Sunday, 27 May 2012


On 15 April 2002, John Kampfner reported thus in The New Statesman:

"The roots of the British government's current policy towards the Middle East can be traced back to a single event, not the founding of the Jewish state, not the Six Day War, not the Oslo accords or the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, but Brighton in the autumn of 1994.

To define yourself as new Labour, you had to prove your credentials as pro-business, anti-tax and pro-Israel,' says one party official. 'Palestinian sympathies were the preserve of the old left and we quite simply had to get rid of ours if we wanted to get on.'

At Blair's first party conference as leader, Labour Friends of Israel assembled in a huge turnout for its main meeting of the week. Every aspiring young apparachik felt the need to attend. They did then. They still do…

Lord Levy has a room at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. It is down the corridor from the head of the Middle East and North Africa Command. The location is no coincidence…

The role of this new Labour fundraiser-in-chief, well-paid consultant to retail chains and PM's tennis partner, who spends several months a year at his house in Tel Aviv, is crucial in understanding the Tony Blair's beneficent approach to Israel…

According to those who have seen them together, Blair simply feels comfortable in the opulent home of the one-time pop impresario who turned Alvin Stardust into a household name. Levy brought with him not just large donations from other wealthy north London Jewish business figures, but their values, too…

Levy himself is far more than a purveyor of messages from Blair… A man without a ministerial rank, answerable to neither house of parliament, Levy is now, according to officials, given access to high-level intelligence information about the Middle East. He has been sent on six 'official' missions on behalf of Blair to Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Sometimes, he just goes from his home in Israel… Those six missions compare with just two from Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary."

On 4 October 1994, Tony Blair said this at his first Party Conference as leader.

"This is a modern Party living in an age of change… Parties that do not change die, and this Party is a living movement not a historical monument."
He also said this:

"Our Party. New Labour. Our Mission. New Britain. New Britain. New Labour. New Britain. New Britain."
I voted Labour in 1997 and was overjoyed when the Tories were kicked out. However, I remember watching a B-movie actress called Tony Blair deliver this oratorical garbage. I remember thinking that he was trying to do that old, Marxist thing of repeating a nonsensical statement over and over again in order to get the proles to believe it. I remember thinking that he wasn't very good at it. I also remember thinking that he was a tw*t.

The British medical journal, The Lancet, reported thus in 1995.

"Since 1990, 567,000 children in Iraq have died as a result of sanctions".
In 1995, Bill Clinton's Defence Secretary, William Cohen, boasted thus:

"Our military presence in the Middle East has increased dramatically".
The Washington Post has since reported Cohen as saying:

"US officials remain wary of doing so much military damage to Iraq as to weaken its regional role as a counterweight to Iran."
In February 1995, Blair met personally with David Goldman at Michael Levy’s home, where they 'discussed Blair’s role as future potential Prime Minister.' After dinner, Goldman arranged with Levy to make two five-figure payments to Blair’s private office fund, on the understanding that he would remain anonymous.

In May 1995, Rolf Ekeus, a senior representive of UNSCOM said this:

"Our conclusion, and what we will present to the Security Council, is that we feel confident that, with the exception of the biological area, Iraq will not be able to develop any weapons of mass destruction or long range missiles without being detected by the international controls."
On 14 July 1995, Dr. Lindsey Arison, a US Government official said this in a Pentagon report:

"Since the war’s supposed 'end', more than a million Iraqis have died, including some 650,000 children. UNICEF says 10 million children in Iraq suffering from hunger and disease – 200 Iraqi children are dying every day. No medicine. No spare parts.

Iraq’s annual budget for purchasing medicines has plummeted to a dollar per person. One third of Iraq’s population is under 15. The pictures they draw invariably showed the same scene: a line of child-scale airplanes filling the top of the page, dropping bombs on the houses below.

In 45 days and nights more bombs dropped on a country the size of California than all of the bombs dropped during the 45 months of the Second World War…

In 1995 the Veteran's Administration raised the official U.S. Gulf War death toll from 148 to 6,525 dead. The Gulf War Veterans Association puts the actual toll at twice this number - or higher. 114 of 152 returning Seabees interviewed by the New York Times are sick with a debilitating illness military doctors still insist is 'in their heads'."
On 16 September 1995, Mona Hamman, the Regional manager of the World Food Programme, said this:

"There are actually more than four million people, a fifth of Iraq’s population, at severe nutritional risk. That number includes 2.4 million children under five, about 600,000 pregnant/nursing women and destitute women heads of households, as well as hundreds of thousands of elderly without anyone to help them.

