"The Church of England is to be asked TO BAN CLERGY FROM JOINING THE BRITISH NATIONAL PARTY. The general synod - the Church's parliament - will be urged to adopt a similar policy to other bodies which forbid BNP membership, like the police. The move comes after the leaked publication of the names of 12,000 BNP members in November. THE LIST CONTAINED FIVE 'REVERENDS…At the Diocese of Southwark web site there is a page called The Bridge which invites members of the General Synod, the 'church’s parliament,'to talk about themselves.
The Association of Chief Police Officers policy states that no member of the police service may be a member of an organisation whose constitution, aims or objectives contradict the general duty to promote equality. It specifically mentions the BNP as one such organisation.
She said the policy would make it more difficult for organisations like the BNP to exploit the claim that there are members of the Anglican clergy that support them.
Of specific relevance to this motion are some of the tactics adopted by the BNP, which in recent YEARS HAS SOUGHT TO IDENTIFY ITSELF AS CHRISTIAN (that’s because 99.9% of it’s members hail from a Christian background) and sometimes specifically with the Church of England, in order to further its agenda."
Ban Clergy from the BNP
This is what Vasantha Gnanadoss said:
"BORN IN INDIA, my secondary and university education were in Britain. I work for the Metropolitan Police Service. I worship at All Saints' Church, Battersea. I am a member of the Bishop's Council and the Kingston Area Council, and I am a Pastoral Selector for the Ministry Division.It would appear that this particular Indian immigrant, who somehow wormed her way to the top of the religious tree in this country, is only interested in being 'inclusive' when the included are prepared to parrot the party line. Her desire to ban the British Nationalist from his own Church shows us something else, of course. It demontrates a complete absence of Christian charity for those she doesn't like.
I am a member of the Formal Conversations with the Methodist Church. In General Synod I shall support the 'wider ecumenism' with other Faiths.
I strongly supported the Inquiry into INSTITUTIONAL RACISM in our Diocese, and I ORGANISED A RACE AWARENESS DAY for senior staff. I intend to do all I can to ensure that General Synod takes INSTITUTIONAL RACISM seriously.
Aware of the Indian roots of my spirituality. I rejoice in the diversity of God's creation. I believe we can make progress together if we face issues honestly. My voting in General Synod will continue to reflect my conviction that the Church should be INCLUSIVE in its attitudes."
Here is what another nine of the nineteen General Synod members say about themselves:
Reverend Paul Collier:
"Coming to terms with my sexuality as A GAY MAN led to alienation from Christians until I found a friendly, accepting congregation at St. John's, Angell Town in BRIXTON.Nice tattoo, Rev.
After 9 months voluntary work on the West Bank, work as a teacher and then a SOLICITOR, I was persuaded that IN THE SOUTHWARK DIOCESE BEING GAY WAS NOT A BAR TO ORDINATION. The Southwark Ordination Course prepared me to be Curate at St. John's, East Dulwich, and now Community Priest at Charterhouse, St. Hugh's. I believe passionately in an INCLUSIVE Church."
Reverend Justine Allain-Chapman:
"Before ordination I worked as head of Religious Studies AT A MULTI-FAITH SECONDARY SCHOOL IN NORTH LONDON… MY HUSBAND, THOMAS, IS A ROMAN CATHOLIC AND WE HAVE THREE CHILDREN.Now Justine might be a nice person but what on earth is a Roman Catholic doing being a member of the Church of England's General Synod? Which is supposed to be Protestant!
I am a member of AFFIRMING CATHOLICISM AND THE SOCIETY OF CATHOLIC PRIESTS and was part of our diocese's 'On the Way' group which produced evangelism resources and helped parishes develop an integrated approach to mission. I am also a member of the diocesan liturgical committee."
Patricia Dyer:
"My name is Patricia Dyer, born in Jamaica I joined my parents in England in the 60s as a teenager... I work as Human Resources Co-ordinator and I live locally to my parish at St Matthews, Brixton. First experiences that shaped my life in Britain I gained in Brixton, AN IRRESISTABLE RICHNESS ABOUT THE PLACE that makes you come back...Reverend Jennifer Thomas:
Experiences: members of PCC, BLACK FORUM... 21 years in LOCAL GOVERNMENT."
