July, 1992.
"The situation which the Iraqi people is suffering is extremely tragic… all the medical contributions of humanitarian organisations and bodies meet only a small proportion of the actual needs of drugs and medical services… 
It appears that the work of the Sanctions Committee and the way it performs the tasks entrusted to it under the provision of SCR 661 are orientated towards the obstruction or rejection of any request by Iraq that enters into the area of essential civilian needs of a humanitarian nature, which has led to the increasing danger faced by vulnerable categories."
MICHAEL PRIESTLY. UN official. "The Independent," 3rd September, 1991.
"Unless sanctions are eased quickly, Iraq will face malnutrition, disease and a food emergency unprecedented in modern times."
"The U.S. can destroy Iraq's highways, but not build its own; create the conditions for epidemic in Iraq, but not offer health care to millions of Americans. It can excoriate Iraqi treatment of the Kurdish minority, but not deal with domestic race relations; create homelessness abroad but not solve it here; keep a half million troops drug free as part of a war, but refuse to fund the treatment of millions of drug addicts at home.... We shall lose the war after we have won it."
ROBERT GATES. US National Security Advisor. "Los Angeles Times." 9th May, 1991.
"Iraqis will be made to pay the price while Saddam Hussein is in power. Any easing of sanctions will be considered only when there is a new government."
"President Bush has decided to let President Saddam Hussein put down rebellions in his country without American intervention rather than risk the splintering of Iraq, according to official statements and private briefings today." (Dispatch from Washington. March 26, 1991) 
Leaving the Kurdish and Shi’ite minorities, which had been encouraged to rebel in the first place by Bush major, helpless.
"America’s victory in the Persian Gulf war… provided special vindication for the U.S. Army, which brilliantly exploited its firepower and mobility and in the process erased memories of its grievous difficulties in Vietnam." (Editorial. March 30th 1991.) "Israeli Housing Ministry, headed by Ariel Sharon, spends 20% of its money on projects in the occupied territories, most of it on the 2% of Israeli settlers who also receive special Government-backed mortgages." (April 24th 1991)  
"Housing Minister Ariel Sharon says he intends to continue building settlements despite pleas by Secretary of State James A. Baker 3rd to halt further expansion." (July 26th 1991)
"Major defections from the Iraqi military were in the offing in March at the height of the Kurdish rebellion, but never materialized because the officers concluded the US would not back the uprising."
ELIZABETH SCHULTE. "Socialist Worker," p. 5. Online. January 11th 2002.
"During most of Iraq’s eight-year war with Iran, which took about 1 million lives on each side, the US funded both countries. When it looked like Iran might win, the US tilted toward Iraq. Washington likes to criticize Saddam for using chemical weapons ‘on his own people.’ But two months after Saddam used chemical weapons against the Kurdish village of Halabja in 1988, Bechtel Corporation, one of the most politically connected companies in the US, won a contract to build a petrochemicals plant where Iraq planned to produce mustard gas and fuel-air explosives…  
Before the US government gave Saddam the title of the ‘new Hitler,’ in order to prepare the ground for the 1991 Gulf War--it supported Saddam’s regime during its eight-year war with Iran in the 1980s. But when Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, the US changed its tune. George Bush major claimed that the US was responsible for defending ‘democracy’ in Kuwait--a repressive monarchy--and teaching Saddam a lesson. Beginning in January 1991, the US bombarded Iraq for a month and a half, dropping 88,500 tons of cluster bombs and other explosives.  
Tens of thousands were killed, and the country was reduced to rubble. Just to make sure the message was clear, the US ignored Saddam’s agreement to a UN resolution calling for Iraq’s withdrawal from Kuwait, and launched a bloody ground war. The six-day attack ended in a gruesome slaughter, with US planes relentlessly bombing retreating Iraqi troops on the road from Kuwait to Basra, a stretch that became known as the ‘Highway of Death.’  
With the war drawing to a close, Bush major called on the Iraqi people to overthrow Saddam. An uprising did take place, both among Kurds in northern Iraq and Shiites in the south. But US forces stood by as Iraqi troops put down these rebellions. In fact, the US even gave Iraqi generals permission to violate ‘no-fly" restrictions,’ and use helicopter gunships to put down the revolts.  
The US wanted a take-over that they could control, not a popular uprising, so they gave the green light for a crackdown to the very forces that they had defeated. The Gulf War officially ended at the end of February 1991. But a silent and even more deadly war of economic sanctions continues to this day. Some 200 children die every day in Iraqi because of the economic embargo, carried out in the name of the United Nations, but at the insistence of the US government.  
The sanctions ban materials that could have a ‘dual use’ for the Iraqi military, an enormous list that includes chlorine and other chemicals for water treatment, ambulances, pencils, fertilizer, pesticides, water pumps and more. The direct result is that Iraqi citizens die regularly of treatable diseases and malnutrition. What’s more, under the UN’s oil-for-food program, which was supposed to help prevent some of the suffering, only two-thirds of the revenue from the sale of Iraqi oil is allocated for humanitarian supplies. The rest goes as compensation to the multi-billionaire Kuwaiti royal family and Western oil companies… 
The terrible misery suffered by Iraq’s people today is mostly the making of the US government."
JEANNE KIRKPATRICK. Former US Ambassador to the UN. Kirkpatrick said that one of the purposes for the Desert Storm operation, was to show to the world how 'a reinvigorated United Nations could serve as a global policeman in the New World Order.'

WARREN J. HAMERMAN. International Progress Organisation. Testimony before the UN Organisation on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities. 43rd session, 13th August, 1991.

"Iraq is… cut off from outside assistance; its’ population deprived of adequate food, water, medical care and the means to produce for its’ subsistence, is condemned to perish. It is only a matter of time."

EDWARD PEARCE. Journalist. "The Guardian." 25th October, 1991.

"Death and Indecency in a time of Cholera." "In the most lackadaisical and morally laid back way, we are killing people…..small, brown children beyond the reach of our shrivelled imaginations."

MICHAEL PRIESTLY. UN official. "The Independent," 3rd September, 1991.

"Unless sanctions are eased quickly, Iraq will face malnutrition, disease and a food emergency unprecedented in modern times."

ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKY. National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter and advisor to 4 other presidents. Council on Foreign Relations member. Executive Director of the Trilateral Commission.
"US military power is henceforth likely to be taken more seriously... the Middle East and Persian Gulf region is now clearly an American sphere of preponderance… the very intensity of the air assault on Iraq gives rise to concern that the conduct of the war may come to be seen as evidence that Americans view Arab lives as worthless." (As the Gulf War was ending. 1991) 
148 US soldiers died in combat during the first Gulf War; 460 others were wounded. As a result of the cocktail of drugs that the US Government of the time ordered its soldiers to take before they set out for the Gulf, the exposure to the Depleted Uranium contained in the munitions that US rained upon Iraq, and the possibilty that chemical and/or biological weapons were deployed against US troops by Saddam, of the US soldiers who came back alive and seemingly healthy from the Gulf in 1991: 10,000 are now dead and 160,000 are disabled. Accurate figures for the corresponding number of dead and disabled amongst the British forces deployed are not available.

GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH. The 41st President of the United States. 33rd degree Freemason. Member of the Harvard fraternities known as the, "Skull and Bones," and, "Scroll and Key." Member of CFR, the Trilateral Commission and Atlantic Council. Council on Foreign Relations Member. Member of the Bohemian Club. Member of the Committee of 300.
"Our objectives in the Persian Gulf are clear… Iraq must withdraw from Kuwait completely, immediately, and without condition. Kuwait's legitimate government must be restored. The security and stability of the Persian Gulf must be assured… The crisis in the Persian Gulf… offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times… a new world order, can emerge… 
 Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we've known… This is the first assault on the new world that we seek, the first test of our mettle… Vital issues of principle are at stake… Vital economic interests are at risk as well. Iraq itself controls some 10 percent of the world's proven oil reserves. Iraq plus Kuwait controls twice that.  
An Iraq permitted to swallow Kuwait would have the economic and military power, as well as the arrogance, to intimidate and coerce its neighbors, neighbors who control the lion's share of the world's remaining oil reserves. We cannot permit a resource so vital to be dominated by one so ruthless… Recent events have surely proven that there is no substitute for American leadership…  
To help defray costs, the leaders of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the UAE, the United Arab Emirates, have pledged to provide our deployed troops with all the food and fuel they need… Our interest, our involvement in the Gulf is not transitory… there will be a lasting role for the United States in assisting the nations of the Persian Gulf…  
Our role is to help our friends in their own self-defense. And something else: to curb the proliferation of chemical, biological, ballistic missile and, above all, nuclear technologies… American interests are far reaching. Interdependence has increased. The consequences of regional instability can be global. This is no time to risk America's capacity to protect her vital interests." (Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress. September 11th 1990)  
"We have only friendship for the people in Iraq." (November, 1990.) "The Persian Gulf crisis has forged a new world order in which the superpower adversaries of the Cold War now stand united to reverse Iraq's conquest of Kuwait." (1990.  
"There is no place for lawless aggression in the Persian Gulf and in this New World Order that we seek to create." (Speech to the families of servicemen at Fort Gordon, Georgia. February 1st 1991.) "Now, we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is a very real prospect of a New World Order." (Speech to Congress. March 6th 1991)  
"What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea, a New World Order, where diverse nations are drawn together in a common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind; peace and security, freedom and the rule of law. Such is a world worthy of our struggle, and worthy of our children's future... to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind... based upon shared principles and the rule of law... The illumination of a thousand points of light... The winds of change are with us now." (Speech during the Gulf War, 29th April, 1991) 
As the Gulf War came to an end, Bush declared:
"The spectre of Vietnam has been buried forever in the desert sands of the Arabian peninsula." "Our air strikes were the most effective, yet humane, in the history of warfare." (29th May, 1991) Other quotations by Bush major: "We love your adherence to democratic principle." (Vice President George Bush complementing Ferdinand Marcos, the dictator of the Philippines.") 
"The friendship, the alliance between the United States and Israel is strong and solid, built upon a foundation of shared democratic values, of shared history and heritage, that sustains the life of our two countries. The emotional bond of our people transcends politics. Our strategic Cupertino, and I renew today our determination that that go forward, is a source of mutual security. And the United States’ commitment to the security of Israel remains unshakeable." (In conversation with Yitzhak Shamir)  
"For more than 40 years, the United States and Israel have enjoyed a friendship built on mutual respect and commitment to democratic principles. Our continuing search for peace in the Middle East begins with a recognition that the ties uniting our two countries can never be broken."  
On July 3, 1988 the US Navy warship Vincennes shot down an Iranian commercial airliner. All 290 civilian people in the aircraft were killed. The plane was on a routine flight in a commercial corridor in Iranian airspace. This is Bush major had to say about it:  
"I will never apologize for the United States of America; I don’t care what the facts are." (1988) 
"Time and again in this century, the political map of the world was transformed. And in each instance, a New World Order came about through the advent of a new tyrant or the outbreak of a bloody global war, or its end." (February, 1990 fundraiser in San Francisco)  
"A new partnership of nations has begun. We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of Cupertino. Out of these troubled times…a New World Order can emerge… an opportunity for a New World Order...and a new age. 
When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this New World Order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfil the promise and vision of the United Nations' founders." (Before Congress on Sept. 11, 1990. Bush titled the speech, "Toward a New World Order") 
"If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched." ("Sarah McClendon Newsletter." June, 1992)  
 "I’m delighted that I've been invited out here today to salute you, who, in my view, are doing the Lord's work." (Addressing US air crews at Ahmad al-Jaber air base in Kuwait who conduct bombing missions on Iraq. "Agence France Press." 19th January, 2000)  
"I think we ought to clarify what new world order is… we saw… the beginning, after Desert Storm of a new world order. But today that order is being challenged by this scourge of terrorism. And I think that we are saying a new world order… because Russia is working with us, indeed in Desert Storm they, for the first time, we were together in the United Nations on resolutions…  
It’s going to take a while to perfect a new world order but I’m very hopeful that 20 years from now we’re going to say… there is… a lot more free trade, a lot more market, you know, open markets. I think there’s going to be more recognition that we’re all in this together and that doesn’t mean we’re not going to have trade problems, agriculture problems, what’s this thing they all protest about? - globalisation problems. But I think you’re going to see recognition here and abroad, we’d better be in this together." ("Breakfast With Frost." 30th September, 2001)
DAVID ROSS. Peace activist. "The Bloody Road to Empire." An interview with William Blum.
"Noriega was on the CIA payroll under George Bush. He was getting two hundred thousand a year, I believe, but he got out of line, and he started supporting the Sandinistas. The U.S. Government was also worried about the Panama Canal." 
JOHN STOCKWELL. Former CIA operative.