70 per cent of the population has little or no access to food… nearly everyone seems to be emaciated. We are at the point of no return in Iraq. The social fabric of the nation is disintegrating. People have exhausted their ability to cope."
On 3 October 1995, in a speech to Labour Party conference, Tony Blair said:

"I didn't come into politics to change the Labour Party. I came into politics to change the country."
On whose behalf, we wondered. After 9/11 we found out.

On 4 October 1995, The Guardian reported thus:

"It is generally agreed that Iraq has already destroyed all of its’ weapons of mass destruction, either under UN supervision, or in anticipation of allied bombing raids."
In December 1995, Blair addressed the Jewish Board of Deputies’ annual President’s Dinner and spoke of his and his party’s 'very deep' links with Jewry. He pledged to strengthen British laws against "racism" and called for vigilance against the rise of nationalism in Europe and elsewhere. A month earlier, Gordon Brown, then Shadow Chancellor, echoed these sentiments when delivering the Balfour Day speech in Israel.

On 18 April 1996, more than 100 civilians were killed in the town of Qana. At the time they died, they were sheltering in the headquarters of the Fijian battalion of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. They were killed as a result of a premeditated attack launched by the Israeli Defence Forces. On 7 May 1996, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Boutros Boutros-Ghali sent a letter to the President Of The Security Council which said:

"I view with utmost gravity the shelling of the Fijian position, as I would hostilities directed against any United Nations peace-keeping position. But this incident is all the more serious because civilians, including women and children, had sought refuge in the United Nations compound at Qana."
In the May/June 1998, edition of The Washington Report, the US journalist Grace Halsell wrote this:

"Over five decades now, Zionists have killed Palestinians with impunity. And in the 1996 shelling of a UN base in Qana, Lebanon, the Israelis killed more than 100 civilians sheltered there. As an Israeli journalist, Arieh Shavit, explains of the massacre: 'We believe with absolute certitude that right now, with the White House in our hands, the Senate in our hands and The New York Times in our hands, the lives of others do not count the same way as our own.'

Israelis today, explains the anti-Zionist Jew, Israel Shahak, 'are not basing their religion on the ethics of justice. They do not accept the Old Testament as it is written. Rather, religious Jews turn to the Talmud. For them, the Talmudic Jewish laws become 'the Bible'. And the Talmud teaches that a Jew can kill a non-Jew with impunity'."
In the same Ha'aretz article from which the above quote was lifted, Ari Shavit also says:

"Their blood does not count as much as our blood. We believe with absolute certitude that now, when we have AIPAC [American Israel Public Affairs Committee] and [Edgar] Bronfman and the Anti-Defamation League, we truly have the right to tell 400,000 people that in eight hours they must flee from their homes. And that we have the right to rain bombs on their villages and towns and populated areas. That we have the right to kill without any guilt."
In July 1996, the document, A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm, was prepared for the incoming Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, by a group of American advisors. This said:

"An effective approach, and one with which America can sympathize, would be if Israel seized the strategic initiative along its northern borders by engaging Hizballah, Syria, and Iran… striking Syrian military targets in Lebanon, and should that prove insufficient, striking at select targets in Syria proper…

Given the nature of the regime in Damascus, it is both natural and moral that Israel abandon the slogan ‘comprehensive peace’ and move to contain Syria, drawing attention to its weapons of mass destruction program, and rejecting ‘land for peace’ deals on the Golan Heights...

Israel can shape its strategic environment… by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq, an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right...

Since Iraq's future could affect the strategic balance in the Middle East profoundly, it would be understandable that Israel has an interest in supporting the Hashemites in their efforts to redefine Iraq…

First and foremost, Israel’s efforts to secure its streets may require hot pursuit into Palestinian-controlled areas, a justifiable practice with which Americans can sympathize…

Israel’s new agenda can signal a clean break… by re-establishing the principle of pre-emption, rather than retaliation alone."
The use of the word 'preemption' in the document above preceded its use by the Bush regime by almost six years.