"Thank you for re-electing me to the General Synod. My ordained twin sister and I are both of the Anglo-CATHOLIC tradition...April Alexander:
HOW I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE SYNOD DEVELOP... To look for and encourage vocations from MINORITY ETHNIC GROUPS. More representation of MINORITY ETHNIC Anglicans and PEOPLE FROM DIFFERENT SOCIAL BACKGROUNDS on Committees and Boards of the Synod. RACIAL AWARENESS TRAINING to allay fears, suspicions and stereotyping…
There are some key issues coming up during the life of this Synod such as the STATISTIC ON ETHNIC ORIGINS… and the report by the House of Bishops on women priests and the Episcopate."
"What do I hope for from the new Synod? The ordination of women as bishops... An end to discrimination in the Church or in our schools particularly on grounds of RACE, gender, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, age or disability ... True recognition of NEW PATTERS OF RELATIONSHIPS reflected in our welcome, services and ceremonies."Reverend Anthony Braddick-Southgate:
"I believe in the open, INCLUSIVE AND FORWARD-LOOKING CHURCH… Over the next five years I will work to promote HUMAN RIGHTS, equality of opportunity and OPPOSE RACISM, sexism and all other forms of discrimination at all levels of the Church's life and structures. Encourage theology that critically ENGAGES WITH THE WORLD. Support the ordination of women to the episcopate. See that the Church values, accepts and blesses SAME-SEX RELATIONSHIPS."Brian McHenry:
"The last Synod was preoccupied with church business, often to the exclusion of the pressing issues of the world, such as the health of the planet, RACISM and poverty...Looks like he's there to see that the 'liberal', 'diverse', 'melting pot' agenda progresses as government wants it to, doesn't it?
Synod must promote UNITY within our Church and WITH OTHER CHURCHES. (The Melting Pot?) It can do this by recognising, and rejoicing in, our DIVERSITY as Christians. No one tradition should strive to secure 'unconditional victory' over any other. Everyone must have their space. That is true LIBERALISM.
As a GOVERNMENT LAWYER and with long experience of Synod, I look forward to contributing to the work of the 7th General Synod."
The Venerable David Gerrard:
"This summer I was elected to General Synod by my fellow Archdeacons for the third time. My previous contributions on the synod have been mostly in the fields of finance and HUMAN SEXUALITY on which subject my first members motion was debated…The Right Reverend Colin Buchanan:
I was… disappointed by the relatively few members of ETHNIC MINORITIES on Synod."
"I am the first suffragan ever to be elected for a third term in the House of Bishops, having also served fifteen years in the House of Clergy.So here we have a member of the General Synod who, actually wants to see his own church disestablished? That is what he's saying here, isn't it? The treachery runs very deep, doesn't it?
My concern for the ordination of women is very open - and for the ordination of women as bishops.
"I was a signatory of Issues in HUMAN SEXUALITY and voted in the majority at Lambeth - and I DO SPEND TIME WITH GAYS... My other main concerns are theological training, finance, electoral reform and ANTI-RACISM."
Here are another couple of senior clerics who don't give much away at the Southwark Cathedral web site. But, boy-oh-boy, do they have form.
Check out the Right Reverend Tom Butler in The Bishop of Southwark got drunk as a skunk.
And, last but not least, we have the Very Reverend Colin Slee.
In April 2008, Slee banned the singing of Jerusalem in Southwark Cathedral because 'the words do not praise God and are too nationalistic!' Slee said that the hymn was 'not in the glory of God'. Cathedral bans Jerusalem
The chap who decided that England's greatest hymn would no longer be heard in Southwark Cathedral was the most agressive and outspoken backer of Cannon Jeffrey John, the homosexual former Bishop of Reading.
In July 2003, he said this from the pulpit:
"Canon John has become the victim of appalling prejudice and abuse which has its main proponents within the Church of England and about whom the Church of England should be deeply penitent. He has been subjected to a campaign of persecution, not by the press, but by a minority of Christians in this country... The withdrawal of his nomination will not only hurt those who are gay. The news will hurt thousands of Christian people who are not gay...On 28 June 2003, The Sydney Morning Heraldsaid this:
"A few minutes after the Very Reverend Colin Slee has performed the morning service, led the Lord's Prayer and administered the eucharist to a handful of parishioners HE IS TALKING ABOUT SEX - GAY SEX.On 12 July 2003, The Times said this:
'I don't understand why people who are opposed to gays in the church are SO OBSESSED WITH ANAL SEX... I know many homosexuals who don't have ANAL SEX and there are definitely some heterosexuals who do. To me, the debate about Jeffrey is partly about MALE INSECURITY'."