"The CIA and the Gulf War." 20th February, 1991. Speech at Louden Nelson Community Center, Santa Cruz, California.
"About a year ago, I predicted this war. And again, this was not a shot in the dark. This was a cold, sober, careful analysis of the United States: where it was, and why it would need a war; and of George Bush: and why he would take the nation into war… 
And then, of course, you have the Persian Gulf War: Saddam … gave George Bush the vehicle he needed for this war that I had predicted that he was shopping around for… And then, of course, you have the Persian Gulf War: Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait… gave George Bush the vehicle he needed for this war that I had predicted that he was shopping around for… 
George Bush inherited a situation in which the People were waking up. They were realizing the debt and feeling this ominous burden that we're going to have, which we'll pass on to our children. They were also realizing that the People's pockets had been picked. There has been a massive shift of wealth from the poor and middle-classes to the ultra-rich, in this period of time. The ultra-rich, for example, their taxes were cut from seventy percent to thirty-two percent. And President Reagan called it a tax cut. But for the poor, the bottom half of the society, it was a tax increase of five percent…  
The bankers encouraged irresponsibility. And remember, two hundred officials in the Reagan Administration were forced to resign under the threat of trial, criminal proceedings for their corruption. And some of them were prosecuted and, in fact, jailed. And this irresponsibility trickled down into the savings and loan industry, which the Central Intelligence Agency was using to launder its money into Central America and to launder drug money into its programs… they were BLOWING our money. 
We invested our money, and they would blow it, steal it, declare bankruptcy, open up another S&L bank. And this became the norm until eventually they collapsed the industry. The bankers, the CIA, the Mafia and Neil Bush, George Bush's son: all involved in this great scandal, this massive bilking of the American People. They are NOT, they are NOT going to pay that money back! But they say WE can't afford to lose the Public trust in the banking industry, so WE have to recondition the industry with five hundred billion to ONE TRILLION DOLLARS! And they're going to make the PEOPLE pay for it. And it was the PEOPLE whose money was stolen by these thieves to begin with!… 
Meanwhile, because we couldn't afford everything, they made a religion out of cutting every social service that they could. Ronald Reagan bragged that he had cut a thousand social services. George Bush's first statement, when he took the Presidency, is that he would cut a thousand more… They're gutting our Social Security! We can't afford to take care of the sick, the old, the poor, the handicapped, the farmers, or to really help students get through school or to build up our school system so that it's truly competitive. 
In this period of time, the United States' standard of living has dropped to tenth and twentieth in the world. Twenty-five percent of the people in this country are functionally illiterate. We're ranked sixth in the percentage of children in school. We're tenth in the quality of education. We're seventeenth in life expectancy. We're twentieth in infant mortality. The poor island communist country of Cuba has a better infant mortality rate than our own nation's capital… Meanwhile, the destruction of the environment continues, full-speed ahead… 
Meanwhile, we're responsible, too. We all have to have automobiles. Very few of us are willing to walk or ride bicycles. A great gluttony of consumption in this country, as we all have to buy more and more and more. And partially feeding that is the felling of the rain forests throughout the world, cutting off the world's supply of oxygen We're not just chopping down forests at the rate of an area the size of the state of Maine each year. We're burning them. So that puts carbon up into the air, which again is blocking out the sun and changing substantially the environment. 
We've had six [nuclear] submarines sink into the bottom of the ocean. We've had seven nuclear weapons dropped by accident! The I.P.S. [Institute for Policy Studies] published, about a year ago, that there were fifty-two, I believe it was, parts of nuclear weapons and nuclear reactors now scattered across the bottom of the ocean, leaking this terrible polluting, radioactive material into the bottom of the ocean right now. No way on the face of the Earth to recover it! And it will be poisoning and polluting the bottoms of the oceans fifty thousand years from now, presuming we haven't managed to do in the whole planet in that period of time… 
But the point is, in terms of my analysis of the Persian Gulf War, my prediction of it is that communism had capitulated and the Soviet Union's economy was broken. And the United States Military Complex was desperate for new rationales. How could we justify continuing to spend a huge segment of our budget on a continuing military build-up if the enemy was gone, and communism no longer existed? So we had the United States War Complex facing severe cuts. They were put in a position of having nothing to lose… 
And they had tons of new equipment to test. And they needed to inspire the nation and recapture our imagination and our love for war. Meanwhile, President George Bush, this nice man, came into the presidency haunted by this image of being a wimp… we saw it in the CIA. There were a lot of jokes. But, in fact, he was a brilliant man… He would take our Angola program, where we had broken the law and we had lied to cover it up… he got us off the hook. He did not investigate. He did not punish any of us for breaking the laws. Instead, he was building friendships and relationships that continue today. 
When he became president, he appointed CIA officers to assistant secretarial posts and to ambassadorial posts throughout the Government. Meanwhile, this man, who was stung by the wimp image, had inherited all the problems and all the responsibility for the wrecking of the US economy that he and President Reagan had done. Meanwhile, at the same time, he is a confirmed internationalist. He was desperate to get the nation distracted from the internal problems. But also… he's going to be happy working with all these hundreds and hundreds of contacts that he's built up internationally… 
He's proud of his heritage in the British Nobility, Yale's ‘Skull and Bones Society,’ the Council on Foreign Relations, the Knights of Malta… He was ambassador to China, ambassador to the United Nations, CIA director, and a successful Texas and international oilman, never having really slaved and focused on social problems or domestic problems in the United States… And there are no solutions to these problems which they've created: the debt and the deficit. 
How internationalist is he? I would say totally, ninety percent. He's NOT concerned about the people of the United States. ‘SIXTY MINUTES’ did a segment on him, during the 1988 election campaign, in which they revealed that eighteen members of his campaign staff had collected six- and seven-figure honoraria from foreign countries and foreign companies in the eighteen months before that election. He had surrounded himself with internationalists who were plugged into the international financial and business community. 
Meanwhile, since he's been president, he's been consistently vetoing bills, more bills than any other president in history. Every bill that, in any way, grants a reprieve to the people of this country: he vetoes it! And any bill that in any way tries to curtail the greed of the upper one percent: he vetoes it! Hence, adding all of these things together, the US cycle and its nightmare of an economic situation that we have, the sliding into recession, the Savings & Loan crisis, in which his own family was involved, the malaise that was setting in, the recession again, and his own problem with his own masculinity, it was safe to predict that he would look for an overseas solution: a war! It's been done time and time again… 
Bush was able to say that we were fighting for cheaper gasoline. I don't know if you know this, but immediately, in the first week of August, my gasoline prices shot up by 30 percent. And there was no shortage of oil in the World. And the Arab emirs were not getting that extra 30 percent tax on gasoline. 
This was the middleman, the oilman, of whom George Bush and his family are members, as a matter of fact. And magically, in order to make us feel good about this war, guess what happened when we went to war in mid-January? The prices were dropped down. So everybody is saying: Hey, we're at war and the gasoline prices have gone down… The oil, for example, that we're supposedly fighting for, is not our oil. It belongs to the oligarchies of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. And they sell it to Japan and Germany. We get seven percent of our oil from that region altogether, and we have alternatives, even there. 
Japan, which depends on that oil, didn't want this war because the war would interrupt the flow of oil and endanger the sources and installations. And they can buy the oil from Saddam Hussein just as well as they can buy it from the Saudis or the Kuwaitis. The United States insisted on proceeding into this war for our own reasons. And there was a great rift in our society because even the Commandant of the Marine Corps and General Schwartzkopf himself, were against the war. They were saying: "Let sanctions work. This is a dangerous thing — an unnecessary thing. We shouldn't do it." 
We were orchestrated into it because George Bush, the politician, and the people that he would rally to him, needed it and wanted it. ‘We are fighting for democracy and freedom in the Middle East.’… there isn't even a pretence of democracy in the Middle East. Our allies over there in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait ... the leaders of Saudi Arabia, for example, are not, by my humanist standards, nice people. They stone women to death for adultery… 
These are the people that we're fighting and dying for, to restore their oil and their source of billions of dollars to them. I can't see it. I wouldn't spend five dollars for one American life to defend their oil interests. But nevertheless, of course, they're saying that we're fighting for peace, that we'll restore peace into the Middle East. 
Now, given the reaction among the Arab Peoples, we are thinking: How could George Bush have miscalculated the response of the Arab People, of the Moslems around the World, to this war? And I submit to you that one thing is obvious: We have controlled so much of the World through oligarchies until this date, and we've done it successfully over there using brutal death squads when we had to, that they could easily think: ‘We'll just go on doing it. If people don't like it, we'll slap them down.’ But I submit to you that there may be a deeper point… Because what is now guaranteed in the Middle East is that there will be another war in five years or ten years, and another one, and another one. 
There are thousands of babies being born named Saddam Hussein right now, today. And the anguish and the horror and the empathy for the ones who are dying in it will go on in conditioned violence. So we have absolutely laid it out on the line: the rationales for our new arms race, if you will, or for continuing the military dominance over our society… The popularity of George Bush, the Military and CNN is sordid! 
The media pageant that we're seeing right now has been carefully rehearsed during these years of preparation for our next war… Peeling back the layers of untruth in the rationales of this war… we have the studies coming out with excellent documentation: how the United States and Kuwait and Saudi Arabia LURED Saddam Hussein and Iraq into this war. 
First, we encouraged them to engage Iran in the Iran-Iraq War, beginning in 1980, for eight years. Kuwait and Saudi Arabia financed that war, encouraging Iraq in that war. They ran up an eighty- billion-dollar debt. After the war, (Iraq was in a) very precarious economic condition. [Kuwait] began calling in the money and they began driving down the oil prices so that Iraq had lost sixteen billion dollars in revenues, and they were faced with bankruptcy. There's also the factor that Saddam Hussein, with his massive testosterone problem, was building up his army again, instead of building up the infrastructure of the country… 
Nevertheless, during that war, Kuwait had actually expanded its floating desert border by nine hundred square miles to reach over the Rumaila oil fields that belonged to Iraq, and they bought the Santa Fe Drilling Company of California, for 2.3 billion dollars, that specializes in slant oil drilling. And Saddam Hussein was protesting this formally to every public body: to Kuwait, to Saudi Arabia, saying: ‘This is economic warfare.’ 
And I submit to you: How long do you think it would take us to respond with the US Marines if Mexico or Canada captured, took, nine hundred square miles of our land and began slant oil drilling into our oil fields? Like about twenty-four hours for them to get the tanks and the planes down there, bombing and strafing! We would be at war in a minute! This was a clear provocation to war! 
So this past summer, Saddam Hussein called in the US Ambassador, April Glaspie, and asked her what the US position was on Kuwait, on the Defence of Kuwait. She did not know that she was being tape-recorded, and she told him ten times in this conversation that we had no Defence agreement with Kuwait. At one point, she said that the Secretary of State had ordered her to emphasize this instruction. She said she had conferred with the President about it. Congressman Lee Hamilton concluded, from hearings on this, that we had deliberately given Saddam Hussein the green light to invade Kuwait. 
