Wednesday, 23 July 2014


You will certainly be aware that, in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo and kosher grocery killings, the 'Je suis Juif' crowd have been extremely active.

Fortuitously, the All Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Anti-Semitism was published within weeks of these events. Prior to its publication AND the Paris murders, John Mann, MP, Chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group against anti-Semitism and Chair of the committee that produced the report, was already hard at work preparing the ground for more free-speech-denying legislation. Indeed, on 9 December 2014, he introduced a debate in the Commons on Anti-Semitism.

The All-Party Parliamentary Group against Anti-Semitism had previously commissioned an All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Anti-Semitism in 2005. The inquiry panel, chaired by former Europe Minister, soon-to-be-a-jailbird Denis MacShane, published a report of their findings in September 2006.

Over last few weeks I've been preparing a rebuttal to the anti-Semitism gang. The first two sections are rather long and I doubt that many will manage to get through all four. However, seeded within each of these are a good few opinion polls. As I will be presenting these essays to various parliamentarians (including some of the report's authors) via Twitter in the not to distant future, it would help me greatly if the polls demonstrate a substantial backing for facts and comparatively little for propaganda and the would-be censors. Thus, if you could register a preference in these I'd be grateful.

There's a great deal of information that the patriot can utilise within these essays. Here's a verifiable stat: despite all the hot air and oh-poor-us rhetoric, a Jewish person is 88 TIMES LESS LIKELY TO SUFFER VIOLENCE than a non-Jewish person in the UK!

Two more stats: The terms 'anti-Semitic,' 'anti-Semite,' 'anti-Semitism' and 'Holocaust' are mentioned 763 times within the anti-Semitism report. The phrase 'social media' is also utilised (in a negative sense) NO LESS THAN 68 TIMES!

This set of essays are not the best I've ever written but they may be the most important. The establishment IS building up to a major, perhaps the ultimate, assault on our ability to speak out and inform our kinfolk. If we can unnerve the Anti-Semitism Gang (and impress those who are less in awe of Zion's power) by demonstrating the extent of our awareness and anger, self-preservation may cause their anti-British activism to be more circumspect in future.

There are opinion polls embedded in each of the four sections, please complete them, it won't take long.


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