The Americans who suggested the strategy above to Binyamin Netanyahu were: Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Robert Loewenberg, Jonathan Torop, David Wurmser and Meyrav Wurmser.

Perle, a former US Assistant Secretary of Defence in Reagan's government, would become Chairman of the Defence Policy Board, a tremendously influential think tank on the periphery of George W. Bush's administration. Together with Paul Wolfowitz, this Neoconservative hawk was, probably, as responsible as anyone for guiding the most intellectually challenged President in US history into a second war with Iraq.

Perle has been described alternatively as the 'eminence grise' and the 'Prince of Darkness' within the Bush junior government. Douglas Feith would become the Undersecretary of Defence and thus, after Donald Rumsfeld and with Paul Wolfowitz, the third most powerful operative within the Pentagon in George W. Bush's adminstration.

David Wurmser would become a State Department official in Bush's government. Perle, Feith, Colbert, Loewenberg, Torop and the Wurmsers are all Jewish.

Interestingly, the soubriquet 'Prince of Darkness' would also be applied to the British politician Peter Mandelson. Mandelson's father, Tony, was once the editor of The Jewish Chronicle and was, of course, Jewish himself.

On 4 October 1996, The Jewish Chronicle reported thus:

"A Labour Government will act to make Holocaust denial a criminal offence, Opposition leaders pledged this week. The announcement, made at the party's Blackpool conference, was the culmination of a lengthy campaign by Jewish groups, including the Board of Deputies, the Holocaust Education Trust and Poale Zion.

Shadow Home Secretary Jack Straw confirmed that the motion committing a Labour government to such a law, due to be discussed yesterday, had the backing of the entire leadership. The Blackpool conference continued the party's courting of the Jewish community."
The Jewish Chronicle also reported Robin Cook, the Shadow Foreign Secretary, as having said:

"For two years, there has been a debate over whether to make it a crime to deny the Holocaust. Now Jack Straw has made it clear that we will. The way to make sure it never happens again is to make sure we never forget it."
On 17 November 1996, the front page of The Sunday Times ran a lead article titled: Blair's Secret Donors Exposed.

This is it:

"Tony Blair is receiving hundreds of thousands of pounds in undisclosed donations through a private account despite the Labour party's commitment to openness about its funding. A Sunday Times investigation has discovered some of Britain's richest tycoons have given donations under an arrangement made by Blair's office to disguise their identities.

They include Sir Trevor Chinn, chairman of Britain's biggest motor dealers who was knighted by the Tories, and Sir Emmanuel Kaye, a multi-millionaire...

The fund… is being used to help pay Blair's staff and other private expenses. No trace of the donations appears in the labour party's accounts…

The Labour Leader's Office Fund is particularly mysterious. It was established about a year ago and was manged by Blick Rothenburg, a City accountancy firm. Michael Goldstein, a partner in Blick Rothenburg, who looked after the fund, said, 'I really don't now anything about it. Where did you get our name from'?…

David Rothenburg, the firm's senior tax partner, was in Israel this weekend and unavailable for comment. Many of the donors are pillars of the British establishment and have long and distinguished entries in Who's Who…

Alex Bernstein, former chairman of Granada… is understood to have donated… Bob Gavron, a publishing millionaire who has publicly donated directly to the Labour party, has also given £35,000 to Blair's private office.

Chinn, 61, is chairman of Lex Service and President of the Joint Israel Appeal, Britain's biggest fundraising charity for Israel…

The Labour Leader's Office Fund was set up last year by Jonathan Powell, Blair's chief of staff and brother of Sir Charles Powell, an aide to Margaret Thatcher…

Blair is understood to have wanted to develop a source of finance that would give him independence from the Labour party… to help pay for his private office…

Labour has made great play of its new policy of declaring all donations of more than £5,000 to the party, and has challenged the Tories to come clean on their sources of funding."

The four businessmen named in the Sunday Times article, Sir Trevor Chinn, Sir Emmanuel Kaye, Alex Bernstein and Bob Gavron, are all Jewish.

