Tuesday, 20 June 2006

None of the truth at all

In Simon Heffer’s 9 November 2010 Telegraph article, ‘David Cameron's obsession with image and spin is failing the country’, he tells this universal truth:
“So much of what the politicians tell journalists is either only half the truth or, at times, NONE OF THE TRUTH AT ALL.”
Politicians lie, Simon: please tell the British people to stop voting for them. Heffer continues:
“The Prime Minister has put no fewer than 26 people on the public payroll, on short-term contracts, without advertising their posts. Most of these people are trusties, and the most prominent of them are in THE BUSINESS OF MANAGING MR CAMERON'S IMAGE.”
The New Blair/Mandelson then.
Politicians lie, Simon: please tell the British people to stop voting for them. Heffer describes David Cameron thus:
“With a smooth-grained hypocrisy for which his short immersion in the real world as A PR SPIV admirably prepared him, HE HAS DONE THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT HE PROMISED. He just can't stop, in the words of RISHI SAHA, HIS ‘HEAD OF NEW MEDIA’, BEING ‘PIMPED’.”
Politicians are prostitutes, Simon: please tell the British people to stop voting for them.
“Perhaps Gladstone failed to have General Gordon relieved in time because no one had sufficiently pimped his party first. Perhaps Lord North lost the American colonies because no one was analysing his or his colleagues' behaviour. Perhaps had Eden had a court photographer it would have obviated Suez.”
Perhaps we are subjected to mass immigration because the 'none of the truth at all' people are telling the truth when they say it is good for us. Perhaps we are subjected to political correctness and positive discrimination because the 'none of the truth at all' people are telling the truth when they say it is good for us. Perhaps we are in the EU because the 'none of the truth at all' people are telling the truth when they say it is good for us.

Perhaps the 'none of the truth at all' people cuddled up to the greedy bankers because they were telling the truth when they said it would be good for us. Perhaps the 'none of the truth at all' people are making us pay for the greed of the greedy bankers because to make them pay for their own greed and ineptitude would somehow be wrong.

Perhaps we went to war with Iraq and Afghanistan because the 'none of the truth at all' people were telling the truth when they said it would make the world a safer place.

Perhaps Cameron‘s 'Head of New Media', Rishi Saha, will turn out to be such an effective 'none of the truth at all' person that he will be able to convince the British people that the three mainstream parties were responsible for none of the following:

Child porn; paedophile priests; the on-line and Muslim 'grooming' of our little girls; government-funded advisory groups teaching 5-year-olds to 'understand the pleasures of gay sex;' MASS IMMIGRATION; asylum seekers put to the head of the council housing queue for more than 40 years; immigrant benefit scroungers living in mansions paid for by us; Sharia Law; no-go areas; terrorism; THE 2011 RIOTS; white flight; DRUGS; self-harm; teenage suicide; anti-social behaviour; mugging; knife and gun crime; gangs; gang-rape; criminals indulged - victims ignored; 'honour' crime; a blind eye turned to under-age marriage and genital mutilation in immigrant communities; DUMBING-DOWN; student debt/tuition fees; violence in school; mass truancy; the sell-off of school playing fields; asbestos in the classroom and the teachers who have died as a result; Broken Britain; cyber crime; positive discrimination, the Brit-bashing race laws; 4.5million CCTV cameras, Thought Police; compensation culture: health-and-safety Nazis; media brainwashing; political correctness, the aggressive promotion of the melting pot and the promotion of the 'mixed-race' ideal; the Millenium Dome; homelessness; care-in-the-community; c-difficile, MRSA, ADHD, hospital death rates; the care home scandals; faulty breast implants; the post code lottery; Mad Cow Disease and CJD; foot-and-mouth disease; pollution; asthma; contempt for Christianity, patriotism and the heritage, culture and traditions of the native Brit; pub and post office closures; fishermen and farmers forced out of business; call centres based in India; the promised EU referendum that never happen; EU 'human rights' law; 70 per cent of our laws originating in Brussels; SPIN; Fat Cat Tory/Labour non-doms paying little or no tax here; cash for peerages, cash for questions, 'cab-for-hire' Cabinet Ministers; MPs’ Expenses; postal vote fraud; privatisation; the destruction of British industry; pit closures; the Big Bang; Black Wednesday; 'the prudent Chancellor' selling off gold off at rock bottom prices and his destructive raid upon our pension funds; Blair and Brown cuddling up to international financiers; the credit crunch, world-wide recession; national debt in the trillions, bankers’ bonuses; the Blair/Brown Scots’ Mafia; reliance on Russia and France for our energy; globalisation; the power of the Murdoch media, the willing abasement of our politicians to it and the hackgate scandal; Blair, Brown and New Labour using our troops to do the dirty work of the US Neocons in Iraq and Afghanistan; the servile deference of Blair, Brown and their forbears to Rupert Murdoch, he of The Sun‘s Page 3; Robert Maxwell, he of The Daily Mirror‘s Page 3; Michael Grade, the 'pornographer-in-chief' of Channel 4; David Elstein, who gave us hard core porn on Channel 5; Richard Desmond, who made many millions from his seedy, pornographic publications before becoming the owner of The Daily Express and The Daily Star, and other mass media pornographers of the Jewish persuasion and, more generally, the influence of the Jewish lobby in the governance and media of the western world.

80 per cent of Tory MPs are 'Friends of Israel,' as are Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and many New Labour and Lib Dem parliamentarians.

Check out an edition of Peter Oborne's courageous documentary Inside Britain's Israel Lobby.

Ladies and gents, a wise man once said:
"If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got."
If you always vote for a 'none of the truth at all' person, well, the odds are you're going to get lied to FOREVER!

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