What the globalist politician said BEFORE the referendum (one he expected to win) and after it has proved to be very different.
Many of those who wish to remain in the European Union have, since the moment in June 2016 when 17.4 million Briton registered a desire to be done with that organisation, undergone a dramatic conversion from the categoric political positions they insisted, at the time, were written in stone. Before the referendum it was our decision, ours alone. Now, we're just a bunch of know-nothing fools who got it wrong.
Whatever motivates creatures like those illuminated in this video it is not a belief in democracy and the will of the people. It is not truth or right behaviour. What they and those who own them want is forever paramount, what we want, in normal circumstances, would be as nothing. But these circumstances and these times are not normal. The British people stood tall after their leaders told them their wishes would be respected.
They lied, our wishes were NOT respected and, for once, the storm clouds gathered apace.
They are at war with us, ladies and gentlemen, they always were. Now many of us, at long last, are determinedly sharpening pitchforks in our turn.
Politicians lie, ladies and gentlemen. Dishonesty is the default position.
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