David Rothenburg, Blick Rothenburg's senior tax partner, and Michael Goldstein, who 'looked after the fund,' are also Jewish.

In the May 2000, edition of On Target, the handbook of the Australian League of Rights, Alfred King told us this:

"Blair's Secret Donors Exposed... revealed the distinctive ethnic identities of those behind the scenes who have created Tony Blair and New Labour. All the major contributors to Blair's private office-fund are prominent members of the Jewish community...

Blair's involvement with such people is the result of a long established relationship going back over many years, not a recent result of advances made to the Labour Party.

The same individuals played a key role in creating the New Labour Bandwagon in the first place, and in grooming Blair for PM. Margaret Thatcher's former backer, Sir Trevor Chinn, finds it just as easy to support Tony Blair.

Blair also appointed film producer Sir David Puttman as a member of his business committee. Puttnam is a close friend of Edgar Bronfman Jr., owner of the massive MCA entertainment group and Universal Studios, and President of the World Jewish Congress.

Tony Blair's close ties with key personnel of the Zionist lobby go back over many years. He is an old and close friend of the President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, Eldred Tabachnik. Blair and his wife shared barristers' chambers with Tabachnik in London.

He has repeatedly reaffirmed his personal commitment to the implementation of legislation outlawing any communications in any way critical of the Jewish community - even though in practise these generally involve comments on the power and influence of the Zionist lobby, rather than hostility to Jews per se.

In December 1995, Blair addressed the Board of Deputies annual president's dinner and spoke of his party's 'very deep' links with Jewry. Again, at a charity dinner in September 1996, attended by Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sachs, Israeli ambassador, Moshe Raviv and Eldred Tabachnik, Blair promised that under his leadership, New Labour was committed to introducing stronger legislation against 'anti-semitism' (i.e. criticism of Jewish influence) and 'racism' (i.e. the suggestion that traditional British culture and identity should be preserved)…

Jarvis Astaire, the millionaire Jewish businessman who was a member of the circle behind Harold Wilson in 1974 and who nowadays supports New Labour, has complained that public knowledge of the ethnic identity of Tony Blair's backers, as revealed by the Sunday Times, might lead to 'latent anti-Semitism'.

Astaire's idea for preventing such a development is not to curb the undemocratic nature of activities implied in a need for discretion but to prevent any details of them from being made public.

Robert Gavron is a member of New Labour's most important fundraising committee and known to have himself contributed over a half a million pounds. Gavron explained 'if you are a businessman you can quite easily vote either way now, as you can in the United States'.

This statement is quite pertinent in the light of the presence on the Conservative's party's board of treasurers of men such as its chairman Charles Hambro, property developer Sir Geoffrey Leigh, Sir Basil Feldman and bookmaker Leonard Steinberg. It is also pertinent here in Australia.

It is well known that when he was Prime Minister, at Canberra cocktail parties, Paul Keating always gravitated towards the end of the room where the Jewish power brokers could be found.

Now The Age, on April 30th, tells us that our present PM has joined with the world's great leaders at the Bar-Ilan University of Tel Aviv to be given an honorary Doctorate of Philosophy for his support for the state of Israel. There John Howard, dressed in skull cap, recalled the great influence of Jews in his personal development and emphasised the contribution that Jews had made to Australia since the first of them arrived here; like his UK counterpart, he also enthusiastically supports 'anti-racist' legislation.

And so we see in our own country the same behind-the-scenes phenomena, of super-rich Jewish businessmen exerting considerable influence over both choices which are offered to the public at election time. This could help to explain the 'elected dictatorship' situation: why the policies of the main parties are so remarkably similar, and in total agreement on all the big issues.

Behind the TV smiles and the 'balanced' political reporting, it would appear that massive wealth has been employed to guarantee that the country is steered in a certain direction."
Besides contributing to Blair's private office fund, both Levy and Gavron were members of New Labour’s most important fundraising committee. East German refugee, Paul Hamlyn, donated £600,000 from his publishing fortune and Gavron is thought to have given around half a million pounds.

Gavron moves in a very influential circle, which includes Jeremy Isaacs, erstwhile boss of Channel 4, and Michael Green, former head of Carlton Communications. Gavron is also a long time associate of Peter Mandelson.

