Monday, 22 September 2014

Rotherham: What they're saying in parliament now

On 2 September 2014, ‘Child Sex Abuse (Rotherham)was discussed in the House of Commons.

Home Secretary, Theresa May, introduced the debate thus:
“Professor Alexis Jay’s report into child sexual exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 is a terrible account of the appalling failures by Rotherham council, the police and other agencies to protect vulnerable children. What happened was a complete dereliction of duty.
The report makes for shocking reading: 1,400 children—on a conservative estimate—were sexually exploited, raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities, abducted, beaten and intimidated…
Many have also suffered the injustice of seeing their cries for help ignored and the perpetrators not yet brought to justice. There can be no excuse for that…

Failings by Rotherham council… have been identified. This includes the inadequate scrutiny by councillors, institutionalised political correctness, the covering up of information and the failure to take action against gross misconduct…

I am clear that cultural concerns, both the fear of being seen as racist and the disdainful attitude to some of our most vulnerable children, must never stand in the way of child protection.”
OK, so far.

For once a top politician appears to be on our side. However, she then said this:
“We know that child sexual exploitation happens in all communities.”
May used this excusatory meme on several occasions during the course of the debate.

Labour's Yvette Cooper, the Shadow Home Secretary, replied for the opposition:
“In Rotherham 1,400 children were groomed, raped and exploited; 1,400 lives were devastated by abuse. Criminals, rapists and traffickers have got away with it and may be harming other children now. The council, social services, the police—people supposed to protect our children—failed time and again to keep them safe.

Alexis Jay’s report is damning. It is never an excuse to turn a blind eye to evidence of children being abused. It is never an excuse that vulnerable girls may have consented to their own abuse. It is never an excuse to use race and ethnicity or community relations as an excuse not to investigate and punish sex offenders…

This is not just about Rotherham. If we look at Oxfordshire, Rochdale, the abuse by Savile ignored or covered up in the BBC and the health service, north Wales care homes, and allegations around Westminster and Whitehall, we see that this is about every town and city in the country. It is about every community. Time and again, it is the same problems: children not being listened to, victims treated as though they were responsible for the crimes committed against them, and institutions that just looked the other way.”
Again, it is encouraging to note such righteous outrage emanating from Westminster.

But New Labour did NOTHING during the thirteen years it was in office and NEXT TO NOTHING was ever said. This evil was happening throughout the long years of Blair/Brown governance. They knew it was happening and some at the very top will, amost certainly, have encouraged the Rotherham and other authorities to cover up these crimes.

Cooper’s words are welcome but her sentiments have NO provenance. Apart from Ann Cryer’s rather meek attempts at exposure, no British parliamntarian made any serious attempt to sort out Muslim paedophilia in our towns and cities before New Labour lost power in 2010.

However, the same people were entirely happy to prosecute Nick Griffin, the leader of the BNP, for trying to alert us to the problem back in 2004. Bear this in mind as you pore through the parliamentary testimony cited below:

Graham Stuart, Tory MP for Beverley and Holderness, said this:
“We have institutionalised racism, and we now appear to have problems arising from an institutionalised fear of accusations of racism, whether in education in Birmingham or in safeguarding in Rotherham and elsewhere.”
Sarah Champion, the current MP for Rotherham, (Lab), said this:
“I am angry that the people paid to take care of those children let them down so appallingly. I am angry that the abusers are still out on the streets. 
And I am most angry that at least 1,400 young people have not got the justice or the support that they deserve.”
And yet, Champion, like May, sought to deflect majority anger by pointing up the paedophilia of white, British men.

Champion is a 'Common Purpose' graduate. As is the witch queen of Rotherham, now conveniently retired, Joyce Thacker.

One wonders how many more CP types litter the social security services, the police forces and council chambers of our country. How many of our MPs have received training in 'how to lead' the British people, as opposed to 'how to serve' them.

