Saturday, 21 October 2006

All white people are Fascists!

On 17 November 2009, Graeme Paton, the Education Editor of The Daily Telegraph, told us this:

“SCHOOLCHILDREN ARE BEING ASKED TO DEBATE WHETHER ‘ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE FASCISTS’ as part of classes TO COMBAT VIOLENT EXTREMISM… Children are asked to discuss why certain phrases – including ‘They’ve taken your jobs’ and ‘They get better treatment’ – are used to inflame public opinion. Another exercise aims to dispel common ‘myths and stereotypes’ surrounding asylum seekers. This includes views that they are a drain on the UK economy, get priority in council housing waiting lists… and can be linked to rising crime…
Koser Mahmood, AN ENGLISH TEACHER at a school in Lancashire, where most pupils are white British and a fifth are from ethnic minorities, said: ‘Counteracting violent extremism is an important part of the COMMUNITY COHESION PROGRAMME... Many teachers lack the confidence AND VOCABULARY needed to address it. But WE MUST ADDRESS IT’…

Schools should have a named teacher to whom pupils can report any concerns of GROOMING BY EXTREMIST GROUPS."
‘Grooming by extremist groups’ meaning having any young person told any unfashionable facts that haven’t been vetted by the PC Crowd and their immigrant foot soldiers, I suppose.

You know, being told stuff like,’they’ve taken your jobs’, ‘they get better treatment,’ ‘they are a drain on the UK economy, get priority in council housing waiting lists… and can be linked to rising crime.’

All of which very, very provable assertions happen to be true. Apparently however, according to Koser Mahmood and co., mentioning such truisms equates to ‘violent extremism,’ ‘inflaming public opinion’ and ‘grooming by extremist groups.

Or so they would have our young folk believe. New Labour would rather our youngsters be brainwashed into thinking that the stark realities are ‘myths and stereotypes’ and that ‘all white people are Fascists,’ than have them apprised of the simple truth.

There's a sewage works worth of dirty work to be done before the anti-Brits are flushed out of the system, folks.

It's a job to die for.

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