Mandelson, European Commissioner, erstwhile MP for Hartlepool and a former member of the Young Communists’ League, has been described as having 'notably firm roots in the Jewish community' including, according to the 31 March 1996 edition of The Sunday Times, a close relationship with the publisher, Lord Weidenfeld.

Weidenfeld acted as liaison between former Labour PM Harold Wilson and leading figures in Israel. He was also the first to inform the Israeli Government that Madeline Albright, Bill Clinton's Secretary of State, was Jewish.

On 18 February 1998, Albright said the following in Columbus, Ohio:

"I am willing to make a bet to anyone here that we care more about the Iraqi people than Saddam Hussein does."
At the time she said this more than 600,000 Iraqis had been killed by US actions since the end of the first Gulf War.

In May 1996, 60 Minutes reporter, Leslie Stahl, interviewed Albright thus:
"We have heard that a half million children have died. (as a result of the US imposed sanctions in Iraq) I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?"
Albright replied:
"I think this is a very hard choice, but the price, we think the price is worth it."
This is Madeline Albright:

Peter Mandelson’s father, Tony, was for many years the advertising director of The Jewish Chronicle.

Tony Mandelson and Bob Gavron were neighbours in Hampstead Garden Suburb and were also 'close personal friends.' Gavron gave the following explanantion as to why he felt so comfortable with New Labour:
"If you are a businessman you can quite easily vote either way now, as you can in the United States."
This would explain why Margaret Thatcher’s former backer Sir Trevor Chinn finds it just as easy to support Tony Blair, who has been groupie-in-chief to corporate America since his arrival in Downing Street.

Whilst were on the subject: Margaret Thatcher’s Education Secretary and her chief political mentor was Sir Keith Joseph, who was, of course, Jewish. He was the man who introduced her to 'monetarism,' the theory of market forces.

This theory told us that, if you closed the pits and the factories throughout Britain, deprived the average British youngster of his chance of a worthwhile job and a secure future, and, then, exported the work his father used to do to a third world country, where everything can be manufactured or produced less expensively, everything will be just fine.

The monetarist theory of economics was popularised by Milton Friedman, who was, as you might expect, Jewish. The internationalist elite were so pleased with the results of this aggressive philosophy that they gave Friedman a Nobel Prize in 1976.

Margaret Thatcher’s most infamous Chancellor was Nigel Lawson. He introduced the giveaway budget of 1989. This caused rampant inflation, which in turn caused the banks to raise the interest rates. The working-class British who were conned into buying their own council house homes by Thatcher's government, were then obliged to default on their mortgage payments.

The banks and the building societies, thus, ended up with an enormous amount of British housing stock, which once belonged to the nation.

John Major, who succeeded Lawson as chancellor in 1989, took the pound into the ERM. The pound went in at a rate of 2.95 marks, which most economists thought was too high. The inflationary effects of the post-unification boom caused the German Bundesbank to raise interest rates sharply at this time and they inflated to a record 8.75 percent in mid-1992.

Britain, shadowing the German currency, had, thus, to keep her own interest rates high. This, added to the fact that the economy was already paying the price of the predictably unsustainable 'Lawson boom' of the late 1980s, proved disastrous.

In 1992, Major and Lamont were categoric in their assertions that the pound would stay in the ERM. They asked Bundesbank chief Helmut Schlesinger to help out by cutting German rates. He refused. The government put up interest rates to 10 to 12 and then to 15 percent to defend the pound, but as Lamont well knew, it was never going to work.

In the end the government threw in the towel and left the ERM. The amount of money spent defending the pound has never been fully revealed but Lamont acknowleged that many billions of pounds, the bulk of the country's foreign exchange reserves, had been wasted.

This drab episode in British history has come to be known as Black Wednesday.

Since retiring from politics, John Major went on to become European Chairman of the Carlyle Group, the most politically connected and powerful investment firm in the world.

Directors, former Directors and shareholders of this corporate behemoth include both Bushes and Frank C. Carlucci, former US Defense Secretary and Deputy Director of the C.I.A.

At the time Carlucci was appointed to the Carlyle board, he held no less than 32 other seats on the board of top multinational companies. He also just happens to have been Donald Rumsfeld's roommate at Princeton.

