Tuesday, 18 August 2015

The true nature of Israeli criminality

Israeli historian, Ilan PappĂ© is Professor of Social Sciences and International Studies and Director of the European Centre for Palestine Studies at Exeter University. 

He is the author, most notably, of The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. In April 2015, he said these things during a Mondoweiss interview:
“The true nature of Israeli criminality was revealed as we entered the age of internet... 
There is a direct link between the century of Israeli atrocities against the Palestinians and the eruption of violence in the Middle East… The Shite-Sunni divisions, or the attacks of Christian and minorities are associated with the edifice built by the West, based on divide and rule, and incorporating the minorities in the colonialist, and post-colonialist, political structure. The epitome of this attitude was the unconditional support to Zionism at the expense of the Palestinians. So Palestinian suffering is the outcome of the original sin of the West after the first world war as are the other horrific scenes elsewhere in the Middle East… 
When the journalist spins a narrative of why (an) atrocity happened, they describe it as an Israeli retaliation against Palestinian violence. You would have liked journalists to understand by now that Israel does not retaliate against Palestinians and create unbearable situations for them in anticipation of some reaction to the oppression, be it a house demolition, arrest without trial, confiscation of land and more often than not, assassination. Violence for Israel is not a retaliatory means of responding to Palestinian resistance, no, it is the principal means by which the Zionist vision of having as much of Palestine as possible, with as few Palestinians in it as possible, has been implemented over the years… 
Palestine is a place where Jewish settlers rule over native Palestinians instead of living alongside them… 
The present Israeli regime declares clearly… that it represents the Jews wherever they are. So when this regime commits atrocities against the Palestinians, and Jews around the world do not challenge its claim to represent them, they are seen as supporting these atrocities. This line of thinking is totally absent from the Western media... 
Jews will have to say something… It will not be easy for the(m) to challenge this fabricated war mongering, it is produced by an ideological state, which is a nuclear power, a high tech empire and one that possess the strongest army in the Middle East. This is a dangerous situation when such a powerful state makes such accusations. If this hysteria is produced by a nutty professor in an Ivy league university this is one thing, but if it’s spread by people with access to a red button that can launch another bombardment of Gaza or even against Teheran, then we should be terrified by this scenario… 
Liberal Zionist(s)… are a very important part of the elite edifice. They are the ones who have provided the moral justification for the victimization of the Palestinians and their suffering. They are the ones who branded the Israeli atrocities as acts of self defense… (as Golda Meir said, we will never forgive the Palestinians for what they forced us to do to them). They are the ‘civilized’ ‘enlightened’ shield for the barbarism on the ground… 
Something interesting that happened in the last attack on Gaza was that liberal Zionists were willing to say, whatever Hamas is doing, what Israel is doing is not justified… They lost the verbal elasticity and juggling that enabled them to be both humanly concerned and Zionist patriots… They could not produce, as in the past, a text that explain how Israel is still a democracy given what it’s doing not only in Gaza, but given the way it treats the asylum seekers, given the racist legislation since 2000 and the brutality not only against the Palestinians, but against them themselves, the liberals… 
The structure that was suggested by the colonial power…  allowed Zionism to colonise and dispossess Palestine... We need to save the Palestinian from further destruction and for that we do not have the luxury to wait until we transform the Israeli Jewish mindset.”
Not just me and the 'anti-Semite' saying it any more, is it?

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