Again, that's not my observation. That was the congressman who was running the committee to investigate this thing: ‘We gave him, Saddam Hussein, the green light to invade Kuwait.’ Meanwhile, the Assistant Secretary of State was saying publicly, in hearings at the same time, that we had no Defence agreement with Kuwait. So Hussein thought he was being permitted to go in and take Kuwait. And he did it. And he thought that we would not react… I knew they were shopping for a war! And you've seen him. He is not a stupid man at all. But you've seen him floundering around throughout this process because he doesn't understand, even today apparently, that the United States wants a war, at least our leadership does. 
They want the full orgy and pageantry of a bloody war… .... they are frustrated that Gorbachev has come up with a peace plan that might, in fact, let this thing be solved peacefully without the slaughter of troops on the ground. And the White House is admitting, they're discussing openly, that this is a big PROBLEM for the United States because peace might, in fact, happen. 
They are determined to go in on the ground, but they're under enormous pressure from the Coalition, from the Allies, from people in the United Nations who gave us the green light to go to war against him, to accept this peace overture and to find a peaceful solution. And it's a big frustration to George Bush… 
The annual rains were happening when Dan Rather was on the News, just a couple of hours ago tonight. That storm will blow over about Friday. And unless there's some miracle, which there could be, in the form of peace negotiations, they will probably launch this thing about Friday or thereabouts. … just understand now, how long, how carefully do they plan these things? Do they stumble into them? Let me point out that George Kennan, in the late 1940s after World War II, said that eventually conflict in the World would evolve to conflict between the haves of the Northern Hemisphere and the have-nots. And this, of course, is what has happened… 
There is simply none of the anger that was in the Peace Community towards the end of the Vietnam War protest. Jane Fonda, of course, is very quiet on this one. But, you see, you learned about Jane Fonda in 1981 when Israel put its troops into Lebanon. She and Tom Hayden went to Israel and spoke out publicly in support of what Israel was doing. So she wasn't against war, she was just against the Vietnam War. Or maybe it's because she was young and what she was doing was fun. But she's clearly not against war. Meanwhile, she's engaged to, guess who? Ted Turner, of CNN, who is profiting HUGELY from this thing... he's turned CNN into the major cheerleader for the Pentagon in this war… 
The losers today, in this score card: The Kuwaiti people, for sure. The Iraqi people, for sure. The Israelis, who are living under the Scud missiles and the fear, and having to teach their kids about gas masks. The Palestinians, who are having to live under a 24-hour curfew. What if your baby gets sick and you can't get out, and you don't have the money and you can't go out to buy penicillin? And they are facing possible expulsion from where they're living, right now. 
King Hussein of Jordan, a long-time ally of the United States, is facing possible overthrow. Arab leaders, long-term allies, are facing a period of severe instability. And our Administration is now recognizing this and talking about the fact that we're going to have a massive problem keeping the peace in the Middle East, and we'll probably have to leave a massive force there for an indeterminate period of time to enforce a Pax Americana. 
And think about how that dynamic is going to build and make the people there love us. The environment: Remember, they [Iraq] did have a nuclear weapons development plant. And it's been bombed massively. And plutonium doesn't disintegrate when you bomb it. All of those little plutonium molecules are flipping through the environment and floating in the air right now. And they will be toxic ten thousand years from now — fifty thousand years from now. The Persian Gulf: massively polluted. The oil fields that are burning in Kuwait — they estimate that it will take a year to put them out, once we can get to them, and we can't get to them anytime soon. And they are dumping millions of tons of soot into the air… which is going up into the atmosphere, blocking the sun's rays… 
And other losers are the United States People. I mean the below-the-50-percent-line. WE are funding this war! The ultra-rich are NOT paying their share of the support of this society, and they're NOT paying their share of this war itself!… These corporations that are taking our capital and leaking it out of the country are happy to do this to the United States because they are TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS... 
In World War II… the major corporations in the United States were trading with Hitler's Germany throughout the war… Standard Oil supplied him with more oil at a better price than they sold it to the United States... So you have these multinational corporations SUCKING UP CAPITAL from the United States to build these things that are poured into the desert or put in holes in the ground, while, in fact, they are investing in the production of cars and trade goods in countries overseas, as part of the World Financial Order. 
The four-and-a-half trillion dollar debt that is double-compounding. I'm sure you've wondered why is it that our Government is not more upset and concerned… with such a staggering debt which probably can never be repaid? It's their contempt for the American People, and for America itself, by the people who essentially spent this money. 
The multinational corporations are part of the same World Order, the World Financial Order that holds the paper on this loan, which means that the interest that's being paid is exactly like taxes to them… where it's guaranteed by law that they will be paid at the interest rates that are fixed. 
And that's why they're not afraid of this debt. Because they're making money off of it… The second or third line item on the budget now is the interest that we're paying to them on this debt for building up this military thing for their own profit and policing of the World… because of the Cold War and the arms race and Reagan and Bush's policies… we're no longer in control of our economic future. However, we still are the World's military superpower… The World Financial Order can't move us too far… because we're still a major player… It's a symbiotic relationship of money and might. 
And so then, you come up with an understanding of what we're doing in the Persian Gulf. The United States has now become the Praetorian Guard of what George Bush calls "The New World Order," policing the World for the people who own the World, effectively, of today and tomorrow. … this New World Order will clearly NOT be more peaceful. That would not suit them economically for it to be peaceful. It will NOT bring greater freedoms. To the contrary. It will bring continuing repression and forfeiture of our basic freedoms that we've enjoyed for so long. 
It will certainly NOT bring a greater equity in the distribution of wealth. To the contrary. The wealth will continue to flow from the poor and the middle class to the ultra-rich. And it certainly will NOT bring greater social services in this country because the New World Order is letting us go to the Persian Gulf to fight this war for them, and they are letting us bear the lion's share of financing this thing, as we fight the war in their interests over there right now."
"Who's behind the so-called ‘New World Order’ which President George Bush and his Establishment allies have been promoting? First things first. It's not really a new idea. The grand design for a New World Order has been in the works for decades; it was the original premise upon which the ill-fated League of Nations was conceived and, later, the basis upon which the United Nations was established. 
Only now, however, as a result of the crisis in the Middle East, have those who have been scheming for a New World Order begun to talk publicly of their ultimate aim: One World Government. This is because it has taken them until now to see their Globalist dream placed within their reach.  
A lot of key players in global affairs have been in the forefront of the drive for a ‘New World Order,’ but foremost among them are the members of the Council on Foreign Relations. As early as 1974 the CFR launched its, ‘1980s Project,’ which had as its aim, ‘nothing less than the creation of a new global political and economic system to replace the existing one.’ That is, a New World Order.  
The CFR publishes the quarterly journal FOREIGN AFFAIRS and conducts regular meetings and seminars. Key meetings are strictly confidential and off the record. Created in 1921 with Rockefeller family funding, the CFR emerged as the American branch of the British Royal Institute on International Affairs.  
The ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS was the brainchild of English financier and imperialist Cecil Rhodes. It was devoted to the ultimate goal of restoring British hegemony over the United States. It is this British link that leads many critics to charge that the CFR is, in effect, the U.S. office of Whitehall. As a consequence, the CFR has never failed to advance U.S. foreign policy measures that prop up Britain in one fashion or another: most notable, engineering U.S. intervention into the European Conflict that evolved into World War II.  
It has been this way since the establishment of the CFR. CFR members, beginning with the Republican administration of Herbert Hoover, on through the present day in administrations of both parties, have continuously been appointed to key policy making posts, steering the course of America’s engagement in world affairs. Leading figures from within the CFR played the primary role in creating the UN, the global body that at least under the so-called New World Order would function as the de facto ‘world government.’ 
Today the UN is playing a pivotal role in President Bush’s design for a New World Order. The president has cast his war against Iraq as part and parcel of the plan for a New World Order. Once Saddam has been vanquished, Bush promises, the New World Order can come to full flower. However, for the Establishment to successfully foist its new world order onto the American people, it will first be necessary for the powers that be to propagate its ‘party line’ to the masses. The mechanism is there for the CFR to do this.  
Although the CFR in Manhattan based, its reach is coast to coast, and beyond. The CFR has affiliated entities in major cities across the country: Locally prominent figures in politics, society and academia are invited to ‘exclusive’ membership in the CFR affiliates. These entities bring to their forums well known global figures and conduct policy seminars, which promote the New World Order propaganda line of the CFR on the local level. 
A major part of the Establishment's drive for the new world order is shaping public opinion this so that the voting public will accept the internationalist agenda laid forth by the planners behind the scenes. According to one leading CFR member, the planners of the new world order, ‘seek a private consensus’ on major issues. ‘Consensus seeking,’ he said, ‘must be a central element.’ The power brokers ‘will seek to educate attentive audiences so that public opinion will come to reflect the private consensus.’ 
In other words, the CFR power brokers will seek a consensus among their own particular elite regarding what approaches to take toward major international issues. And after such a ‘consensus’ is reached, the power brokers will use their influence to ‘educate’ local elites as to what is ‘best’ for the people. As a result, these influential local groups will then propagate the CFR's new world order propaganda line ‘in the public interest.’ In this way, a small clique is able to propagate its views to eager local audiences who then spread globalist, anti-national thinking in their own communities."
FERDINAND LUNDBERG. "The Rockefeller Syndrome." 1975.
"The people associated with the CFR include just about all who have a direct ownership stake in the external economic and financial instrumentalities that service the American market. They know long before the average citizen does when these instrumentalities are being threatened or interfered with. The maintenance of peace, of course, is important. But there comes times when one may have to fight for one's vital interests." 
PROFESSOR LAURENCE H. SHOUP & PROFESSOR WILLIAM MINTER. "Imperial Brain Trust: The CFR and United States Foreign Policy." "Monthly Review Press." 1977.
"To understand how U.S. foreign policy is conducted, you have to understand the CFR. Some go so far as to say that the CFR is, ‘America's secret government.’ What is the CFR? Formally headquartered in New York, the CFR's membership constitutes a wide ranging array of powerful individuals who operate in the Rockefeller sphere of influence. These include major figures in the media, academia and the corporate, legal and financial worlds. There is also a significant number of government officials who serve as CFR members…  
The planning of UN can be traced to the 'secret steering committee' established by Secretary Hull in January 1943… They saw Hull regularly to plan, select, and guide the labors of the Department's Advisory Committee. It was, in effect, the coordinating agency for all the State Department postwar planning." 
All of the members of this secret committee, with the exception of Hull, a Tennessee politician, were members of the CFR.