James A. Baker III, Chief of Staff for Ronald Reagan and George Bush snr., former Treasury Secretary and a former Secretary of State is a Director too; as are former President of The Philippines, Fidel Ramos; former South Korean Prime Minister, Park Taejoon; Thailand's former Prime minister, Anand Panyarachun; Saudi Prince Al-Walid; Colin Powell, George Bush jnr.'s first Secretary of State; Caspar Weinberger, former Defense Secretary; Richard Darman, former White House Budget Director; Madeleine Albright's daughter, Albright being another former Secretary of State; Karl Otto Poehl, former Bundesbank President and Henri Martre, who was the President of Aerospatiale.

And then there is Shafiq Bin Laden, Osama Bin Laden's half-brother, and several other members of this top Saudi Arabian family. Which is pretty interesting, don't you think?

A Le Monde expose described Carlyle's Director General, Frank Carlucci, thus:
"Six days after officially quitting the Pentagon, January 6, 1989, Frank Carlucci became Carlyle's Director General. He brought trusted lieutenants from the CIA, the State Department, and the Defense Department with him.   
Nicknamed ’Mr. Clean’, (perhaps because of his involvement in theIran-Contra affair,from which murky episode he is rumoured to have profitted greatly) Frank Carlucci has a sulfurous reputation for alleged arms trafficking and questionable conduct, including the assassination of Patrice Lumumba while serving as number two at the American embassy in the Belgian Congo in 1961.  
For a while he directed Wackenhut, a security company with a hateful reputation, implicated in one of the biggest espionage scandals ever, the hijacking of Promise software and the murder of its inventor."
Colin Powell first came to prominence in US politics as Carlucci's assistantas National Security Advisor.

Anyway, by the time Black Wednesday rolled around, the poundhad fallen15 percent against the mark and George Soros, whose predatory manoevres in the markets had exacerbated the situation markedly, nicked a billion or two off the British without raising a sweat. Many British businesses failed as a result of the rise in interest rates and tens of thousands of British workers were made redundant.

Soros is, along with John Major, the British Prime Minister he took to the cleaners in 1992, a major shareholder in the Carlyle group.

In December 2002, three months before he took us to war with Iraq, Tony Blair's government completed the sell-off of a 33.8% stake in its defence research business, Qinetiq, an important arm of the Ministry of Defence. The firm was sold for just £42m to the Carlyle group.

By the time Blair's government puts the rest of the shares up for sale, in February 2006,Carlyle will be looking tohave made a profit, in just over two years,of around £370m.

Defending the original sale, John Reid, the Defence Secretary said this:
"The MoD is very good at certain things, but it is not necessarily very good at running companies."
So that's alright, then.

Reid added that the NAO was investigating the sell-off, "not because there is a scandal, but because it is pretty routine for the NAO to investigate these things."

The co-founder and Managing Director of the Carlyle Group is a fellow by the name of David Rubenstein.

In 1997, George Soros led the charge against the Asian Tiger economies and many, including Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamed, blamed him for the economic collapse of their system. Once again, Soros made pots of money from his speculations, once again the markets failed and, this time, millions of workers were affected.

Later that year, the New Labour Chancellor, Gordon Brown, handed responsibility for interest rates to Eddie George and the Bank of England. George Soros’ Open Society Foundation in Moscow was raided in November 2003, by more than 40 armed investigators. All the files and computers were removed. At the time that this happened, Soros was thought to be a significant shareholder in the Russian company, Yukos, the world's fourth-largest oil producer.

The Russian businessman, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the CEO and major shareholder in Yukos, was arrested a week or so before Soros' Moscow HQ was raided.

On April 17 2000, Soros was quoted thus in The Guardian:
"The phenomenal rise of Vladimir Putin out of nowhere bore an eerie resemblance to the feat of political engineering that got Boris Yeltsin re-elected in 1996. From long experience with Boris Berezovsky, I saw his hand in both operations.
Berezovsky and his ilk have exploited for personal gain wrongheaded economic reforms that were impoverishing the average man…
Most disturbing of all to Russian reformers is the impunity with which Berezovsky has operated. His road to capitalism would have landed him in jail in most civilized countries, but brought no criminal charges in the new Russia."
You get that? In "most civilised countries" Berezovsky would have landed in jail. So what has happened to this creature since the Forbes and US News and World articles were written? One month before Vladimir Putin had the "oligarch" Mikhail Khodorkovsky arrested, Berezovsky fled Russia.

