On 3 June 2020, just as their 'pandemic' was revving up, Charlie popped up to do his eager bit for the Brave New World Order...
“We have a golden opportunity to seize SOMETHING GOOD FROM THIS CRISIS. Its unprecedented shockwaves may well MAKE PEOPLE MORE RECEPTIVE TO BIG VISIONS OF CHANGE, and global crises like PANDEMICS AND CLIMATE CHANGE KNOW NO BORDERS, and highlight just how INTERDEPENDENT (Tony Blair's favourite globalist buzz-word) we are as one people sharing one planet.Thus did Charlie offer us a glimpse of the monarch he might become fifteen months before his mother passed on and he got to be, according to his sponsors and a million long tons of unquestioning sheep, King Charles the Third.
Over the past month or so, despite the ongoing crisis, I’ve been encouraged to see the growing calls for a green recovery. As we move from rescue to recovery, therefore, we have a unique but rapidly shrinking WINDOWN OF OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN LESSONS and RESET OURSELVES on a more sustainable path.
IT IS AN OPPORTUNITY we have never had before and may never have again. So WE (the WEF, NWO, WHO, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Business, the banks and other elites) MUST USE ALL THE LEVERS WE HAVE AT OUR DISPOSAL, knowing that each and every one of us has a vital role to play... THINK BIG AND ACT NOW!...
I can only hope that as this current crisis passes, we are able to reflect on, and SHAPE, THE TYPE OF WORLD WE WANT for ourselves and for future generations.”
According to others, who pay more attention, f**king Chuck the Turd.
Uncannily accurate predictions from a wide-awake Canadian gentleman early on in the so-called 'pandemic.'
Crisis actors go COVID!
Senator Ron Johnson condemns the Biden administration and the FBI!
Member of US public on Biden's anti-American 'Nazi' speech...
Biden's Nazi speech...
"The monarchy was built on the backs of black and Brown people!"
"If a good job of being Queen is to represent white supremacy and to represent that link to colonialism, then, yeah, I think she's done a very good job!"
"Fuck the Queen! Today, the day before, tomorrow and beyond!"Etc. etc. etc.
This is what the criminals in Westminster have been beckoning in, entirely against the will of the British people, for over 70 years now.
Tony Benn - Ban on target!
So this is acceptable, is it?
It isn't? Well, it's what those you voted for have givin us. It's what those you voted for are ramming down our throats, and those of our children, as we speak! You know, just like they rammed all the wars and the mass immigration, political correctness, sub-Prime, the credit crunch, four years of EU limbo, Covid-19, masks, the Lockdowns, vaccines, the energy crisis, prices through the roof and recessions to die for upon us!
It's what the global elitists want, you see. Without disaster after disaster it would be hellish difficult for the powers-that-be to foist their 'great reset' upon us.
With the way things are now, it'll be a piece of cake.
If we don't rise up and get rid of the f***ers first, that is.
Piers Corbyn (brother of Jeremy) puts an opposing, non-New-World-Order, view of climate change!
If the NWO says it, it's probably a load of b***ocks - If someone who is prepared to risk their job, their social status, their wealth and freedom, just to get his point of view heard, says it, it probably isn't.
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