"A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious but it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable...
The traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself...
He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.” (Cicero)
Thursday, 16 March 2017
PC normality: Little boys and girls slide down a giant penis!
The video ends with "All family values will likely be destroyed".
But surely it's far more extreme than that. Let's be a bit more specific: the calculated result of this multi-front attack on identity is to REDUCE THE WHITE POPULATION BY DISCOURAGING HEALTHY SELF-AWARENESS AND PROSPECTS OF NORMAL REPRODUCTION.
As the speaker said around 9m, but now in the Latin of the old laws against sodomy and so forth: it's CONTRA NATURAM.
iirc a whiff of this apparent madness was chronicled in volume 1 or 2 of Cecile Tormay's "An Outlaw's Diary" about Bela Kun and the 1918 Hungarian Revolution. Different time, same players.
Check out the plates in that book btw - conveniently assembled here: http://www.jrbooksonline.com/some_pics_from_cecile_tormay.htm
Note especially "The Jews call a meeting and decide to organise a Jewish Red regiment to fight for Bolshevism." Without that caption the photo is not terribly meaningful; and it may interest you to know that the original archive.org scan of the book omitted it.
This should all be obvious to any person of normal intelligence and awareness, but do you see any of it ever discussed in mainstream political forums? Go for example to http://www.ukipdaily.com and survey their articles. All the usual wishy-washy rubbish about tolerance and diversity and when a threat is fingered, it's always the Muslims (aka Non-Whites). Symptoms not causes. One might have been forgiven for thinking that UKIP would be looking to protect and expand its constituency now that in the public estimation its raison d'etre has disappeared post-Brexit, but not a sign of it. UKIP is finished and its members will steal off back to the other factions of the Money Party unless it adopts policies that identify it as representative of the majority population whose voice has been suppressed - and whose very existence will be ended unless opposing forces are forcibly resisted.
Hoping to see you exercising your influencing skills there and elsewhere in the 'mainstream'.
But who is the source of all this evil?
ReplyDeleteThe video ends with "All family values will likely be destroyed".
ReplyDeleteBut surely it's far more extreme than that. Let's be a bit more specific: the calculated result of this multi-front attack on identity is to REDUCE THE WHITE POPULATION BY DISCOURAGING HEALTHY SELF-AWARENESS AND PROSPECTS OF NORMAL REPRODUCTION.
As the speaker said around 9m, but now in the Latin of the old laws against sodomy and so forth: it's CONTRA NATURAM.
iirc a whiff of this apparent madness was chronicled in volume 1 or 2 of Cecile Tormay's "An Outlaw's Diary" about Bela Kun and the 1918 Hungarian Revolution. Different time, same players.
Check out the plates in that book btw - conveniently assembled here:
Note especially "The Jews call a meeting and decide to organise a Jewish Red regiment to fight for Bolshevism." Without that caption the photo is not terribly meaningful; and it may interest you to know that the original archive.org scan of the book omitted it.
This should all be obvious to any person of normal intelligence and awareness, but do you see any of it ever discussed in mainstream political forums? Go for example to http://www.ukipdaily.com and survey their articles. All the usual wishy-washy rubbish about tolerance and diversity and when a threat is fingered, it's always the Muslims (aka Non-Whites). Symptoms not causes. One might have been forgiven for thinking that UKIP would be looking to protect and expand its constituency now that in the public estimation its raison d'etre has disappeared post-Brexit, but not a sign of it. UKIP is finished and its members will steal off back to the other factions of the Money Party unless it adopts policies that identify it as representative of the majority population whose voice has been suppressed - and whose very existence will be ended unless opposing forces are forcibly resisted.
Hoping to see you exercising your influencing skills there and elsewhere in the 'mainstream'.