In September 2003, he was granted political asylum in another country. Tony Blair was the man who gave Boris Berezovsky asylum. He is now living in England.

Berezovsky and Soros are shown below:

The money raised for the Labour Front Bench Research Fund originated from a small group of businessmen which included the aforementioned Alex Bernstein, property developer Norman Hyams and Ashley Mitchell, chairman of the charity World Jewish Relief.

This fund helped pay for staff and office expenses for, among others, Jack Straw and Robin Cook. This may help to explain why one of the latter’s very first actions on taking over at the Foreign Office was to propose hosting an international conference on how to use Switzerland’s "Nazi gold" to compensate persecuted Jews.

The man at the forefront of the hoovering up of Swiss/Nazi bullion was former MP, Greville Janner. The man who organised the private polls which Blair’s spin-doctors used to decide day-to-day policy during the 1997 election campaign was Dan Greenberg.

According to the 16 March 1997, edition of The Guardian, Greenberg, one of Bill Clinton’s most influential early advisors, met Blair and Gordon Brown at the White House before New Labour came to power, and Labour strategists have kept in touch with him ever since.

Blair also appointed the multi-millionaire Jewish film producer Lord David Puttnam as a member of his business committee. Puttnam is a close personal friend of Tony Blair. Indeed, Blair spent Christmas at Puttnam's holiday home in the South-West of Ireland in 1995.

Puttnam has advised on New Labour’s election broadcasts, collaborating with another prominent Jewish member of Blair’s inner circle, image consultant Philip Gould.
Gould has significant connections in the United States, where he was a member of Bill Clinton’s election team. Gould is married to the American Jewess, Gail Rebuck, Chairman and Chief Executive of Random House UK, part of the giant US publishing empire owned by the Jewish Newhouse family.

Rebuck, the daughter of affluent Jewish immigrants to the US, is a close friend of Tony B's spin doctor, Alistair Campbell. She was described as the "the most powerful figure in British publishing," when she featured at number 91 in the 1999, Observer "Power 300" list of the UK's movers and shakers.

The same "Power 300" lists voted Gould, who was 60 in the individual list, and Rebuck the UK's second most powerful family, after Tony and Cherie Blair. The Observer's potted biography of Gould said this:

"Gould is the high backroom prince of New Labour politics, a man who lives and breathes New Labour almost as much as Peter Mandelson… He set(s) New Labour's agenda and conduct(s) policy. He plies the Prime Minister with vivid one and two-page memos almost daily, and attends weekly strategy meetings… His object is to… bury socialism".
It was Peter Mandelson who saw to it that Gould became one of New Labour's most powerful insiders. In 1985, Gould approached Mandelson, who had just become Labour's director of campaigns and communications, and offered to set up a "Shadow Communications Agency", whose staff would work unpaid.

The SCA reported directly to Mandelson and the Labour Party's formal structure was neatly bypassed as a result. Barry Delaney, of the advertising firm Delaney Fletcher Bozell, was a member of the SCA. He said of Gould:

"He did a lot of the spadework: going out, getting the evidence that supported the cause of the people who wanted to change the party. He's been a consistent moderniser, from Kinnock's time to the present day. If you don't like modernisers, you don't like Philip."
After Labour's unexpected 1992 defeat, Gould and the SCA were blamed. Their embarassing sloganising and brashness was said to be "no substitute for solid campaigning and watertight policies." John Prescott said publicly that the SCA was "out of control".

These Labour losses weren't the first that Gould was actively involved in. He managed to be on the losing side when the Sandinistas lost their democratic mandate in 1990, he also helped to get the Jamaican Labour Party defeated in 1993, and, with his assistance, the pro-EU campaigners in Norway's 1994 referendum were, similarly undone.

All of these were expected to win their respective elections, as Kinnock was in 1992.

