Friday 6 September 2024

Assorted informational videos the BBC et al will not be publishing! (72)

This gentleman thinks you should refuse all vaccines AND statins!

Having seen what the destruction the COVID vaccines have wrought, and what statins did to my mother, I'm inclined to agree.

After Tony Blair suggested that X (Twitter) should be banned because of 'fake news', the comedian, Leo Kearse, said this:
"It's a bit rich to be lectured on the harms of misinformation by a man who invaded Iraq based on Alastair Campbell’s dodgy dossier.  It's like getting advice on babysitting from Jimmy Saville."

This gentleman says what many of us feel in no uncertain terms:
"Nobody is coming to save you. Our system is corrupt from the top down. Do not comply. Do not give up. Love and speak truth. Watch your back and take care of your children."

This video points out how the powers-that-be in America are angling to blow a hole in the Constitution and curtail free speech, using the Palestinian protests as a pretext.

Israel’s longest-running English podcast, 'Two Nice Jewish Boys,' features hosts, Naor Meningher and Eytan Weinstein.

Here they call for every single Palestinian in Gaza and the occupied West Bank to be wiped out!

The gentleman seen here is an American paramedic.

He describes the attitude of a hospital's elite personnel as regards informing the public of the dangers inherent in the COVID vaccines.
"I'm a paramedic that did CPR in a Pfizer line. A line, I lost two patients within two weeks. And I've been trying to blow the whistle, sound the alarm on the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccine, the mRNA vaccines. 

I was recently talking to someone who works in a big hospital chain. They're a big wig in a hospital. They didn't take the shots themselves. And I asked them why they are not out there speaking, sounding the alarm themselves.  There's a couple of reasons. One, they don't want to lose their well-paying job. And another, they think that people should have done their own research. They don't understand there was huge propaganda campaigns to go after individuals, to, literally, tell you lies. They just don't want to think about that.

So, there are people that currently work for big hospital chains, they're big, in big positions, and they wouldn't even take that experiment, and they think you should've just done better research. And yet they're still allowing this, or pushing this on your children! That is the world we live in. You need to think about what you put in your body. You need to think about what you put in your children's arm. Because no one else is looking out for you." 

Back in the day chess champion, Bobby Fischer, who was Jewish himself, had something to say about 'good Jews.'

On the Claire Brock show, JeffreySachs speaks out on why he believes that the US's foreign policy has been largely to blame for the war in Ukraine.
"I say the United States should not have overthrown a Government in Kyiv on February 22nd 2008."

Jewish lady tells us her Rabbi blocked/cancelled her after she showed sympathy for the Palestinians.

Comedienne Heather MacDonald collapses on stage as she pours scorn on the anti-vax crowd and those concerned about the safety of the COVID vaccine.

Comedienne Heather MacDonald, in conversation with Dr. Drew, talks about the COVID boosters, the fainting fit and her time in hospital.

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