John Healey, Labour MP for Wentworth and Dearne, said this:
“The scale and brutality of the sexual exploitation revealed in the Jay report have shocked and shamed our whole town. Does the Home Secretary agree that those who knew about that terrible abuse but did not do their job by protecting those children or prosecuting the offenders must now be called to account?”
Tim Loughton, Tory MP for East Worthing and Shoreham, said this:
“The scale of the revelations in Rotherham was truly shocking but, alas, came as little surprise to those of us who have been railing against institutionalised political correctness, as the Home Secretary put it, for so long.”
Kevin Barron, Labour MP for Rother Valley, said:
“Over a decade ago, I met one of the victims, Emma Jackson, and her parents. They were concerned about the inactivity of the investigation being carried out by South Yorkshire police into what I believed to be a horrendous crime. At that time, South Yorkshire police refused to meet me and the family together.”
Barry Sheerman, the Labour MP for Huddersfield who chaired the Commons Children, Schools and Families Committee between 2007 and 2010, said this:
“I feel very guilty about the revelations in Rotherham. I was Chair of the Select Committee on Children, Schools and Families, we had responsibilities across the board and not just in education, and early on in my chairmanship, we discovered in an inquiry into looked-after children that gangs up and down the country were systematically preying on young girls in care.

We knew about that and we did not do enough about it. Members of this House, many of us, knew what was going on. I had a debate in Westminster Hall in January 2009 on child prostitution and the gangs up and down the country who were taking girls away and trafficking them across the country.

A lot of us knew, but we did not work hard enough.”
A lot of them knew. And they did next to nothing. Any who knew and did as little as Sheerman did, or less, are traitors. Who disagrees?

David Davies, Conservative MP for Monmouth, said:
“Although nobody wants to say so, the reality is that the vast majority of men who have been involved in this have all come from one ethnic background—they are of Pakistani origin… A minority within that community have, frankly, a barbaric view towards women…

Does the Home Secretary accept that it is more than a coincidence that so many have come from this background, that we must be able to say so without fear of being branded a racist?”
To which Theresa May memed:
“Sexual exploitation of children takes place across all communities. We need to recognise that and not simply think that it is a problem for one particular community.”
Ann Coffey, Labour MP for Stockport, said:
“If we are to learn from what happened in Derby, Rotherham, Telford, Rochdale, Oxford and Stockport to prevent the horrific rape and sexual abuse by groups of men from happening to other children, we need to be better able to identify not only the children at risk, but the men who are likely to become perpetrators of this crime.”
Andrew Bridgen, Tory MP for North West Leicestershire, said:
“The vast majority of the perpetrators of these crimes are Pakistani, Muslim men, so is it any surprise to my right hon. Friend that they might feel emboldened to prey upon vulnerable people in the wider community when for too long a blind eye has been turned to their behaviour towards their own vulnerable young ladies, I am talking about female genital mutilation?”
To which Theresa May memed:
“We see child sexual exploitation across all communities.”
Andrew Robathan, Tory MP for South Leicestershire, said:
“The shadow Home Secretary talked about people turning a blind eye, suppressing and ignoring the report… Let me take my right hon. Friend back to the issue of the 2003 report presented to the Home Office… She needs to publish details of what happened in the Home Office in 2003 and who was responsible, and hold to account the officials, or indeed Ministers, who were responsible at the time.”
Glenda Jackson, Labour MP for Hampstead and Kilburn, said:
“This is not the first time this House and this country have been horrified at the revelations about our absolute failure as a nation to protect our children… This is a national, not exclusively a local, disgrace… This crosses all areas of government.”
Diane Abbott, Labour MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington, said
“I do not accept that political correctness alone is responsible for those girls being abused.”
She would say that, wouldn’t she? Abbott added:
“In the end, people at the top of the local state in Rotherham thought those girls were worthless… All the way back to Victoria Climbié (a black girl killed by her black guardians) and the Laming report there has been a concern that terrible things happen to children and the most senior people paid to protect them do not seem to pay any price and, worse, go on to other senior jobs.”
Nigel Adams, Conservative MP for Selby and Ainsty, said this:
“The industrial scale of the child sexual exploitation in Rotherham has cast a dark cloud over that part of south Yorkshire. The former Member for Rotherham (the jailbird, Denis Macshane) has said that he ‘could have done more,’ but as a ‘Guardian reading liberal lefty,’ to use his words, he did nothing.