If you ever wanted to know what New Labour was all about, at the height of Tony Blair's discomfiture over the misleading intelligence that took us into Iraq, the Dear Leader appointed Lord Hutton to investigate his dirty, little doings in the run up to war. Subsequently, Gould was heard to boast:

"Don't worry, we appointed the right judge."
At an International Association of Business Communicators conference held in Washington in June, 2005, Philip Gould was described as 'Britain’s leading professional strategist and one of the world’s brilliant minds.' Just shows what a dimwit who failed his eleven-plus can achieve if he's prepared to behave like a toerag, doesn't it?

Tony Blair ennobled Philip Gould in 2004.

As already stated, David Puttnam is a close friend of Edgar Bronfman Jr., owner of the massive MCA entertainment group and Universal Studios.

A number of modern respectable Jewish fortunes were founded on links to the underworld in the Prohibition era. Most noteworthy, the Seagram's alcohol fortune grew to power by getting their alcohol smuggled into the United States. Samuel Bronfman, the founder of Seagram, had a distribution deal for his booze with with his fellow Jew, the all-powerful gangster, Meyer Lansky.

Seagram has long been a financial and organisational mainstay of the massively powerful Zionist lobby in North America, and its Chief Executive, Edgar Bronfman Jr., Samuel Bronfman’s grandson, is well known for his belief in the financial and opinion forming power of the media. He owns Polygram and Warner Music and is a close friend of Hollywood deal-broker Michael Ovitz, who was once Hollywood’s most powerful man.

On Ovitz’ resignation as President of Walt Disney, he received a severance package of $69.5 million. Edgar Bronfman Jr... is now the President of the immensely powerful Zionist organisation, the World Jewish Congress.

As Shadow Home Secretary, Blair addressed several Jewish Board of Deputies’ meetings and demanded Home Office investigations into alleged links between "far right" political organisations and "racial attacks." Blair’s assurances in this respect were reaffirmed at a Jewish charity dinner in September, 1996, attended by Chief Rabbi, Jonathan Sacks, Israeli Ambassador Moshe Raviv and Eldred Tabachnik.

Tabachnik, the President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, is an old and close friend of Tony Blair. Blair and his wife shared chambers at Lord Irvine's law practice when Blair, Cherie and Tabachnik were would-be barristers.

Lord Irvine, TB's first Lord Chancellor, is a leading member of Labour Friends of Israel group.

Irvine led the campaign in the House of Lords for the enactment of legislation ensuring that "racially motivated" assaults would carry a sentence of up to five years more than similar "non-racial" crimes. This legislation is now on the statute books.

Tony Blair replaced the last Conservative Home Secretary, the Jew, Michael Howard, with Jack Straw, who also has Jewish forbears close up in his pedigree. Straw ensured that the latest raft of race legislation dreamt up by Irvine, Blair, the Jewish Board of British deputies et al. was introduced into law in 1998.

In October 1996, at the Labour Party Conference in Blackpool, Tony Blair said:

"The Jewish community's principles are… precisely those things for which Labour stands today… The renewal of our ties with the communities is one of the best things that has happened to us."
At the same Conference, Robin Cook, the Shadow Foreign Secretary, committed the New Labour Government-in-waiting to future legislation criminalising the 'holocaust denier.'

In January 1997, Tony Blair reiterated New Labour's commitment to Holocaust Denial legislation, saying:

"I am well aware of continuing concerns on the part of the Board of British Deputies and the police about… the increasing dissemination of Holocaust denial propaganda…

There is a very strong case that denial of the Holocaust should be a specific offence. We are giving active consideration to how this should be achieved. This will stand alongside our commitment to strengthen the laws against incitement to racial hatred."
On 11 February 1997, Tony Blair said this in the House of Commons:

"I think that everyone deplores the sentiments expressed by those who deny the holocaust. It undoubtedly occurred, it is a matter of absolute historical fact…

It might be right to introduce a specific offence… Before I reach a conclusive view, I would want to take account of the views of those who are most deeply concerned about the matter."
In other words, Blair would ask his Jewish pals and benefactors what they wanted done. The fact that they abandoned the 'holocaust denial' project at this time, does not mean that they won't resuscitate it at some point in the future, when the time is right.

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