Friday, 11 July 2014

A Labour peer, magic tricks and dementia

On 9 July 2014, The Daily Mirror reported thus:
"A LABOUR peer facing more than 20 allegations of historical child abuse looks set to avoid prosecution after doctors said he was unfit to be quizzed because he has dementia. The member of the House of Lords will not be interviewed or arrested by police investigating the alleged sexual assaults, which include claims of rape, on vulnerable boys in children’s homes.

One man said he was aged seven when the politician visited his care home and entertained him and the other youngsters there with MAGIC TRICKS. The suspect, who was THE LOCAL MP AT THE TIME, then allegedly took him aside and sexually assaulted him.

His alleged victim claims he reported it to police but it was not properly investigated...

Officers have compiled a dossier of more than 20 complaints against the peer, who was previously accused of child abuse MORE THAN TWO DECADES AGO.

At the time, the serving MP agreed to be interviewed by police and a file was passed to the Director of Public Prosecutions, but no charges were ever brought. ANOTHER POLICE INVESTIGATIONS INTO SIMILAR ALLEGATIONS is ongoing and a file has been sent to the Crown Prosecution Service.

Sources confirmed the peer would not be questioned after two doctors examined him and concluded he was unfit.

A police spokesman said the decision was taken for 'operation reasons'...
Newly-released documents this week revealed disgraced paedophile MP Cyril Smith could have been prosecuted for a series of child sex crimes 12 years before he died aged 82 in 2010. 
The Crown Prosecution Service however decided against pressing charges because Lib Dem Smith had been told previously that no further action would be taken.
Rochdale MP Simon Danczuk wrote a book about Smith’s abuse. He said of the latest claims:
'This sounds similar to the Cyril Smith case in that there have been missed opportunities to prosecute.

From what I’ve been told, the detail of this case is extremely distressing and that’s why it’s so important that justice catches up with powerful politicians before it’s too late.
There are some politicians who want to slow down inquiries into abuse when actually we need to speed them up.
There is a race against time, as some of these perpetrators are quite elderly and could pass away before justice is done.'

Yesterday, an ex-police officer said he had found evidence more than two decades ago of a child abuse network involving public officials and clergy.
Terry Shutt, a former detective constable with the West Mercia force, recalled five ­suitcases of letters he found in a 1992 raid on the home of paedophile Peter Righton in Evesham, Worcs. Mr Shutt said:
'Among the documentation there was a definite link to establishment figures, including senior members of the clergy.'

He accused Scotland Yard of failing to follow up many important leads and said: 'For me there was a ­definite feel that this was bigger than we were looking at locally and it should have been investigated further.'
Social work expert Righton helped found the Paedophile Information Exchange, known as PIE, which campaigned to decriminalise sex with children....

Last night ex-civil servant Tim Hulbert insisted the vile PIE group was handed taxpayers’ cash by the Home Office, despite an official review finding there was no direct funding. He said he was told the public money was awarded on the orders of Special Branch."
So, if you're a serial rapist of small children you can get away with it if you have dementia?

Or, more precisely, if a couple of doctors claim you have dementia? I wonder if the legal teams of Rolf Harris and Stuart Hall mentioned this fact to them? I wonder if a lot of old perverts will be using the dementia excuse from this point on? If it's discovered that some of these gents actually took part in child murder, will this affect their untouchable status?

I don't much like the idea of a select few being able to get away with any kind of criminality, let alone the most heinous. But there are some like that, aren't there? And they're always your top table types. 'We can do whatever we like and there's nothing you can do about it!'

Well, maybe. But some of us, at least, can, despite headlines like this in The Guardian, Social media users warned against falsely calling politicians paedophiles, have a go at pointing out who one of the untouchables might be.

Baron Greville Janner of Braunstone was the Labour MP for Leicester West when he was accused of paedophilia and interviewed by the police 'more than two decades ago.'

He is currently the subject of 'another police investigation into similar allegations.'

As regards 'the politician' who 'visited his care home and entertained him... with magic tricks,' well, Lord Janner is a member of the Magic Circle and the International Brotherhood of Magicians.

As for the alleged dementia, one could be forgiven for asking why Lord Janner is still the Chairman of Westminster's All-Party Britain-Israel Group and President of the All-Party Parliamentary Group against Anti-Semitism if the contents of his cranium are so full of holes? Do such august roles not require maximum clarity of thought? Are Westminster's finest no longer as predatory as they were? Would they be willing to allow some senile old duffer to linger on in two such influential positions just because they were fond of him?

Doesn't sound much like the occupants of the Westminster village to me.

Janner, who was the President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews from 1978 to 1984, is still the Vice-President of both the World Jewish Congress and the Jewish Leadership Council. He was also the founder of the Commonwealth Jewish Council and is still its President.

He is also the Chairman of the Holocaust Educational Trust and, until recently, was THE top go-to bloke if you wanted to screw an extra million or ten out of some reluctant government and or big business who were proving tardy in dishing out the bonuses to a bewildering number of omnipresent Holocaust 'survivors.'

Lot of responsibility there, I'd say. Especially for someone's who's demented.

Perhaps his doctors might want to suggest that the overworked old silly billy take it easy for a bit. You know, to give the rest of us a chance to think of him as something other than a mega-powerful Pharisee with his fingers in an embarrassing number of world Jewry's upper crust pies.

It's Baron Braunstone's eighty-sixth birthday today. (11 July) Looks like he got the present he was after two days early.

Patricia Hewitt was, as General Secretary of the National Council for Civil Liberties, one of the key enablers of the Paedophile Information exchange who rose to the top of the Labour Party, becoming Tony Blair's Trade and Industry and, later, Health Secretary. (Harriet Harman and her husband, Jack Dromey, were the others)

When Greville Janner retired as an MP in 1997, Hewitt took his place as MP for Leicester West.

For more info on the suspicions that caused Janner to be interviewed by the police in the early nineties, check out Child Abuse: Lord Janner's home searched.

I wonder what Janner's daughter, Laura, thinks of her dear old dad?

She's an ordained Rabbi.

P.S. Several passages in the Talmud suggest that sex with minors is acceptable. For proof of this, take a look at Sanhedrin 54b, 55a and 69b.

And then, just when you were thinking the anti-Semite was done for the day, in Australia:

Senior orthodox Jewish leaders face cover-up inquiry over child sex abuse!

They are at war with us, folks.

They really are.

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