Tuesday 27 August 2024

Assorted informational videos the BBC et al will not be publishing! (70)

A farmer points out climate dishonesty.
“One of the biggest lies is that cows are killing the planet.”

In 2016, Muslim WPC, Javaria Saeed, blew the whistle on the Metropolitan police kowtowing to Islamic extremism within the force.

She was told to get on her knees and beg God for forgiveness! She said Islamist officers did not want female genital mutilisation (FGM) criminalised!

She was told by her line manager and Professional Standards that, if she made a complaint, it would impact her career progression and the Muslim community would turn against her!

Then, when she met with the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Bernard Hogan-Howe, he told her that he had similar concerns!

Despite which, nothing was done...

Of course it wasn't!

Sheikh Zakaullah Saleem, the Imam of Green Lane Mosque in Birmingham, tells us how to stone a woman!

Hey, Two Tier Keir! @Keir_Starmer Is it OK if I tell folks that Sheikh Zakaullah Saleem, the Imam of Green Lane Mosque in Birmingham, is happy to show the true believer how to stone a woman?

And how outraged Britons might tell him off?

I don't want to incite what you, and people like you, might term 'racial hatred,' you see. But, if you don't give me permission to tell people about this chap, it's giving him, and those who believe he has a hotline to Muhammad and Allah, the green light to stone women, isn't it?

Ah, well, no matter what you might accuse me of, I'm afraid my love of, and duty towards, womankind necessitates my posting the necessary details below...

Green Lane Masjid and Community Centre
20 Green Lane
Small Heath
B9 5DB
Phone: 0121 713 0080
Email: info@greenlanemasjid.org

Thanking you for your attention and, hopefully, your own affection and dutiful feelings for womankind. 🙂

Sometime in 2023 a video appeared at X (Twitter), featuring @imamofpeace, who, as you might imagine, is a Muslim. In the video, the Imam says:
“We do have problems… but the broader picture, Islam is very successful, is growing very fast and we’re doing very well…

I say you’re in the crisis. You went to the Muslim countries and you imported the garbage that the Muslim countries wanted to put in prison or isolate away from society! You went and you imported them! Why? For cheap labour! But these Islamic extremists, they don’t want to work, they want free welfare. They want to marry French women, blonde hair, blue eyes! They don't have time to work.

So look at Poland, they don't complain of Islamic extremism. Not a single terrorist attack in Poland. The moment they sense there is a problem they crack down on it. Polish policy, beautiful! The French, no...

The ideology is filth, to begin with! When you import that, or you allow it in, or you amplify it, or you glorify it in any way, you make your bed, sleep in it... The question is, Tina, did these extremists become stronger, or did the West become weaker? I say it's both.”
Now, if we'd said that, what do you think Starmer and co. would do?

They'd be falling over themselves to see us behind bars, wouldn't they? 'For stirring up racial hatred!'

Anyone out there think the Imam will be on his way to jail anytime soon?

It ain't going to happen, folks.

Two-Tier Kier will see to that.

"We are a people that has been kicked out of every place we've ever lived for 2000 years! Every single place."
Thus did Jewish Congressman, Randy Fine, tell an absolute and irrefutable truth on this occasion. No other race, tribe, or people comes close to the Jews when it comes to expulsions.


Was it because they were poor, cringing, harmless little people who never did anybody any harm and thus were easy to pick on?


Was it because some were jealous of their financial success?

Once in a while, perhaps.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, however, the reason was very simple. It was because of their behaviour. Their behaviour would become, over time, simply intolerable to the non-Jewish majority. Every single time in 'every single place.' Kicked out over a thousand times from over a hundred separate countries. Because of the terrible way many of them behaved towards those who had given them sanctuary.

Actually, what I just said there is inaccurate. Given their appalling track record, the majority of the people would never have allowed them in in the first place, if they'd had a choice in the matter. It was the rulers of the 109 'separate countries' who let them enter.

Why would they do so? Because the rulers profited from their presence. Whatever the Jews were able to accrue from their dodgy dealings, the rulers would get their share. They would also benefit from Jewish intelligence. i.e. Spy networks. The Jews were seeded everywhere and could inform those who were currently hosting them of the situation in other realms.

Of course, when it looked like the people were about to rebel, because the presence of the Jews had become too much of a burden, the rulers could always send them packing.

Which would not only diffuse the rebellion but would gain them ultimate kudos with their unsophisticated subordinates.

Thus would the elite be secure in their governance for another hundred years or so.