JOHN MAJOR. British Prime Minister.
"If they do withdraw and go back into Iraq, they will not be attacked. We have made that perfectly clear." ("BBC TV" interview. January, 1991.) "Britain will veto any UN attempt to weaken sanctions for so long as Saddam Hussein remains in power." (10th May, 1991) 
"One of the charges at the time was that in some way, because I had been Foreign Secretary, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Prime Minister, I must have known what was going on." (In response to Lord Chief Justice Scott’s "Arms to Iraq" enquiry. 1992)  
"We are determined to ensure that the whole of Iraq’s biological capability is detected and destroyed before there can be any question of adjustment to the sanctions regime… we shall continue with good reason to approach sanctions rigorously in the interest of Iraq’s peoples." (March, 1995)
DAVID FUNDERBURK. Former US Ambassador to Romania. To a North Carolina audience. October 29th 1991.

"George Bush has been surrounding himself with people who believe in one-World Government. They believe that the Soviet system and the American system are converging… the majority of (the UN membership) whose 166 member states are socialist, atheist, and anti-American."

IVAN FRASER. Historian. "The Brotherhood And The Manipulation Of Society," part 5.
"Iraq, in an attempt to recover from the expensive eight year war with Iran, had been seeking to control its own oil reserves – independence which the Western oil companies could not allow. So, as well as being of importance to the Elite's long term goals of a world army, the conflict was engineered to effectively destroy Iraq both economically and in terms of its population. 
Saddam Hussein had been installed in 1968 on the back of CIA support for his Baath party.
In November 1989, US loans to Iraq were guaranteed providing that the money was used to buy US farm produce. Instead, as expected, Hussein used the money for arms and defaulted on the loans. The US taxpayer is now picking up the bill for rearming the 'enemy'. 
This US funding was done through the Atlantan branch of the Italian government bank, Banco Nazionale del Lavaro (BNL), which loaned $5 billion. Loans from the BNL to Iraq for arms purchases were organised as early as 1984 by Kissinger Associates. Some of the Iraqi arms were bought from Britain in illegal sales which implicate the British government.  
This possibly includes the Midland Industrial Trade Services, allegedly the secret arms running wing of the Midland Bank, which was introduced to the Iraqis by Kissinger Associates. Having armed Iraq, America needed an excuse to invade. This opportunity came through covertly supporting Kuwait's obstinate insistence to make economic recovery difficult for Iraq by over-producing oil and keeping prices low. In July 1990, whilst assuring Hussein that his administration had no interest in an 'Arab-Arab conflict, like your border disagreement with Kuwait', Bush reached agreement with Gorbachev that Russia would not intervene if America invaded Iraq. 
 Kuwait was invaded by Iraq in August 1990 and Bush started talking about economic sanctions against Iraq. Saudi Arabia was convinced by the Americans that it was under threat and under this pretext US forces were dispatched to protect Saudi Arabia. These were later joined by British and French troops to create a UN army. 
One month before the UN invasion of Kuwait/Iraq, a US army report detailed the destruction of Kuwait, the firing of the oil wells and which companies would be involved in the lucrative rebuilding of Kuwait and extinguishing the fires. In the ensuing bombing, Iraqui industry, and therefore its post-conflict economy, was destroyed and hundreds of thousands of people have died, either as a direct result of indiscriminate bombing or in the ensuing poverty and deprivation." 

FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANISATION/WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME REPORT. July, 1993. Food Supply Situation and Crop Outlook in Iraq."
"It is a country whose economy has been devastated… above all by the continued sanctions… which have virtually paralysed the whole economy and generated persistent deprivation, chronic hunger, endemic under-nutrition, massive unemployment and widespread human suffering. A vast majority of the Iraqi population is living under the most deplorable conditions and is simply engaged in a struggle for survival.  
A grave humanitarian tragedy is unfolding… The nutritional status of the population continues to deteriorate at an alarming rate. Large numbers of Iraqis now have food intakes lower than those populations in the disaster stricken African countries."
DR. ERIC HOSKINS. Harvard University health specialist. "Political Gain and Civilian Pain." December, 1997.
"Three years of sanctions have created circumstances in Iraq where the majority of the civilian population are now living in poverty. The greatest threat to the health and well-being of the Iraqi people remains the difficult economic conditions created by internationally mandated sanctions and by the infrastructural damage wrought in the 1991 military conflict…  
One fundamental contradiction remains: that politically motivated sanctions (which by definition are imposed to create hardship) can not be implemented in a manner which spares the vulnerable." (Report commissioned by UNICEF which was later shelved. February, 1993.) "The Arab Monetary Fund has estimated the value of destroyed infrastructure and economic assets attributable to the 1991 Gulf war at $232 billion."
DOUGLAS HURD. British Foreign Secretary.
"We will not hesitate to use force if necessary… the West has no quarrel with the Iraqi people. They have suffered enough." (June, 1993.) "We do not believe that an independent Kurdistan is possible." (Turkish television. January, 1994) 
"There would still be an Iraqi threat when British and American soldiers have gone home… Saddam’s mailed fist will still be over Kuwait and her neighbours." (Hurd’s response to Iraq’s official recognition of Kuwait as a sovereign state. 15th October, 1994)
GEOFF SIMONS. "Iraq - From Sumer to Saddam." 1994.
"It now emerged that major picture agencies were refusing to use photographs of Iraqi babies that had died of starvation because they were ‘too gruesome'."
WARREN CHRISTOPHER. US Secretary of State. Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission member. 29th April, 1994.
"The stakes are too high to give Mr. Hussein the benefit of the doubt, or to let our policy be dictated by commercial interests or simple fatigue. (Compliance with UN resolutions is) a cynical tactic." "There is no occasion for doing Saddam Hussein any favours at the present time." (Whilst the US was threatening Iraq with fresh air attacks. 16th October, 1994)
TIM LLEWELLYN. Former BBC Middle East correspondent. Speaking at a meeting of the Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding. 16th February, 1994.
"The claim by the Western governments that food and drugs flow freely into Iraq is not true. I have seen telexes and documents that showed clearly that the British and the American government interfered with the flow of crucial drugs into Iraq. That is unquestionable.  
[The sanctions] would not be lifted even if Iraq satisfies the UN Security Council on every single sanction report… The Americans are making it clear that the sanctions are not going to be lifted under any circumstances… The West’s decision is… to keep squeezing the country. I do not see any possibility that oil will flow in Iraq between now and the end of 1994, and probably after that."
DR. HARVEY MARCOVITCH. British physician. A letter to, "The Times." Quoting an Iraqi doctor, May 31st 1994.
"Saddam’s atrocity…or ours?" "Working in paediatric departments in Iraq has become a daily nightmare. Hospitals depend entirely on irregular and spasmodic donations brought in by charities which are like a drop of water on parched earth. In the diabetic clinic we have to divide four small bottles of insulin between 20 or 30 children while trying to clam their parents’ terror. 
For children with leukaemia to begin treatment, parents are forced to send money to buy drugs from Jordan. Parents sell their belongings and even their homes, and after bringing in the drugs the children are dying from uncontrolled infection."
ROLF EKEUS. Representive of UNSCOM.
"We do want Iraq to see light at the end of the tunnel……without progress Iraq can conclude it is not worth co-operating." (September, 1994) 
"Our conclusion, and what we will present to the Security Council, is that we feel confident that, with the exception of the biological area, Iraq will not be able to develop any weapons of mass destruction or long range missiles without being detected by the international controls." (May, 1995) 
"The Iraqi leadership declared to me that its’ policy from now on is 100% implementation of the cease-fire arrangements. (SCR 687) So, with that, the Security Council, all members without exception, should have no choice about lifting the embargo." ("The Times." 24th August, 1995)
MONA HAMMAN & DIETER HANNUSCH. "UN World Food Programme Special Alert Report." 26th September, 1995.
"After 24 years in the field, mostly in Africa starting with Biafra, I didn’t think anything could shock me, but this was comparable to the worst scenarios I have ever seen… 70% of the population has little or no access to food. Nearly everyone seems to be emaciated. We are at the point of no return in Iraq. The social fabric of the nation is disintegrating. People have exhausted their ability to cope." 
US ARMY ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY INSTITUTE. "Health and Consequences of Depleted Uranium use in the US Army." June, 1995.
"DU is a low-level radioactive waste, and, therefore, must be disposed of in a licensed repository… No international law, treaty, regulation, or custom requires the United States to remediate the Persian Gulf war battlefields." 
THE LANCET. British medical journal. 1995. Quoted by George Galloway, MP. House of Commons, 25th November, 1998.
"Since 1990, 567,000 children in Iraq have died as a result of sanctions"? 
KING HUSSEIN OF JORDAN. Responding to US pressure to close his border with Iraq. 18th August, 1995. "This is a matter that we do not contemplate because we are with the people of Iraq as much as we can until the long night of their suffering ends."

YVES BONNET. Deputy French Prime Minister. Describing a visit to Iraq, 25th August, 1995.

"I am filled with shame and anger at myself, at my cowardice, my silence, my complicity with those, who, despite their claims to the contrary, have killed hundreds of thousands of civilians, without incurring the wrath of the tribunal of The Hague, implacably going about their dirty, evil work."