"The Very Rev Colin Slee, Dean of Southwark, where Dr John, who is gay, will now remain as canon theologian, said: 'Anglican Mainstream is the ANGLICAN TALEBAN. The people involved are like the Pharisees in the Bible, demanding adherence to the letter of the law.On 16 September 2006, The Guardian quoted Slee thus:
There are MANY CONGREGATIONS, mine among them, which WOULD REJECT A BIBLICALLY CONSERVATIVE COVENANT, arguing that true scholarship and present revelation point towards the full inclusion of women as bishops AND GAY AND LESBIAN PEOPLE, just as it has pointed towards the abolition of slavery, CONFRONTING RACISM and respect for people who become divorced'."
"Present statistics show early marriage break-up is twice the rate for people who have been long-term cohabitees than others."So long term relationships are bad? Slee continued:
"People in longterm SAME-SEX RELATIONSHIPS MAY STAND A MUCH BETTER CHANCE THAN HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES. Because they have already braved social threats and pressures THEIR FOOTING IS STRONGER, tested by greater temptations to break away. HETEROSEXUAL COHABITEES WHO MARRY SEEM TO EXPERIENCE A SENSE OF IMPRISONMENT.On 26 February 2007, The Guardian quoted Slee thus:
In 2005 the bishops of the Church of England published guidelines concerning civil partnerships. It is a great sadness that they place clergy in a grudging position towards stable, life-long, same-sex couples...
My own congregation holds many people in long-term, faithful same-sex relationships. These relationships, just as much as stable faithful heterosexual marriage, are A GOOD ILLUSTRATION of the qualities that make marriage a building block of a healthy society...
"Atheists like the RICHARD DAWKINS of this world are just as fundamentalist as THE PEOPLE SETTING OFF BOMBS ON THE TUBE… and the ANTI-GAY BIGOTS OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND…So, here we have a very high-ranking member of the General Synod who equates Richard Dawkins, and those C of E members who aren’t too keen on having homosexual Bishops ministering to them, with the Muslims who murdered 52 Londoners and injured about 900 more on 7/7/2005. Yep, this is what is considered sane in a PC age. This is the kind of bloke the PC Crowd insists must teach our children right from wrong.
You have a triangle with fundamentalist secularists in one corner, fundamentalist faith people in another, and then THE INTELLIGENT, THINKING LIBERALS of Anglicanism, ROMAN CATHOLICISM, Baptism, Methodism, other faiths - and, indeed, THINKING ATHEISTS - in the other corner."
THEY are at war with us, ladies and gents. If you can’t see this by now, I have to say you must be one of THEM.
On 13 March 2001, Slee said this in a Southwark Cathedral press release:
"We are humbled and thrilled that NELSON MANDELA, PROBABLY THE MOST OUTSTANDING MAN OF OUR TIMES, has agreed to visit us... He is renowned for his suffering, passion for justice and almost unimaginable compassion and forgiveness. It is not inappropriate that he should lend his support to Southwark Cathedral... THE PLACE TO WHICH SOCIALLY MARGINALIZED PEOPLE HAVE COME FOR SANCTUARY AND ASSISTANCE?Mandela is, actually, an unreconstructed communist who presided over the deaths of more than a thousand members of white farming communities during his time in power.
We could not be more honoured to welcome a South African, who is undoubtedly A LEGEND IN HIS OWN TIME AND AN EXAMPLE TO US ALL."
He did not bother to tell the world that this was happening or that the killers were black. Oh, and at this link you can see Mandela sharing a 'Death to Whitey' moment with some of his followers. RACIST!
Slee died of pancreatic cancer in Novemebr 2010. I don't know whether the cancer arose as a result of an HIV infection but I do know that HIV infected folk are between 2 and 5 times more likely to get the disease than are the population as a whole.
Twelve of the nineteen holy folk who make up the Church of England's 'parliament' are featured here.
It may be that one or two of the seven I haven't mentioned have CVs as murky as those of Butler and Slee, they just, like them, didn't happen to expose any anti-Brit credentials at the Southwark Cathedral web site.
Anyway, this lot don't represent the England I grew up in. I have a feeling they wouldn't like me or mine all that much. Vasantha Gnanadoss certainly makes her lack of Christian compassion for those who want our world back as it was when our parents were young, quite clear in the BBC article quoted above.
In every area of our National life, the unrepresentative rule. This is what happens when you forget to pay attention.
For succinctness this is unparalleled:
Pope Francis: ‘Inside Every Christian Is A Jew'