Tuesday 16 June 2020

Black-on-White Nastiness in the Time of #BlackLivesMatter!

15-year-old Alan Cartwright was murdered by Joshua Williams.

Andrew Young, who was autistic, died soon after being punched by Lewis Gill. 

Gill was jailed for just four years.

The youngster being stamped on (and robbed) above by the black mob is a 15-year-old girl.

Dean Mayley, who had a mental age of nine, was murdered by Jamal Jones.

The white guy seen above was just trying to protect his store.

Practice humility, folks!

Hillary Clinton says you should!

1 comment:

  1. If we white people think that being humble and taking the knee to these oxygen wasting sub humans will bring a halt to this war on us then we are sadly mistaken. These vermin understand only one thing and that is extreme violence.