DIETER HANNUSCH. Chief Emergency Support Officer, World Food Programme. WFP news update, 26th September, 1995.
"Alarming food shortages are causing irreparable damage to an entire generation of Iraqi children. After 24 years in the field, mostly in Africa starting with Biafra, I didn’t think anything could shock me, but this was comparable to the worst scenarios I have ever seen." 
MONA HAMMAN. World Food Programme Regional Manager. WFP news update, 16th September, 1995.
"There are actually more than four million people, a fifth of Iraq’s population, at severe nutritional risk. That number includes 2.4 million children under five, about 600,000 pregnant/nursing women and destitute women heads of households, as well as hundreds of thousands of elderly without anyone to help them. 70% of the population has little or no access to food… nearly everyone seems to be emaciated. We are at the point of no return in Iraq. The social fabric of the nation is disintegrating. People have exhausted their ability to cope."
SUNDAY HERALD. Based on a document provided by Thomas Nagy, Professor of Expert Systems at George Washington University. September 17th 2000.
"During allied bombing campaigns on Iraq the country's eight multi-purpose dams had been repeatedly hit, simultaneously wrecking flood control, municipal and industrial water storage, irrigation and hydroelectric power. Four of seven major pumping stations were destroyed, as were 31 municipal water and sewerage facilities, 20 in Baghdad, resulting in sewage pouring into the Tigris. Water purification plants were incapacitated throughout Iraq."
"20,000 new cases of child malnutrition every month".
THE GUARDIAN. 4th October, 1995.
"It is generally agreed that Iraq has already destroyed all of its’ weapons of mass destruction, either under UN supervision, or in anticipation of allied bombing raids."
DOCUMENT 95-116.
"Cruise Missiles: Proven Capability Should Affect Aircraft and Force Structure Requirements." Washington, DC: General Accounting Office, 1995. "Deliberate destruction of public service infrastructure, notably electrical-power generation and distribution facilities will… degrade the will of the civilian population."
"Health and Consequences of Depleted Uranium use in the US army."  
"Soldiers may be incidentally exposed to DU from dust and smoke on the battlefield. The Army Surgeon General has determined that it is unlikely that these soldiers will receive a significant internal DU exposure. Medical follow-up is not warranted for soldiers who experience incidental exposure from dust or smoke." 
"Since DU weapons are openly available on the world arms market, DU weapons will be used in future conflicts. The number of DU patients on future battlefields probably will be significantly higher because other countries will use systems containing DU." 
"DU is a low-level radioactive waste, and, therefore, must be disposed of in a licensed repository."  
"No international law, treaty, regulation, or custom requires the United States to remediate the Persian Gulf war battlefields."
DR. LINDSEY ARISON. US Government official. Pentagon report. July 14th 1995.
"The Cover-Up of Gulf War Syndrome - A Question of National Integrity." "Gulf War Syndrome is the direct health consequence of prolonged (chronic) exposure to low (non-lethal) levels of chemical and biological agents released primarily by direct Iraqi attack via missiles, rockets, artillery, or aircraft munitions and by fallout from allied bombings of Iraqi chemical warfare munitions facilities during the 38-day air war.  
The effects of these exposures were exacerbated by the deleterious and synergistic side-effects of unproven Pyridostigmine bromide pills, (the administration of said pills was compusory) the investigational botulinum toxoid vaccines, (also compulsory) anthrax vaccines, depleted uranium residues principally from battlefield vehicles damaged by depleted uranium-tipped armor-penetrating munitions…  
The infinite number of combinations and permutations of the effects of chronic exposure to low, non-lethal levels of cumulatively-effecting chemical nerve agents, to blister agents, biological agents and ‘cocktails,’ coupled with the effects of nerve agent pills, botulinum and anthrax vaccines, depleted uranium dusts, and other environmental contaminants, has produced the infinite variations in symptomatologies in Gulf War veterans. Therefore, the, ‘mystery illness.’ There is, however, one principle cause.  
The Department of Defence, however, continues to deny that chemical and biological agents were used during the Gulf War. DoD is lying to our veterans and their families, to the US Congress, and to the American people about the exposure of US soldiers to chemical and biological agents during the Gulf War."
"Of the 697,000 U.S. troops who served during Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm, more than 100,000 have registered with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) or the Department of Defense (DOD), saying they have health concerns. While most of these veterans have been diagnosed with a variety of conditions, more than 15,000 or about 20 percent of those examined, have undiagnosed symptoms, which commonly include fatigue, muscle and joint pains, headaches, memory loss, skin rash, diarrhea and sleep disturbances…  
More than 150,000 U.S. troops are estimated to have received vaccines to protect them from either anthrax or botulism. Some troops also were given packets of the drug PB to be used in case of a chemical attack. If taken in advance, PB can blunt the effects of exposure to some chemical warfare agents. During the war, an estimated 250,000 troops took the drug. While the nerve agent sarin is not believed to have been used during hostilities, some troops may have been exposed to low levels of it during cleanup operations after the war. Also, as a result of friendly fire incidents, some troops were exposed to depleted uranium…  
There is an ongoing debate as to whether a well-defined Gulf War Syndrome actually exists, but most experts agree that the health of as many as 80,000 of the 700,000 U.S. military personnel who began deploying to Saudi Arabia in late 1990 have been harmed. A variety of illnesses including nausea, fatigue, and muscle and nerve problems may have been caused by exposure to chemical and biological weapons, depleted uranium, experimental drugs and vaccines, environmental toxins, and infectious diseases…  
Typhoid, brucellosis, hepatitis, gastroenteritis, meningitis, hepatitis, cholera - and now childhood leukemia, cancers, "bizarre" birth defects - and now a new "mystery virus" are endemic throughout Iraq. The French parliament now says many babies born in Iraq are "not identifiably human." Since the war’s supposed "end" - more than a million Iraqi dead including some 650,000 children.  
UNICEF says 10 million children in Iraq suffering from hunger and disease – 200 Iraqi children are dying every day. No medicine. No spare parts. Iraq’s annual budget for purchasing medicines has plummeted to a dollar per person. One third of Iraq’s population is under 15. The pictures they draw invariably showed the same scene: a line of child-scale airplanes filling the top of the page, dropping bombs on the houses below. In 45 days and nights more bombs dropped on a country the size of California than all of the bombs dropped during the 45 months of the Second World War…  
In 1995 the Veteran's Administration raised the official U.S. Gulf War death toll from 148 to 6,525 dead. The Gulf War Veterans Association puts the actual toll at twice this number - or higher. 114 of 152 returning Seabees interviewed by the New York Times are sick with a debilitating illness military doctors still insist is "in their heads."  
Among hardest-hit units, three out of four spouses suffer from the same debilitating symptoms. More than half of their children enter the world with birth defects or auto-immune problems. Akron, Ohio pediatrician Dr. Francis J. Waickman reports a 30% rate of abnormalities among Gulf vets’ children - about 10 times the expected incidence. For many - a living hell.  
Dr, Claudia Miller tells same committee of chemical intolerances: 'What the veterans tell me is that they get confused, go off the road, mistake the accelerator for the brake, and have trouble judging stopping distances when they are exposed to gasoline, diesel exhaust, or freshly tarred roads'… reports of Gulf War illnesses being reported are no longer limited to veterans of the Gulf War.  
Others reporting manifestation of these symptoms include: Department of Defense civilians who served in the Persian Gulf War. Department of Defense civilians working at the Anniston (AL) Army Depot and the Sharpsite (CA) Army Depot decontaminating equipment which was returned from the Persian Gulf.  
Spouses, particularly the spouses of male veterans, are reporting the following symptoms: chronic or recurring vaginal yeast infections, menstrual irregularities (excessive bleeding and severe cramping), rashes, fatigue, joint and muscle pain, and memory loss.  
Children born to veterans prior to the Gulf War. In many cases both male and female children born prior to the war have experienced symptoms similar to those of the veterans and their spouses.  
Children born following the Gulf war. Some reports have been published which suggest a high rate of miscarriages in the families of Gulf War veterans. Further, several reports have surfaced which suggest that there has been a high rate of physical abnormalities in children born to Gulf War veterans since the war." 
PETER KAWAJA. "The Saddest Chapter In America's History Is Now Being Written."
"Gulf War illness is a communicable disease, spreading worse than AIDS, by mere casual contact, through perspiration, or by being close to someone who coughs. You can become infected by brushing by someone at a store. Your children can be infected at a playground or at school. Mycoplasma incognitus contains most of the HIV (AIDS) envelope, which was tampered with by humans. It is a warfare agent by design.  
Our government is involved in this great crime and cover-up. A nationwide/worldwide panic is going to be created, of such magnitude, that it will threaten our very existence. This same government will then step in to offer a solution; they will have, ‘an antidote,’ a treatment, but only those who will accept the medical ID card will be treated, all others will be considered a danger and threat to society, hunted down, and imprisoned or killed.  
Americans will welcome this solution, will turn in their neighbors and friends in order to survive themselves. At the same time, this instrument will suspend the Constitution of these United States, to allow United Nations rule, the New World Order, One World Government. America will be enslaved.  
Approximately 40% of the American population is already a carrier of one form of HIV, as there are now over 2,000+ strains, effectively making almost half of the population a carrier to infect others of Ebola Reston, a slow-acting deadly agent, taking years to manifest itself, killing you in pain worse than Ebola Zaire, which is quick acting.  
The government is already leaking news stories through the mainstream media, warning America: it is not IF, but WHEN, we will soon face a worldwide outbreak. They are preparing you for what they already know and have planned. What they are saying, however, is that this will happen by accident, because of international air travel, and Americans are believing it."
MICHAEL FEENEY. 28th October, 1997. "British Vets and Families Also Have Gulf War Syndrome: Gulf War Syndrome Linked to Vaccines?"
"Probing mysterious ailments suffered by Gulf War veterans, Armed Forces Minister John Reid said Tuesday the troops were given vaccines that were not licensed in Britain. The soldiers, who feared a threat of biological and chemical attack from Iraq, were given a mixture of vaccinations despite warnings from health department officials. Giving details of a major probe, Reid told reporters: ‘I am committed to doing all I can to get rid of the distrust which has built up over the years between the Ministry of Defence and those who served their country in the Gulf’…  
Veterans, campaigning for official recognition of Gulf War syndrome, believe illnesses result from a cocktail of chemicals given to the troops in the 1991 war to drive Iraqi forces out of Kuwait. The symptoms include asthma, chronic fatigue, depression and skin ailments. About 51,000 British troops served in the war, and up to 4,000 veterans and members of their families are ill. Similar illnesses have struck many American veterans of the war.  
The anthrax vaccine took 32 weeks to become effective and it was found the period could be shortened if a whooping cough vaccine was added as a booster. But health department officials warned after tests on mice that… 'when combined there was evidence of severe loss of condition and weight loss.’ Reid, who also announced the probe to parliament, pointed out that it had been urgent to act in the time leading up to war as the coalition sought to repel Iraqi troops from Kuwait."
Armed forces acceptance of the government’s vaccination schedules during the Gulf War was compulsory.

PHILIP SAWFORD. Labour MP for Kettering.
"The Ministerial statement by the Minister for the Armed Forces on 9th January, Official Report, column 878, declared that 300 tonnes of depleted uranium had been fired in the Gulf; compares this to the written answer given by the then Minister for the Armed Forces to a parliamentary question by the Right honourable Member for Caernarfon on 17th November 1998, Official Report, column 453, which stated that less than one metric tonne of depleted uranium was used during hostilities in Iraq; and requests an explanation for this anomaly, as it brings into question the Government's present figures for how much depleted uranium was used in the Balkan conflict."  
"This House shares the growing international concern that the use of depleted uranium munitions causes cancers and other serious and long-term injuries to health; welcomes the decision by Her Majesty's Government to screen British troops for depleted uranium poisoning… calls for Her Majesty's Government to impose a moratorium on the use of depleted uranium munitions by British forces and declare a commitment to cleaning up the environmental contamination caused by their use in Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq and sites in Britain where testing and manufacture of depleted uranium weapons take place; and notes that the US Navy is banning the use of depleted uranium ammunition." (24th January, 2001) 
"This House believes that the Ottawa Treaty on anti-personnel landmines should be amended to include a ban on the use of cluster bombs; notes that during the Gulf War 30,000 tonnes of ordnance was dropped on Iraq, this included cluster bombs which are still killing people; notes that similarly in Kosovo the RAF alone dropped 53 cluster bombs, each containing 147 bomblets, many of which did not explode on impact; further notes that Denis McNamara the UN Humanitarian Envoy claims in Kosovo there are 15 casualties a month and many children are victims; and believes that as well as a total ban on cluster bombs, those countries responsible for dropping them must undertake and pay for clearance of this lethal ordnance." (7th December, 2001)
MICHAEL STEARNS. "The Fire This Time."
"9,600 US Gulf veterans have died since the war. As at November 2000 only three UK veterans had ever been tested for DU exposure by the Ministry of Defence… To date, both the US Defence Department and the British Ministry of Defence deny that there is any link between DU and the unprecedented rise in cancer and birth deformities experienced by Iraqi civilians and Gulf War veterans.  
The Sanctions Committee continues to prevent Iraq from importing large-scale quantities of anti-cancer medicines, as they contain radioisotopes, and thus constitute ‘nuclear materials’ Iraqi requests for decontamination equipment are similarly blocked… 
The cancer rate in Iraq has risen between two and ten fold, the deformity rate between four and six fold. The Iraqi Atomic Agency estimates that 48% of the entire population has been exposed to carcinogenic material… There have been 280,000 sorties in total since the end of the Gulf War. Not a single plane has ever been hit by Iraqi fire. 
Over 300 people have been killed by these patrols, and approximately 800 injured. 40% were civilians... Under US law, campaign groups who defy sanctions and take medicine and food to Iraq without import licences face fines of up to a million dollars and up to twelve years in jail."
JOHN ENGLISH. British Red Cross. 29th January, 1996.

"The level of malnutrition (in Iraq) is on a par with famine ravaged countries like Sudan."

BILL CLINTON. United States President. Rhodes Scholar. 33rd degree Freemason. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
"We will not allow Saddam Hussein to defy the will of the US and the international community." (6th October, 1994) 
"Sanctions will be there until the end of time, or as long as he [Saddam] lasts." ("The New York Times," 23rd November, 1997) 
"A strong, sustained series of air strikes… to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs. Their purpose is to protect the national interest of the United States, and indeed the interests of people throughout the Middle East and around the world." (Describing "Operation Desert Fox." 17th December, 1998) 
"America and Israel share a special bond. Our relations are unique among all nations. Like America, Israel is a strong democracy, as a symbol of freedom, and an oasis of liberty, a home to the oppressed and persecuted. The relationship between our two countries is built on shared understandings and values. Our peoples continue to enjoy the fruits of our excellent economic and cultural cooperation as we prepare to enter the twenty-first century." (Clinton’s reply after Israeli Ambassador Shoval presented his credentials, September 10th 1998) 
"Our relationship would never vary from its allegiance to the shared values, the shared religious heritage, the shared democratic politics which have made the relationship between the United States and Israel a special, even on occasion a wonderful, relationship." (To Benjamin Netanyahu
"The United States admires Israel for all that it has overcome and for all that it has accomplished. We are proud of the strong bond we have forged with Israel, based on our shared values and ideals. That unique relationship will endure just as Israel has endured." (A letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu on Israel’s 50th birthday) 
"I think the targeting of innocent civilians is the worst thing about modern conflicts today. And the extent to which more and more people seem to believe it is legitimate to target innocent civilians to reach their larger political goals, I think that's something that has to be resisted at every turn." (Speaking about the ongoing tensions between India and Pakistan. Hyderabad House, New Delhi, India. 21st March, 2000) 
"I don’t care how precise your weapons are. When you set them off, innocent people die." (Labour Party Conference. October, 2002] 
Those attending the Labour Party conference cheered this earnest, heartfelt, intensely sympathetic and humane remark. Were they watching when Iraq, Sudan, Afganistan and Serbia were bombed, do you think? Do you think they noticed 92 civilians, many of them children, massacred by Clinton’s BATF stormtrooper’s at Waco?

