Sunday, 10 August 2014

A daily struggle for human rights

On 22 July 2014, UN human rights commissioner, Navi Pillay, said this to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva:
‘There seems to be a strong possibility that international law has been violated, in a manner that could amount to war crimes… A number of incidents, along with the high number of civilian deaths, belies the claim that all necessary precautions are being taken to protect civilian lives.
For Palestinians in Gaza and in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, the current reality is not just one of repeated conflict but also one of protracted occupation, with insecurity and a constant daily struggle for human rights, in particular the right to self-determination.

In Gaza, the blockade and Access Restricted Areas continue to undermine the human rights of the population. In the West Bank, ever expanding illegal Israeli settlements; settler violence; demolitions of Palestinian homes; the Wall and its associated regime; excessive use of force; and large scale detentions of Palestinians are some of the ongoing, routine abuses and human rights violations committed against the occupied population.
A seven-year old Palestinian child in Gaza has never known life outside occupation and is already living through her or his third experience of a major Israeli military operation, including the so-called operations ‘Cast Lead’ in 2009 and ‘Pillar of Defence’ in 2012, with all the unimaginable death, destruction, terror and the life-long consequences that they inflicted.”
Labour the Lib Dems and the Cameronian Tories are all big on 'human rights,' aren't they? 

Particularly those of foreigners who don't behave as they should and fall foul of our justice system.

However, when it comes to the foreigner who happens to be minding his own business in his own back yard, human rights barely gets a look in.

Particularly when he falls foul of Zion.

Down 'mother-of-all-democracies' way, human rights only apply when the master says they do.

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