“We have minority communities in this country which come from backgrounds where corruption is endemic. It is something we as politicians have to wake to up to…Curiously truthful for a LiblabCon politician, don’t you think? Fair play, Dominic. He added:
I can see many of them have come because of the opportunities that they get. But they also come from societies from societies where they have been brought up to believe you can only get certain things through a favour culture. One of the things you have to make absolutely clear is that that is not the case and it’s not acceptable… It’s mainly the Pakistani community, not the Indian community."
“The EU has a great deal of creep about it. There is a tendency for it to widen its sphere into areas in which the treaties don’t require it to go… There is a lot of evidence throughout Europe that the electorates in many countries do not have much respect for EU institutions.”Again, closer to the mark than most would venture.
“The Human Rights Act has always been seen as being a rather imported foreign document… at the moment… rights are being used to bang the law-abiding over the head and force them to do things or accept things that they find irksome.”Yep.
“The population is going to grow whatever we do on the back of Labour’s open door migration policies… Some things politicians can’t change. They can’t change that we are a country of 62 million people living on a crowded island, that we are now ethnically very diverse, that we are interdependent with our European neighbours and will be whatever our final state in terms of the referendum debate.”That’s the society that the social engineers have constructed all right. That’s the globalised, immigrant-friendly world the powers-that-be forced upon us against our will.
What Dominic and, I’m sure, most of the inhabitants of the Palace of Westminster seem to be forgetting is this:
That which can be made, can be unmade.
On BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Tory MP, Andrew Stephenson, Chairman of the all-party group on Pakistan, subsequently said that there was a problem 'mainly driven by corrupt political activists on all sides'.
He added:
"There is, in parts of the Pakistani community, a favour culture. But also there are very strong family bonds. So if you allow an entire family to be registered on postal votes, where the head of the household can see how his wife and how his children are voting, they will instinctively almost want to vote in the same way as him because of the strong family bonds.We've all known this since New Labour introduced it. Some began exploiting 'the system' from day one. Such exploitation worked well for the mainstream political parties, particularly Labour. It continues to do so.
Unfortunately the postal voting system allows that to happen."
Which is why a desperately corrupt ruling class is reluctant to do anything about it.
The quotations cited above were taken from articles published at the links below:
Dominic Grieve: we're a changing nation, but I’m an optimist
Corruption rife in the Pakistani community, says minister
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