I think so. I think they were watching. I think they noticed. But, hey! That was television, right, that wasn’t real. But this was. There he was, up there on the stage. That film star, you know, what’s his name, the bloke who played the part of that mass murderer. You know, that terrorist fellow! Boy oh, boy was he good in that! Hoorayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

In 1993-94 the two individuals Clinton appointed to the United States Supreme Court, Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Steven Breyer, were both Jewish. Both are multi-millionaires.

WILLIAM BLUM. US journalist. 1998.
"In his recent State of the Union address, President Clinton, in the context of Iraq, spoke of how we must ‘confront the new hazards of chemical and biological weapons, and the outlaw states, terrorists and organized criminals seeking to acquire them.’ 
He castigated Saddam Hussein for ‘developing nuclear, chemical and biological weapons,’ and called for strengthening the Biological Weapons Convention. Who among his listeners knew, who among the media reported, that the United States had been the supplier to Iraq of much of the source biological materials Saddam's scientists would require to create a biological warfare program?" 
"President Clinton and British Prime Minister Blair, launched a series of air-strikes against President Saddam Hussein and Iraq for failure to comply with UN weapons investigators requirements." (17th December, 1998)  
"British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, seeking to justify the air attacks, said it would be wonderful if Suddam Hussein was removed from power." (18th December, 1998)
AVINOAM BAR-YOSEF. "Ma'ariv." September 2, 1994. "The Jews Who Run Clinton's Court."
"President Bill Clinton has contributed toward a real change in administration outlook, having concluded a series of changes which enhance Jewish power, a process that began under President Reagan and his Secretary of State, George Shultz. True, the Jewish political influence was also evident in America in previous decades. We have already seen a Jewish Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, enjoying the full confidence of President Richard Nixon.  
There were Jewish Cabinet members also under Carter. However, they were exceptions to the rule. Especially, pious Jews were seldom appointed to participate in political work concerning the Middle East… In the National Security Council, seven out of eleven top staffers are Jews. Clinton has especially placed them in the most sensitive junctions in the US security and foreign policy administrations. 
Sandy Berger is the deputy chairman of the council; Martin Indyk, the intended ambassador to Israel, is a senior director in charge of the Middle East and South Asia. Dan Schifter, the senior director and adviser to the President, is in charge of Western Europe; Don Steinberg, the senior director and adviser to the President, is in charge of Africa; Richard Feinberg, the senior director and adviser to the President, in charge of Latin America; Stanley Ross, the senior director and adviser to the President, is in charge of Asia.  
The situation is not much different in the Presidents' office, which is full of warm Jews: the new White House counsel, Abner Mikva; the presidents' schedule and programmes manager, Ricki Seidman; deputy chief of staff, Phil Leida; economic adviser, Robert Rubin; media director, David Heiser; staff director, Alice Rubin; Ely Segal, in charge of volunteers; Ira Magaziner, in charge of the health programme. 
Two Cabinet members, Labour Secretary Robert Reich and Mickey Kantor, in charge of international trade agreements, are Jewish. They are joined by a long list of senior Jewish officials in the State Department, headed by the chief of the Middle East peace team, Dennis Ross and followed by many deputy secretaries and even more senior secretaries chiefs of staff… Where did they all spring from?  
In Israel we are already accustomed to the names of the Jews called Dennis Ross, Dan Kurtzer and Aharon Miller, since they have taken part in each of the Secretary of State's visits to the Middle East in the last six years… Incidently, although the Jewish power in the current Democratic Administration is so huge, there are also many warm Jews heading for the top positions in the Republican Party. I met Paul Wolfowitz, for example, who was the senior deputy of the American Defense Secretary in the Bush Administration in the course of a visit to a Patriot missile base during the Gulf War."
HYMAN BOOKBINDER. Former Washington representative of the American Jewish Committee. Quoted by Barbara Matusow in the, "Washingtonian," p. 79. May, 2000.
"We've stopped counting the number of Jews in key places in the Clinton administration, there are so many of them." 
THE FORWARD. New York City Jewish newspaper. Sept. 29th 1995. Headline: "CLINTON’S CIA HEADS ARE ALL JEWISH!"

Clinton had earlier appointed John Deutch, Chairman of the CIA. As soon as he was confirmed, Deutch dismissed all the high-ranking experienced non-Jewish CIA officials and replaced them with a mostly Jewish staff. Deutch named George Tenet, as CIA Deputy Director, David Cohen as Director of CIA Operations, and Nora Slatkin as Executive Director of CIA.

MADELEINE ALBRIGHT. US Secretary of State. Addressing a symposium on Iraq at Georgetown University. 26th March, 1997)
"We do not agree with those nations who argue that if Iraq complies with its obligations concerning weapons of mass destruction, sanctions should be lifted."  
"What's the point of having this superb military that you've always been talking about if we can't use it?" Question to Colin Powell, when she was UN Ambassador. "My American Journey," by Colin Powell) 
While she was UN ambassador, Madeline Albright simply told the UN:
"We will behave multilaterally when we can, and unilaterally when we must." (  
"If we have to use force it is because we are America! We are the indispensible nation. We stand tall, and we see further into the future." ("Today" show, NBC Televsion, 19th February, 1998)  
"Saddam Hussein has wrestled himself to the ground. He is stuck in a box and he has thrown away the key." ("Financial Times," 10th August, 1998)  
"Saddam Hussein has repeatedly failed to take advantage of the UN, ‘oil-for-food,’ program designed to provide income to purchase humanitarian supplies… The case for continued sanctions against Saddam Hussein is overwhelming. There is no greater enemy to public health in Iraq than he." ("Annals of International Medicine," published by the American College of Physicians, 16th January, 2000) 
At a Town Hall meeting in Ohio, 1998, which was televised by CNN, an Albright questioner wanted to know why she was sending 'messages to Saddam with the blood of the Iraqi people… How can you sleep at night?' Her reply was:
"What we are doing is so that you all can sleep at night. I am very proud of what we are doing. We are the greatest nation in the world and what we are doing is being the indispensable nation, willing to make the world safe for our children and grandchildren, and for nations who follow the rules."
"I am willing to make a bet to anyone here that we care more about the Iraqi people than Saddam Hussein does." (Columbus, Ohio, 18th February, 1998. At the time of the last two statements more than 600,000 Iraqis had been killed by US actions since the end of the Gulf War)
WILLIAM BLUM. "The United States vs. Iraq: A Study in Hypocrisy." February 9th 1998.
"'We have heard that a half million children have died,’ said ‘60 Minutes’ reporter Lesley Stahl, speaking of US sanctions against Iraq. ‘I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, and you know, is the price worth it?" 
Her guest, in May 1996, UN Ambassador Madeleine Albright, responded:
"I think this is a very hard choice, but the price, we think the price is worth it." 
Today, Secretary of State Albright travels around the world to gather support for yet more bombing of Iraq. The price, apparently, is still worth it. The price is of course being paid solely by the Iraqi people, a million or so men, women and children, dead and a previously well-off nation plunged into poverty, disease, and malnutrition from the previous bombings and seven years of sanctions. Their crime? They have a leader who refuses to cede all sovereignty to the United States which demands that every structure in Iraq, including the presidential palaces, be available for inspection for ‘weapons of mass destruction.’  
After more than six years of these inspections, and significant destruction of stocks of forbidden chemical, biological, and nuclear weapon material, as well as weapons research and development programs, the UN team still refuses to certify that Iraq is clean enough… 
The Saddam Hussein regime must wonder at the high standard set by Washington. Less than a year ago, the US Senate passed an act to implement the ‘Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction,’ an international treaty which has been ratified by more than 100 nations in its five-year life.  
The Senate act, Section 307, stipulates that ‘the President may deny a request to inspect any facility in the United States in cases where the President determines that the inspection may pose a threat to the national security interests of the United States’…  
Section 303 further states that: ‘Any objection by the President to an individual serving as an inspector... shall not be reviewable in any court.’ Again, this echoes a repeated complaint from the Iraqis, a recent team of 16 inspectors included 14 from the US and Britain, Saddam's two principal adversaries, who are, at this very moment, busily planning new bombing raids on Iraq. 
The team was led by a US Marine Corps captain, a veteran of the Gulf War, who has been accused of spying by Iraq. But the Iraqis do not have a corresponding right of exclusion. The same section of the Senate act provides, moreover, that an FBI agent ‘accompanies each inspection team visit’…  
The hypocrisy runs deeper yet. In his recent State of the Union address, President Clinton, in the context of Iraq, spoke of how we must: ‘… confront the new hazards of chemical and biological weapons, and the outlaw states, terrorists and organized criminals seeking to acquire them.’ He castigated Saddam Hussein for ‘developing nuclear, chemical and biological weapons’ and called for strengthening the Biological Weapons Convention.  
Who among his listeners knew, who among the media reported, that the United States had been the supplier to Iraq of much of the source biological materials Saddam's scientists would require to create a biological warfare program?’  
‘What gives Britain and the United States the right to go it alone on this?’ asked an unusually brave reporter at a Feb.6 Clinton/Blair press conference. Neither President Clinton nor Prime Minister Blair responded. The bombing looks to be inevitable. The boys are busy moving all their toys into position; they can already see the battle decorations hanging from their chests. Of course, no one knows what it will accomplish besides more death and destruction. Saddam will remain in power. He'll be more stubborn than ever about the inspections.  
There may be one consolation for the Iraqi people. ‘The Washington Post’ has reported that Secretary of Defence William Cohen has indicated that: ‘US officials remain wary of doing so much military damage to Iraq as to weaken its regional role as a counterweight to Iran.’ In the not too distant future, when Iran begins to flex its muscles a bit more, in ways not to Washington's pleasure, it may then be their turn for some good ol' American ‘diplomacy'."
AHMET VURGUN. Kurdish refugee crossing to the border from Turkey into Iraq to seek sanctuary, as witnessed by the UN High Commissioner for Refugess. May, 1997.
"We are not saying Saddam is totally respectful of human rights, but he is the one who is supporting us. Saddam is better than the UN and he is much better than Turkey."
SANDY BERGER. Bill Clinton’s National Security Adviser. After two US African embassies had been bombed and the US had bombed Afghanistan and Sudan in retaliation, in August, 1998, Berger said:

"I think the American people need to know that we live in a world where by virtue of America's leadership to some degree, by virtue of a degree of fanaticism by some people, we will be targeted." ** The owners of the bombed pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum, which was targeted by Clinton’s "hawks," sued the US government. The government was ubable to provide any evidence to support its claim that the pharmaceutical factory was anything but a pharmaceutical factory.