That admission is bad enough, but Mr MacShane has also said that he thought there was a culture of not wanting to ‘rock the multicultural community.’ If Mr MacShane is to be believed, what does my right hon. Friend plan to do to ensure that turning a blind eye to such appalling crimes because of political correctness never happens again?”
Chris Evans, the Lab/Co-op MP for Islwyn said:
“Victims were not believed because they were not seen as significant enough, and that they were labelled as prostitutes although they were the victims of vile abuse.”
Mark Pawsey, the Conservative MP for Rugby, said:
“The Jay report identifies many serious management and procedural failures in Rotherham council, many of which went unchallenged for many years.”
Greg Mulholland, the Lib Dem MP for Leeds North West, said:
“This was a grotesque failure by the relevant authorities, but it was also a triumph for investigative journalism, so I pay particular tribute to Andrew Norfolk for his amazing work over the years in The Times.”
Mulholland, of course, does not congratulate those BNP and National Front members who were daring to speak out about these matters decades before Andrew Norfolk did so. This despite the accusations of racism and threats of prosecution from their PC, parliamentary and media betters.

Helen Jones, Labour MP for Warrington North, said:
“Among the many appalling things that happened in Rotherham, which have been replicated elsewhere, were the decisions by some councillors and officers to view themselves as there to protect the institution rather than people, and the blaming of vulnerable young girls for their own abuse. think it was in Rochdale where they were said to be making ‘lifestyle choices’…

As Members of Parliament we all have a responsibility for ensuring that these matters are being dealt with properly in our own areas.”
Duncan Hames, Lib Dem MP for Chippenham, said:
“Professor Jay’s report described the collective failures of political and officer leadership as blatant. The youth workers and front-line social workers who raised the alarm will be disgusted by the fact that their bosses who ignored them, some of them paid more than Ministers, escaped disciplinary action. How can we ensure that the reliance of council cabinet members on senior council staff does not lead to one rule for those at the top and one for everyone else?”
Jim Shannon, Democratic Unionist Party MP for Strangford, said this:
“Institutionalised child sexual abuse in Rotherham has disturbed us all greatly: 1,400 young boys and girls were violently abused. There has been institutionalised child sexual abuse across the United Kingdom, in particular in the 1970s at the Kincora boys’ home in Belfast. At that time, politicians, social services, police and shadowy groups were involved.”
Clive Betts, Labour MP for Sheffield South East, said:
“Professor Jay specifically mentioned in her report several independent investigations and inspections of Rotherham children’s services over the years, a number of which were carried out by Ofsted. Virtually all of them offered general reassurance about what was happening in children’s services, and prior to 2009 talked about improvements.”
John Hemming, Lib Dem MP for Birmingham, Yardley, said this:
“The Jay report confirmed that some girls who had been taken into care for their own protection actually received worse protection in care.”
Well, with this little lot supposedly up for a change in the PC climate of the times you'd think something might get done that was a tad beyond the cosmetic, wouldn't you?

I won't be holding my breath.

Short of revolution and traitorous heads a-rolling, I can't see the kinfolk of the Rotherham girls being rewarded with truth, beauty, justice and revenge any time soon.

1 comment:

  1. The simple answer is to observe the rule of Law.
    Apply the law equally to all without favour.
    If a sector of the community incites hatred or violence. then that sector should be punished even if it is a violent minority and it thinks that its religion and/or leader as been offended.
    I am just offended and put in fear of my life and society when I see placards being carried by people whose faces are hidden, be it men or women saying.
    "British Troops burn in hell" or "behead all those who insult Islam" and "implement Sharia Law in Britain".
    I could go on but I am only wasting my time, It is probably too late to change things. This violent minority of 3% of the UK's population now feel that they are untouchable by the British Legal System.
