Thursday, 10 June 2021

Ivor Cummins statistical update - 6 June 2021

"This is all government data from Sweden and Ireland... So who got the science correct? We had Ferguson in Imperial College London, which is massively funded by Pharma and Pharma interests, predicting around 90 000 deaths for Sweden, with no real controls... What about Tegnal? He said he could be judged around this time of 2021... So what actually happened with no Lockdowns and no masks?... Here's the actual data from Professor Eyal Shahar...

First we look at the trend line over many many years in Sweden and we note that we must use October to September period... The trend is pretty steady... but 2019 is notably low and that would have left a lot of susceptible people to, sadly, be taken in the following flu season. So let's see what happened... Reality is down here plus around 364 per million... These kind of cancel out almost, so this is reality versus what Pharma told us would happen, and what was told to us, is what drove all of the lockdowns. And remember, Sweden did this with no real lockdowns, just normal WHO 2019 guidelines for pandemics, which were correct all along. And they also did this with no masks...

The only data you can ever use to judge pandemic impact... agrees entirely with Professor Michael Levitz' data from a Stanford team... You'll notice that many periods of 2021. the death rates were well below expected...

Sweden's second wave, that was much touted in the media, is actually very minor... their second wave was very small in excess death for all the 'case' hysteria you saw... Sweden also, politically and under international pressure, had to do mock lockdown-type interventions. It had to be done for appearances sake....

We'll finish with official (Irish) government death registrations and we'll notice that 2020 is no different really than prior years. So, remember, the 4,800 deaths from COVID... where are they? Because the actual CSO figures show NO EXCESS AT ALL... The COVID deaths make up a big chunk of the NORMAL EXISTING DEATHS that would be expected. So that's why there's no excess death because all of the 'with COVID' deaths are simply part of a death rate overall that, in its totality, is pretty much normal...

Sweden was correct... They used 2019 WHO pandemic guidelines at the summation of many decades of knowledge in this arena... I fully support the WHO 2019 pandemic guidelines, as did Sweden."
The source article for the Sweden data:

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