SCOTT RITTER. Former head of the UN arms inspection team in Iraq.
"In terms of large-scale weapons of mass destruction programs, these had been fundamentally destroyed or dismantled by the weapons inspectors as early as 1996, so by 1998 we had under control the situation on the ground." ("CNN News." 18th February, 2001)
"By 1998, the chemical weapons infrastructure had been completely dismantled or destroyed by UNSCOM or by Iraq in compliance with our mandate. The biological weapons programme was gone, all the major facilities eliminated. The nuclear weapons programme was completely eliminated. The long range ballistic missile programme was completely eliminated. If I had to quantify Iraq's threat, I would say it is zero… 
During allied bombing campaigns on Iraq the country's eight multi-purpose dams had been repeatedly hit, simultaneously wrecking flood control, municipal and industrial water storage, irrigation and hydroelectric power. Four of seven major pumping stations were destroyed, as were 31 municipal water and sewerage facilities - 20 in Baghdad, resulting in sewage pouring into the Tigris. Water purification plants were incapacitated throughout Iraq." ("The Guardian." 4th March, 2000)  
"The US has perverted the UN weapons process by using it as a tool to justify military actions, falsely so… The US was using the inspection process as a trigger for war." ("NBC Today Show." December 17th 1998.) "Fears that the hidden hand of Saddam Hussein lies behind these attacks are based on rumour and speculation that, under close scrutiny, fail to support the weight of the charge." ("The Guardian." "Socialist Worker," p. 5. Online. January 11th 2002.  
"The people who claim that Iraq has these weapons today are also the same people saying ‘We should not send weapons inspectors back to Iraq,’ because they know very well that if you send weapons inspectors back to Iraq, the basis upon which they’ve made these outlandish claims will be reduced to about zero… We used to joke that the only way an Iraqi biological weapon would ever kill you is if it hit you on the head." ("International Socialist Review."
DENIS HALLIDAY. Former UN Under-Secretary-General and humanitarian co-ordinator for the UN in Baghdad. Halliday resigned his post in disgust with the policies pursued in Iraq by the US and the UK.
"6,000 children are dying every week." ("Middle East International." 13th November, 1998) 
"We are in the process of destroying an entire society. It is as simple and terrifying as that. It is illegal and immoral." (Resignation speech. 30th September, 1998. "Tribune." November, 1998)
THE TORONTO STAR. November, 1998.
"DU, a toxic nuclear waste, is used to coat missiles and bullets, increasing their armour-piercing power. It bursts into flames on impact and is 'aerosolized' into radioactive dust. The stuff remains radioactive for 4,500 million years… The U.S. Defence Department estimates that 630,000 pounds of depleted uranium were fired in the gulf in 1991". 
GEORGE GALLOWAY. MP. House of Commons, 25th November, 1998.
"900,000 uranium bullets and 30,000 uranium shells were used in the south of Iraq, where radioactive dust has entered the water, the food chain, the bodies, and, ultimately, the children of Iraq, and is responsible for the huge cancer and leukaemia epidemic, with a tenfold increase in the number of cancer cases in the country…  
1.5 million Palestinians lived under brutal Israeli occupation for more than 30 years without ever being allowed to vote… for the crime of telling the rest of us about Israel's arsenal of weapons of mass destruction, Mordechai Vanunu is held in solitary confinement, serving a 20-year sentence, and had his jaw wired up in court like Hannibal Lecter in ‘The Silence of the Lambs’ in case he told the court anything else, surely hon. 
Members, including the friends of Israel who are present, can see that international gangsterism by a country that claims to be a democracy is worse--not better--than gangsterism practised by a regime that makes no such claims. After all, the Iraqi people have no responsibility whatever for the actions of their Government, because they did not choose their Government and they cannot remove their Government, no matter how much we make them suffer.  
The Israeli people, however, are entirely responsible for the actions of their Government, because they elected their Government and they can remove their Government… I am not sure that the people who live in the illegally occupied Golan Heights, illegally annexed by Israel, look on Tel Aviv as a democracy. I am not sure that the people of southern Lebanon, occupied by Israel since 1982, look upon Israel as a democracy. Certainly,the 1.5 million Palestinians who have lived for more than 30 years in occupied West Bank and Gaza have never been allowed to vote. 
I do not imagine that they look upon Tel Aviv as a democracy. Even if I accept that Israel is a democracy, my point is that crimes committed by a democracy are worse than crimes committed by a dictatorship… Has anyone advanced any proposal to punish the people of Israel for the international law breaking of the Government whom they elected?"  
"Not a man that we would want to be at the wheel of the car as we drive along the edge of a cliff with ourselves sitting in the back seat." (Describing how he thought the British people had regarded George Bush minor)
UN FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL ORGANISATION. Quoted by George Galloway, MP. House of Commons, 25th November, 1998.
"The continued sanctions have virtually paralysed the whole economy and generated persistent deprivation, chronic hunger, endemic malnutrition, massive unemployment and widespread human suffering… with the vast majority of Iraqis simply engaged in a struggle for survival"?
UN WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME. Quoted by George Galloway, MP. House of Commons, 25th November, 1998.
"Alarming food shortages are causing irreparable damage to an entire generation of Iraqi children… a fifth of Iraq's population is at severe nutritional risk… we are the point of no return in Iraq… the social fabric of the nation is disintegrating… people have exhausted their ability to cope"? 
MARTTI AHTISSARI. Former UN Under-Secretary General and President of Finland. Quoted by George Galloway, MP. House of Commons, 25th November, 1998.
"Nothing that we had seen or read had quite prepared us for the particular form of devastation which has now befallen Iraq"?
WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION. Quoted by George Galloway, MP. House of Commons, 25th November, 1998.
"Health conditions are deteriorating at an alarming rate under the sanctions regime… the vast majority of Iraqis continue to survive on a semi starvation diet… the damaging effects of poor nutrition are being compounded by epidemics and by a precipitous decline in health care, the most visible impact of which is seen in the dramatic rise of mortality rates amongst infants and children"? 
RAMSEY CLARK. Former United States Attorney General. "How dare Americans allow their government to cause such misery."
"It has never happened in history that a nation that has won a war has been held accountable for atrocities committed in preparing for and waging that war. We intend to make this one different. What took place was the use of technological material to destroy adefenceless country. From 125,000 to 300,000 people were killed... We recognize our role in history is to bring the transgressors to justice." (Demanding that US leaders be held accountable for the deaths of Iraqi citizens)
BRIGADIER GENERAL GORDON MOHR. Mohr was one of the most highly decorated US soldiers of the Korean war.
"We are not spending millions of American dollars each month to bomb Iraq because they pose a threat to us, but to the Israeli, who come first in our government calculations. The misery and deaths of millions of innocent Iraqi men, women, and children, means nothing to them, as long as their enemy is held in check."
NOAM CHOMSKY, EDWARD HERMANN, EDWARD SAID & HOWARD ZINN. "The Independent." 21st January, 1999.
"This month US policy will kill 4,500 children under the age of five in Iraq, according to UN studies. This is not foreign policy, it is state sanctioned mass murder that is nearing holocaust proportions."
MOTHER JONES. March/April, 2003.
"Until 1991, the United States was unable to persuade the Arab Gulf states to allow a permanent American presence on their soil. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, while maintaining its close relationship with the United States, began to diversify its commercial and military ties; by the time US Ambassador Chas Freeman arrived there in the late 80s, the United States had fallen to fourth place among arms suppliers to the kingdom…  
All that changed with the Gulf War. Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states no longer opposed a direct US military presence, and American troops, construction squads, arms salesmen, and military assistance teams rushed in… In the decade after the war, the United States sold more than $43 billion worth of weapons, equipment, and military construction projects to Saudi Arabia, and $16 billion more to Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates, according to data compiled by the Federation of American Scientists.  
Before Operation Desert Storm, the US military enjoyed the right to stockpile, or ‘pre-position,’ military supplies only in the comparatively remote Gulf state of Oman on the Indian Ocean. After the war, nearly every country in the region began conducting joint military exercises, hosting US naval units and Air Force squadrons, and granting the United States pre-positioning rights.  
‘Our military presence in the Middle East has increased dramatically,’ then-Defense Secretary, William Cohen, boasted in 1995… The war in Afghanistan, and the open-ended war on terrorism, which has led to U.S strikes in Yemen, Pakistan, and elsewhere, further boosted America's strength in the region. 
The administration has won large increases in the defense budget, which now stands at about $400 billion, up from just over $300 billion in 2000, and a huge chunk of that budget, perhaps as much as $60 billion, is slated to support US forces in and around the Persian Gulf. Military facilities on the perimeter of the Gulf, from Djibouti in the Horn of Africa to the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, have been expanded, and a web of bases and training missions has extended the US presence deep into central Asia. 
From Afghanistan to the landlocked former Soviet republics of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, US forces have established themselves in an area that had long been in Russia's sphere of influence. Oil-rich in its own right, and strategically vital, central Asia is now the eastern link in a nearly continuous chain of US bases, facilities, and allies stretching from the Mediterranean and the Red Sea far into the Asian hinterland. Removing Saddam Hussein could be the final piece of the puzzle, cementing an American imperial presence. 
It is "highly possible" that the United States will maintain military bases in Iraq…Robert Kagan, along with William Kristol of the ‘Weekly Standard,’ is a founder of the think tank Project for the New American Century, an assembly of foreign-policy hawks whose supporters include the Pentagon's Perle, ‘New Republic’ publisher Martin Peretz, and former Central Intelligence Agency director James Woolsey. 
Among the group's affiliates in the Bush administration are Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz; I. Lewis Libby, the vice president's chief of staff; Elliott Abrams, the Middle East director at the National Security Council; and Zalmay Khalilzad, the White House liaison to the Iraqi opposition groups. Kagan's group, tied to a web of similar neoconservative, pro-Israeli organizations, represents the constellation of thinkers whose ideological affinity was forged in the Nixon and Ford administrations. 
To Akins, who has just returned from Saudi Arabia, it's a team that looks all too familiar, seeking to implement the plan first outlined back in 1975. ‘It'll be easier once we have Iraq,’ he says. ‘Kuwait, we already have. Qatar and Bahrain, too. So it's only Saudi Arabia we're talking about, and the United Arab Emirates falls into place.’ 
Last summer, Perle provided a brief glimpse into his circle's thinking when he invited rand Corporation strategist Laurent Murawiec to make a presentation to his Defense Policy Board, a committee of former senior officials and generals that advises the Pentagon on big-picture policy ideas. Murawiec's closed-door briefing provoked a storm of criticism when it was leaked to the media; he described Saudi Arabia as the ‘kernel of evil,’ suggested that the Saudi royal family should be replaced or overthrown, and raised the idea of a US occupation of Saudi oil fields. 
He ultimately lost his job when rand decided he was too controversial.Murawiec is part of a Washington school of thought that views virtually all of the nations in the Gulf as unstable ‘failed states’ and maintains that only the United States has the power to forcibly reorganize and rebuild them. In this view, the arms systems and bases that were put in place to defend the region also provide a ready-made infrastructure for taking over countries and their oil fields in the event of a crisis… 
The Defence Department likely has contingency plans to occupy Saudi Arabia, says Robert E. Ebel, Director of the energy program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank whose advisers include Kissinger; former Defense Secretary and CIA director James Schlesinger; and Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carter's national security adviser…
Two years ago, Ebel, a former mid-level CIA official, oversaw a CSIS task force that included several members of Congress as well as representatives from industry including Exxon/Mobil, Arco, BP, Shell, Texaco, and the American Petroleum Institute. Its report, ‘The Geopolitics of Energy Into the 21st Century,’ concluded that the world will find itself dependent for many years on unstable oil-producing nations, around which conflicts and wars are bound to swirl. 
As vital as the Persian Gulf is now, its strategic importance is likely to grow exponentially in the next 20 years. Nearly one out of every three barrels of oil reserves in the world lie under just two countries: Saudi Arabia (with 259 billion barrels of proven reserves) and Iraq (112 billion). Those figures may understate Iraq's largely unexplored reserves, which according to US government estimates may hold as many as 432 billion barrels… 
Until the 1970s, the face of American power in the Gulf was the US oil industry, led by Exxon, Mobil, Chevron, Texaco, and Gulf, all of whom competed fiercely with Britain's BP and Anglo-Dutch Shell. But in the early '70s, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf states nationalized their oil industries, setting up state-run companies to run wells, pipelines, and production facilities. 