On 22 May 2024, Fine tweeted thus:
"In Florida, if you support Muslim terror, you will be treated like a Muslim terrorist. Next session, I will introduce legislation that adds any country that recognizes Palestine to Florida's list of scrutized countries, with severe limitations on entities from those countries doing business with and in Florida. Spain, Ireland, and Norway will join Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and Syria, among others, on that list. Govern yourselves accordingly."
I wonder if the Palestinians would remove the Fine type folks from their world if they could?

Actually, I don't wonder at all.

Patrick Bet-David interviewed Dan Bilzerian on 16 August 2024.

During the interview Dan said these things:
"Israel is bad for America. Netanyahu is a convicted war criminal and Israel is not our ally! We fought way too many wars for Israel and we certainly don't need to give them any more money... Everything they put out is literally propaganda...

I know that they're a parasite, like they provide the US absolutely no value. They've done so many things that you know would constitute, you know, an act of war against us. I mean USS Liberty, Lavon Affair, I could go on and on and on and on and on... I think they knew about 911, I think they had JFK assassinated. The first thing that he wanted to do, you know, right before he died, was, you know, make AIPAC a foreign entity and not allow them to have nukes, and then, all of a sudden, this guy's dead, and Jack Ruby, who was Jack Rubenstein...

Netanyahu lied to us about weapons of mass destruction we fought all these wars. My friends have died over there... I just look at what they provided us with and it's... like a negative... They've actually done things to hurt us over and over and over again, so like this whole thing of they're our greatest allies is just complete bullshit... And every politician is a little APAC handler walking around telling them what to say and how to vote...

The system is broken... Our politicians have far more allegiance to Israel than they do to the United States. Israel has committed, you know, so many terrorist attacks. They're stealing land right now, they're operating apartheid they're currently committing a genocide on Palestinians...

I don't know how you claim you have the best intelligence in the world and you didn't know that on October 7th they're attacking... They wanted a reason to take the land totally, and they killed their own citizens, and they claimed that all these people got raped... They claimed beheaded babies...

Everything that they said... not only was it a lie but they committed all those atrocities themselves, to the Palestinians, and been caught doing it. In fact, they just got caught gang raping Palestinians..

How many babies have they killed? All the things that they accuse the Palestinians of, or Hamas of, or whatever, they're guilty of hundredfold themselves... October 7th wasn't the start of this... They have been killing Palestinians for years and years, operating two sets of justice, you know, it's like they have the justice for the Palestinians, the justice for the Israelis and, if you read the Talmud, like, you know, if you're not Jewish you're basically not a human, you're, like, you know, like cattle...

The problem comes when you think that you're better than other people and you think it's okay to lie to anybody that's not a Jew. You think it's okay to steal from people that are not a Jew. You have two sets of standards... If your fundamental religious belief system allows you to operate in such a way that you believe there isn't consequences to stealing from other people, killing other people, you know, raping, you know, kids that are under n years old, like, if you think those things are okay, then, you know, how are you going to operate?...

There was no rapes during October 7th. They've shown no rapes from October 7th, they showed no beheaded babies, all that was all bullshit... The Israeli articles that I saw recently said that that there was only two babies killed. One was shot by a bullet and the other one died in the hospital. There was no babies in ovens, there's no beheaded babies, all that was all bullshit...

They literally caught people raping Palestinian prisoners and there was riots. But the riots weren't because they were raping the prisoners, the riots were because they felt like they had the right to rape the fucking prisoners! That's why they almost had a fucking civil war, because they felt like they had the right to rape these prisoners!

They felt like that was okay because they weren't Jewish! So you know when you have a society that operates like that you're going to have fucking problems."
For the whole interview, go here.

The section cited above begins at the 43 minute mark.

In August 2024, during an interview with comedian, Dave Smith, Tucker Carlson said this:
"I think the vaccine's poison, I've thought that for a long time... Whatever you think of how toxic it is, it clearly doesn’t work an, so, why is it still on the schedule? And why doesn't anyone say that? I just feel like we're living in this moment where the most obvious things go totally ignored...

It's clear that getting the vax and getting the boosters is more likely to (get) COVID, I mean, the numbers seem to show that. I never got vaxxed, not to brag, I hate to, like, rub that in people's faces, because I'm obviously very proud of it. One of my greatest achievements.”

A survivor of the attack on USS Liberty (1967), Ron Grantski speaks about the 1967 Israeli attack on his ship!

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