Monday 25 May 2020

You're meant to be a mindless machine!

As 40,000 former military personnel are homeless on America's streets and 20 commit suicide every day, Iraq war veteran, Vincent Emanuele, tells it as it actually is, not as the establishment would have him tell it: 
"The Marines took it upon themselves to shoot at, beat, rob, rape, kill whomever they wanted to. And that's being proposed on the news as like a few bad apples, an isolated incident... 
We pretend as though the military is like a jobs program, it's college benefits, you can learn job skills there... At essence, what the military is, of course, is an institution for death and destruction. 
So what you're talking is 17, 18, 19-year-old kids and you're putting them through 13 weeks of boot camp training, you're putting them through 8 weeks of school and infantry training, and after those 20 weeks of training, people are ready to kill. And you're ready to kill on command. And that's what you're meant to do, you're meant to be a mindless machine... You don't think for yourself... You're not a human being. You're a cog in a gigantic machine. And, for those who have power and wealth, of course, you're just another number. And for the generals you're just a body... 
People in the Middle East are referred to as sand niggers, hajis, camel jockeys, towel heads, barbarians, terrorists. Women - bitches, cunts. Women marines are referred to as WMs - walking matresses... Their fellow brothers are actually raping them while they're in the service, that's one in three... 
A million Iraqis dead, seven million Iraqis displaced... an entire generation lost... We've absolutely devastated that country... 500,000 dead women and children? Madeleine Albright on the 10 o'clock news, 'Yeah. It's worth it!'   
What was happening over there? We were killing people. I mean, we were killing innocent people... The marines took it upon themselves to shoot at, beat, rob, rape, kill whoever they wanted to... 
This, to me, is Western culture par excellence... We've robbed, beaten, raped and tortured people from Vietnam to South-East Asia, to South America, to Africa... We operate 900 to a thousand military bases worldwide and have overthrown democratically elected governments from Libya, to Iran to Chile and right now, as we speak, drones are killing civilians from Pakistan to Somalia. All in the name of American empire and all with American tax dollars. "
The rogue elites are at war with all of us. 

A constant diet of propaganda and misinformation, however, keeps the majority in check. Keeps us supine. Keeps the youth ever ready to kill and die for some great cause or other. When, in actual fact, they are, almost always, killing and dying for the billionaire bankers and businessmen who, aided by tame politician and bought media, devise the agenda well in advance of the horror they intend to inflict.

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