Not only did that enhance the power of OPEC, enabling that organization to force a series of sharp price increases, but it alarmed US policymakers. Today, a growing number of Washington strategists are advocating a direct US challenge to state-owned petroleum industries in oil-producing countries, especially the Persian Gulf. Think tanks such as the American Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation, and CSIS are conducting discussions about privatizing Iraq's oil industry. 
Some of them have put forward detailed plans outlining how Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and other nations could be forced to open up their oil and gas industries to foreign investment. The Bush administration itself has been careful not to say much about what might happen to Iraq's oil. But State Department officials have had preliminary talks about the oil industry with Iraqi exiles, and there have been reports that the US military wants to use at least part of the country's oil revenue to pay for the cost of military occupation… Just which companies would get to claim Iraq's oil has been a subject of much debate. 
After a war, the contracts that Iraq's state-owned oil company has signed with European, Russian, and Chinese oil firms might well be abrogated, leaving the field to US oil companies. ‘What they have in mind is denationalization, and then parceling Iraqi oil out to American oil companies,’ says Akins. ‘The American oil companies are going to be the main beneficiaries of this war.’ The would-be rulers of a post-Saddam Iraq have been thinking along the same lines."
JAY BULWORTH. "Dissent Magazine." How America Fights Wars." 
"The US has a historical and psychological affinity with the strategy of annihilation. This war-fighting style was on display in the Gulf War of 1991, and it is instructive to examine certain aspects of that war for an insight into how the US intends to fight this time around. The first aspect is the exaggeration of enemy capabilities. Although it had had eight years of Western help, Iraq had been unable to defeat Iran, which was itself weakened after the post-Revolutionary purges of its officer corps. Despite this, Iraq was portrayed as an awesome force and Saddam Hussein as the next Hitler. 
In ‘Second Front: Censorship and Propaganda in the Gulf War,’ John MacArthur points to the US claim that by mid-September 1990 'there were 250,000 Iraqi troops in Kuwait poised to invade Saudi Arabia. By early January 1991, the number had allegedly grown to 540,000 in and around Kuwait, all formidably armed and eager to slaughter invading American troops.' 
In reality, the Iraqis were mostly conscripts who posed little if any threat. MacArthur goes on to note that many of the enemy prisoners of war taken in the first day of the ground invasion were: '… ill-equipped, starving, and demoralized - in short, poor specimens of fighting men. Among their number was an eleven-year-old boy, several soldiers with feet so swollen they had to have their boots cut off, and many who were carrying only blank ammunition’… 
In 1995, the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation concluded that the embargo and the military attacks on Iraq had been responsible for the deaths of more than 560,000 children. A UNICEF study reached a similar conclusion, finding that 500,000 children had died needlessly between 1991 and 1998. 
Reporting from Baghdad, Nicholas Kristof of the ‘New York Times’ (4 October 2002) found that shortages of medicines, the bombing of water treatment plants and 11 years of difficulties in importing purification chemicals like chlorine had led to more than a doubling of infant mortality. Iraq today remains as vulnerable and Defenceless in the face of US military power as it was in 1991… 
Air power was used to destroy or cripple Iraqi infrastructure and industry: electric power stations (92 percent of installed capacity destroyed), refineries (80 percent of production capacity), petrochemical complexes, telecommunications centers (including 135 telephone networks), bridges (more than 100), roads, highways, railroads, hundreds of locomotives and boxcars full of goods, radio and television broadcasting stations, cement plants, and factories producing aluminum, textiles, electric cables, and medical supplies. 
The losses were estimated by the Arab Monetary Fund to be $190 billion, and the most modern state in the Arab world was reduced to penury… The National Energy Policy Report of May 2001 concluded that imported supplies accounted for half of US oil consumption in 2000 and assessed that they would account for two-thirds in 2020. Given the increasing US dependence on imported supplies of oil, the Report recommended that a high priority be placed on control of petroleum resources in the Persian Gulf. 
With estimated reserves of 112.5 billion barrels, Iraq is second to only Saudi Arabia, the principal US supplier. Iraq is the only country that can act as a substitute to Saudi Arabia, whose despotic and corrupt leaders are genuinely afraid, and for good reason - there is widespread dissatisfaction with the ruling authorities… In addition, most of Saudi Arabia’s oilfields have already been explored and claimed. 
Iraq, on the other hand, still contains perhaps the world’s largest areas of unexplored and unclaimed oilfields. The fundamental US objective remains the same, control of Middle Eastern oil. During World War II, it established a firm hold over Saudi Arabian reserves, in accordance with standard policy. As the US State Department noted at the time, these reserves constitute a stupendous source of strategic power, and one of he greatest material prizes in world history’s probably the richest economic prize in the world in the field of foreign investment. 
In an insurance policy of sorts, Saddam Hussein has commenced awarding exploration contracts to Russian, European and Chinese oil firms. For instance, Lukoil, which is Russia's largest oil company, holds 68% of the Western Qurna project, itself worth more than $20 billion. 
Zarubezhneft, which is a Russian state-controlled company specialising in overseas projects, is negotiating for rights to the 3.3 billion barrel Bin Umar oil field, and has a 15% interest in the Western Qurna project. It also has upstream contracts at the Bai Hassan, Saddam and Kirkuk fields. Rosneft, the largest Russian state-owned oil firm, has an agreement to develop the oilfields of West Qurna. These contracts, and others like them, will be cancelled by US puppets in a future Iraqi government, and awarded instead to US oil firms. The value of these contracts is significant indeed. 
The contracts already awarded have an estimated potential of 44 billion barrels of oil, which is equal to the total combined reserves of the United States, Canada and Norway (the largest European producer). With the price of oil stabilising at US$25 per barrel after the war is over, the contracts have a value of US$1.1 trillion. It is no secret that many senior US officials are linked to US oil firms, which would profit immensely after a US-led war. Russian agreement to a war on Iraq will be predicated on the security of these oil contracts in a post-Saddam scenario. 
Given the US's military superiority and its strategy of annihilation, the biggest obstacle to a US war is not the Iraqi military. The latter will face annihilation should a war start. Nor is it the reluctance of the other Permanent Members of the UN Security Council. The US will simply disregard them and act unilaterally if it has to. The major obstacle is Western public opinion in general and US public opinion in particular…
The internet has been used very effectively by a new generation of activists, who have managed - however feebly, to get their message across. This technological change has historical parallels of great significance… the internet is being used to challenge imperial power. 
Today's activists have found themselves shut out of the mainstream media, just as activists of previous generations were, but they have been able to reach sections of the public by creating their own circuits of power. This challenge is viewed with alarm by elite sectors, who know that more and more people find a huge discrepancy between what they see and what they are told they are seeing. In order to make sense of the discrepancy, many members of the public turn to the internet for information, and eventually find dissenting reports and analyses. This is why the drums of war are being beaten with ever-increasing hysteria, to scare the public into supporting an oil war."
KOFI ANNAN. UN Secretary General.
"The US is disrupting the Oil-For-Food programme upon which millions of people depend for their survival." ("Washington Post." 25th October, 1999.) "We are in danger of losing the argument, or the propaganda war, if we haven't already lost it, about who is responsible for this situation in Iraq: President Saddam Hussein, or the United Nations." (A statement to the Security Council. 24th March, 2000)
70 MEMBERS OF THE US CONGRESS. A letter to President Clinton. 2000. "Socialist Worker," p. 5. Online. January 11th 2002. 
"More than nine years of the most comprehensive economic embargo imposed in modern history has failed to remove Saddam Hussein from power or even ensure his compliance with international obligations, while the economy and people of Iraq continue to suffer."
"Article 54 of the Geneva Convention states: 'It is prohibited to attack, destroy or render useless objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population' and includes foodstuffs, livestock and 'drinking water supplies and irrigation works."
WASHINGTON POST. 16th January, 2002. 
"Washington has a hold on $5 billion of Iraqi imports, most for reconstruction of civilian infrastructure, e.g. electricity, communications, etc.""Making truth the first casualty of our war against terrorism carries a price. Other nations and peoples are more resentful of pious hypocrisy than of Realpolitik bluntness… Who has reason to hate this country? Only a few hundred million people; Arabs, Muslims, Serbs, and numerous others whose countries have been hit by US bombers." (9th October, 2002) 
MO MOWLAM. Ex-Cabinet Minister in Tony Blair’s government. "The Guardian." 
"Even if Saddam had such weapons, why would he wish to use them? He knows that if he moves to seize the oilfields in neighboring countries the full might of the Western world will be ranged against him. He knows that if he attacks Israel the same fate awaits him."
ROBERT FISK. "The Independent." 25th September, 2002.
"The dishonesty of this so-called dossier." "Tony Blair's "dossier" on Iraq is a shocking document. Reading it can only fill a decent human being with shame and outrage. Its pages are final proof – if the contents are true – that a massive crime against humanity has been committed in Iraq. For if the details of Saddam's building of weapons of mass destruction are correct – and I will come to the ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ and ‘coulds’ later – it means that our massive, obstructive, brutal policy of UN sanctions has totally failed. In other words, half a million Iraqi children were killed by us – for nothing. 
Let's go back to 12 May 1996. Madeleine Albright, the US Secretary of State, had told us that sanctions worked and prevented Saddam from rebuilding weapons of mass destruction. Our Tory government agreed, and Tony Blair faithfully toed the line. But on 12 May, Mrs Albright appeared on CBS television. Leslie Stahl, the interviewer, asked: ‘We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that's more than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?’ To the world's astonishment, Mrs Albright replied: ‘I think this is a very hard choice, but the price, we think the price is worth it.’ Now we know – if Mr Blair is telling us the truth – that the price was not worth it. The price was paid in the lives of hundreds of thousands of children. 
But it wasn't worth a dime. The Blair ‘dossier’ tells us that, despite sanctions, Saddam was able to go on building weapons of mass destruction. All that nonsense about dual-use technology, the ban on children's pencils – because lead could have a military use – and our refusal to allow Iraq to import equipment to restore the water-treatment plants that we bombed in the Gulf War, was a sham. This terrible conclusion is the only moral one to be drawn from the 16 pages that supposedly detail the chemical, biological and nuclear horrors that the Beast of Baghdad has in store for us. 
It's difficult, reading the full report, to know whether to laugh or cry. The degree of deceit and duplicity in its production speaks of the trickery that informs the Blair government… Here is one example of the dishonesty of this ‘dossier.’ On page 45, we are told, in a long chapter about Saddam's human rights abuses, that: ‘… on March 1st, 1991, in the wake of the Gulf War, riots broke out in the southern city of Basra, spreading quickly to other cities in Shia-dominated southern Iraq. The regime responded by killing thousands.’ 
What's wrong with this paragraph is the lie is in the use of the word ‘riots.’ These were not riots. They were part of a mass rebellion specifically called for by President Bush Jnr's father and by a CIA radio station in Saudi Arabia. The Shia Muslims of Iraq obeyed Mr Bush Snr's appeal. And were then left to their fate by the Americans and British, who they had been given every reason to believe would come to their help. No wonder they died in their thousands. But that's not what the Blair ‘dossier’ tells us. And anyone reading the weasel words of doubt that are insinuated throughout this text can only have profound concern about the basis for which Britain is to go to war. The Iraqi weapon programme ‘is almost certainly’ seeking to enrich uranium. 
It ‘appears’ that Iraq is attempting to acquire a magnet production line. There is evidence that Iraq has tried to acquire specialised aluminium tubes (used in the enrichment of uranium) but ‘there is no definitive intelligence’ that it is destined for a nuclear programme. ‘If’ Iraq obtained fissile material, Iraq could produce nuclear weapons in one or two years. 
It is ‘difficult to judge’ whether al-Hussein missiles could be available for use. Efforts to regenerate the Iraqi missile programme ‘probably’ began in 1995. And so the ‘dossier’ goes on. Now maybe Saddam has restarted his WMD programme. 
Let's all say it out loud, 20 times: Saddam is a brutal, wicked tyrant. But are ‘almost certainly,’ ‘appears,’ ‘probably,’ and ‘if’ really the rallying call to send our grenadiers off to the deserts of Kut-al-Amara? There is high praise for UN weapons inspectors. 
And there is more trickery in the relevant chapter. It quotes Dr Hans Blix, the executive chairman of the UN inspection commission, as saying that in the absence of (post-1998) inspections, it is impossible to verify Iraqi disarmament compliance. But on 18 August this year, the very same Dr Blix told Associated Press that he couldn't say with certainty that Baghdad possessed WMDs. This quotation is excised from the Blair "dossier", of course. So there it is. If these pages of trickery are based on ‘probably’ and ‘if,’ we have no business going to war. If they are all true, we murdered half a million Iraqi children. How's that for a war crime?"
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